Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"The Galactic Barrier" is the 52nd episode of Discovery, in the show's 4th season, released on Paramount+ in North America on 24 February 2022.


Captain Burnham and her crew must go where few have gone before: beyond the galactic barrier. Meanwhile, Book learns the truth of what drives Ruon Tarka.



Arav • Cleveland Booker • R.A. Bryce • Michael Burnham • Christopher (Lieutenant) • Hugh Culber • Keyla Detmer • Hirai • Kovich • Linus • Ndoye • Nilsson • Oros • Joann Owosekun • Gen Rhys • Laira Rillak • Saru • Paul Stamets • Adira Tal • Ruon Tarka • T'Rina • Charles Vance • Zora (artificial intelligence)
Referenced only
Gabrielle Burnham • J'Vini • Gray Tal

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Discovery (Crossfield-class science vessel) • Booker's ship


galactic barrier (the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants)
Referenced only
Astoria • Earth (Hawaii • Pacific Crest Trail) • Luna • Ni'Var • Pijar • Titan (moon) • Zermatt

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Cardassian • Human • Kelpien • Kwejian • Orion • Oros' species • Osnullus • Risian • Saurian • Vulcan
Referenced only
Species 10-C

Other references[]

astrolinguistics • Dark Matter Anomaly • Emerald Chain • Kayalise • programmable antimatter • semiotics • xenophonology



Star Trek: Discovery episodes Series title image.
season 1 chapter 1 "The Vulcan Hello" • "Battle at the Binary Stars" • "Context Is for Kings" • "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry" • "Choose Your Pain" • "Lethe" • "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad" • "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" • "Into the Forest I Go"
chapter 2 "Despite Yourself" • "The Wolf Inside" • "Vaulting Ambition" • "What's Past Is Prologue" • "The War Without, The War Within" • "Will You Take My Hand?"
season 2 "Brother" • "New Eden" • "Point of Light" • "An Obol for Charon" • "Saints of Imperfection" • "The Sound of Thunder" • "Light and Shadows" • "If Memory Serves" • "Project Daedalus" • "The Red Angel" • "Perpetual Infinity" • "Through the Valley of Shadows" • "Such Sweet Sorrow"
season 3 "That Hope Is You, Part 1" • "Far From Home" • "People of Earth" • "Forget Me Not" • "Die Trying" • "Scavengers" • "Unification III" • "The Sanctuary" • "Terra Firma" • "Su'Kal" • "There Is A Tide..." • "That Hope Is You, Part 2"
season 4 "Kobayashi Maru" • "Anomaly" • "Choose to Live" • "All Is Possible" • "The Examples" • "Stormy Weather" • "...But to Connect" • "All In" • "Rubicon" ��� "The Galactic Barrier" • "Rosetta" • "Species Ten-C" • "Coming Home"
season 5 "Red Directive" • "Under the Twin Moons" • "Jinaal" • "Face the Strange" • "Mirrors" • "Whistlespeak" • "Erigah" • "Labyrinths" • "Lagrange Point" • "Life, Itself"


published order
Previous episode:
Discovery episode produced Next episode:
Previous episode:
Discovery episode aired Next episode:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:

External link[]
