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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Kelpiens were a sapient humanoid civilization native to the planet Kaminar, somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant.

History and specifics[]


Kelpiens were tall, lanky humanoids. They possessed a threat ganglia which allowed them to instinctively sense danger. The ganglia only emerged when a threat was imminent. When adult Kelpiens underwent the process of vahar'ai, the ganglia would wither and fall off, and the Kelpien would lose their innate sense of fear. Also, a new organ would arise in the same space that the threat ganglia had been located. This new organ would give the Kelpien the ability to fire spikes at enemies, when threatened.

Kelpiens had better eyesight than Humans. (DSC episode: "The Sound of Thunder") They were also physically stronger than average humanoids. (DSC episode: "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum")


In their distant past, Kelpiens were vicious and warlike, and greatly outnumbered Kaminar's other major sentient species, the Ba'ul. The Ba'ul were almost driven to extinction until they used their advanced technology to make the Kelpiens their prey. The Ba'ul exterminated the remaining adult Kelpiens (the ones who had undergone vahar'ai) and established the Great Balance, under which any Kelpien showing symptoms of vahar'ai would present themselves for ritual sacrifice.

In 2239, Federation Starfleet officers from the USS Archimedes rescued Saru from Kaminar when the Archimedes answered his distress call. Saru was the first of his species to join Starfleet. (DSC novel: Desperate Hours; DSC episode: "The Sounds of Thunder"; Short Treks episode: "The Brightest Star")

This system continued until Saru, a Starfleet officer who had undergone vahar'ai (and, to his astonishment, survived) returned to Kaminar to free his people. Saru used Ba'ul technology to send a signal across all of Kaminar, which caused every member of the Kelpien species to undergo vahar'ai. (DSC episode: "The Sound of Thunder")

By the 2380s decade, Saru was no longer the only Kelpien to have served in Starfleet. Kono served as a security officer aboard USS Titan in 2386. (PIC novel: The Dark Veil)

Kaminar joined the Federation before the 31st century, and it was not unknown for people to encounter Kelpiens in the galaxy. After The Burn, Kaminar was too far afield to maintain contact with the Federation. In 3189, after meeting Saru for the first time, Admiral Charles Vance stated it had been some time since he had last seen a Kelpien. (DSC episode: "Die Trying")

The Kelpiens and the Ba'ul had made peace with one another. They became Federation members as the Kelpien and Ba'ul Alliance and were led by a High Council. Kelpien research vessels were based on Ba'ul starship design, like the 23rd century Ba'ul sentry vessel. (DSC episodes: "Su'Kal", "Kobayashi Maru")


Kelpien society revolved upon their place in the Great Balance of Kaminar as they believed that as ordained by the Watchful Eye it was necessary for Kelpiens to die in order to preserve harmony on their world. Due to their short lives Kelpiens were communal beings, and revered their elders, sitting around the fire to hear stories,

It was tradition that after they had suffered a great tragedy, Kelpien families would name the next child Su'Kal, which translates as "beloved gift". The child represents the end of suffering. After the Kelpiens and Ba'ul learned to live in peace, the Watchful Eye was no longer associated as one of fear but of protection becoming the All-Seeing Eye. (DSC episode: "Su'Kal")

Kelpiens enjoyed drinking tea. Their brew was palatable to Humans. (DSC episode: "The Sounds of Thunder")

Known Kelpiens[]



ST video game: Timelines

External links[]
