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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"Light and Shadows" is the 22nd episode of Star Trek: Discovery, the 7th episode of the show's second season, released on CBS All Access on 28 February 2019.

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Burnham goes to Vulcan in search of Spock, where she unearths surprising family secrets. In researching what is left of the Red Angel's signal over Kaminar, Pike and Tyler end up in battle with time itself. Georgiou has a few tricks up her sleeve for Leland and Section 31.


Log entries[]

  • Personal log, Commander Michael Burnham.
    My mother taught me the greatest mysteries come in threes. Birth, life, death. The past, the present, and future. That's where the Red Angel is from. We now have confirmation, thanks to Mr. Saru. The Angel is humanoid and wearing an exosuit made of future technology we've never seen. But whose future, and why? The only person who may be able to answer these questions is the one person nobody can find.



AiriamAravR.A. BryceMichael BurnhamKeyla DetmerPhilippa GeorgiouAmanda GraysonLelandJoann OwosekunChristopher PikeGen RhysSarekSaruSpockPaul StametsSylvia TillyAsh TylerUSS Discovery computer
Referenced only
Katrina CornwellHarry Mudd

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Discovery (Crossfield-class) • NCIA-93



Races and cultures[]


States and organizations[]

United Federation of PlanetsStarfleet

Ranks and titles[]


Other references[]

First Doctrines of LogicL'tak TeraiRed Angeltokmar


2250s decade (2250s chronology, Discovery voyages)
Christopher Pike continues his investigation aboard USS Discovery, his new command.




Star Trek: Discovery episodes Series title image.
season 1 chapter 1 "The Vulcan Hello" • "Battle at the Binary Stars" • "Context Is for Kings" • "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry" • "Choose Your Pain" • "Lethe" • "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad" • "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" • "Into the Forest I Go"
chapter 2 "Despite Yourself" • "The Wolf Inside" • "Vaulting Ambition" • "What's Past Is Prologue" • "The War Without, The War Within" • "Will You Take My Hand?"
season 2 "Brother" • "New Eden" • "Point of Light" • "An Obol for Charon" • "Saints of Imperfection" • "The Sound of Thunder" • "Light and Shadows" • "If Memory Serves" • "Project Daedalus" • "The Red Angel" • "Perpetual Infinity" • "Through the Valley of Shadows" • "Such Sweet Sorrow"
season 3 "That Hope Is You, Part 1" • "Far From Home" • "People of Earth" • "Forget Me Not" • "Die Trying" • "Scavengers" • "Unification III" • "The Sanctuary" • "Terra Firma" • "Su'Kal" • "There Is A Tide..." • "That Hope Is You, Part 2"
season 4 "Kobayashi Maru" • "Anomaly" • "Choose to Live" • "All Is Possible" • "The Examples" • "Stormy Weather" • "...But to Connect" • "All In" • "Rubicon" • "The Galactic Barrier" • "Rosetta" • "Species Ten-C" • "Coming Home"
season 5 "Red Directive" • "Under the Twin Moons" • "Jinaal" • "Face the Strange" • "Mirrors" • "Whistlespeak" • "Erigah" • "Labyrinths" • "Lagrange Point" • "Life, Itself"

External link[]
