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"Mastery of the Sling Rings is essential to the Mystic Arts."
Karl Mordo[src]

A Sling Ring is a small two-finger mystical ring with the ability to create an Inter-Dimensional Portal to another location or even a different dimension.


Retrieving the Dark Scepter[]

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Theft of the Book of Cagliostro[]

Doctor Strange 33

The Ancient One leaving the Mirror Dimension

After the Ancient One killed several of the Zealots in the Mirror Dimension, Kaecilius used his Sling Ring to open a portal to flee to a park-like area. The portal closed before the Ancient One could follow. She used her own Sling Ring to travel back to the real world.[4]

Doctor Strange's Sling Ring[]

Stephen Strange's Training[]

Doctor Strange Stills 05

Karl Mordo training Doctor Strange on the use of the Sling Ring

At first, Doctor Strange found it difficult to use the mystic device, able to only generate orange sparks where his peers were able to summon full portals. As "encouragement", the Ancient One used her Sling Ring to transport Strange to Mount Everest and left him there with his Sling Ring. Strange managed to use his Sling Ring to get back to the Kamar-Taj before he froze to death.[4]

Battle at the New York Sanctum[]

Kaecilius and the Zealots used Sling Rings to travel to the New York Sanctum. When Strange managed to trap Kaecilius in the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, the Zealot noticed that the amateur sorcerer had lost his Sling Ring, distracting Strange long enough for Lucian Aster to stab Strange.

DS Hospital Portal

Doctor Strange returning to the New York Sanctum

Doctor Strange used Kaecilius' Sling Ring to open a portal to Metro-General Hospital in search of Christine Palmer to fix his wound from Aster's attack. In his haste to seek help, he accidentally left the portal open, allowing the Zealots' Astral Form to follow.

After being saved by Palmer and dueling Aster, Strange led Palmer to the janitor's closet where he showed her the opened portal; after stepping through back to the New York Sanctum, Strange used the Sling Ring to close the portal.[4]

Battle at the Mirror Dimension[]


Doctor Strange discusses stealing the Ring

"I got his Sling Ring. I mean, they can't escape, right?"
"Run! Their connection to the Dark Dimension makes them more powerful in the Mirror Dimension."
Doctor Strange and Karl Mordo[src]

During the Battle of the Mirror Dimension, Doctor Strange and Karl Mordo had tried desperately to use his Sling Ring to escape the dimension, only for the Zealots to warp the world around the portal, causing Strange to lose his focus and destroy the portal. The Ancient One used her Sling Ring to enter the alternate reality to duel Kaecilius. Kaecilius let his Zealots attack her before stabbing her and using his own recovered Sling Ring to push her hundreds of stories to the mortal ground below. The sorcerers used their Sling Rings to escape the Mirror Dimension after the battle.[4]

Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum[]

Kaecilius and the remaining Zealots used their Sling Rings to travel to the final Sanctum Sanctorum and destroy it. Doctor Strange and Karl Mordo used their own Sling Rings to travel to the same area. After the battle, Mordo left the Masters of the Mystic Arts and took his Sling Ring with him. Wong and Strange presumably used their Sling Ring to return to Kamar-Taj.[4]

Finding Odin[]


Loki is sent away to an unknown dimension

"What's this? What are you doing?"
"This isn't me."
Thor and Loki[src]

In 2017, after discovering that Thor and Loki had arrived on Earth, Doctor Strange used his Sling Ring to open an Inter-Dimensional Portal in order to transport Loki away. After Thor arrived at the New York Sanctum, Strange used a strand of Thor's hair to create a spell, which he used in conjunction with his Sling Ring to create a portal to Norway, where Odin was located. Strange then used his Ring to open another portal, causing Loki to land in Sanctum before sending the two through the portal to Norway.[5]

Infinity War[]

Attack on Greenwich Village[]

Upon hearing Bruce Banner's warning of Thanos' arrival, Doctor Strange used his Sling Ring to find Tony Stark and bring him in the New York Sanctum. Later, during the fight against Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian, Strange used his Ring to transport Banner to safety upon seeing that he could not turn into the Hulk.

Doctor Strange Wong counter attack

Doctor Strange and Wong fight Ebony Maw

Wong and Strange both used their Sling Rings to redirect Maw's projectile attacks, injuring the alien in the process. Wong used his Sling Ring again to save Stark from being defeated by Obsidian as well as severing the giant's arm in an attempt to trap him. Upon discovering that Strange was abducted, Wong used his Sling Ring to return to the New York Sanctum to protect it in Strange's absence.[6]

Battle of Titan[]
Spider-Man vs

Spider-Man attacks Thanos


As Thanos arrived on Titan, Doctor Strange used his Sling Ring to assist Star-Lord in planting a bomb on Thanos' back, then again to assist Spider-Man in attacking the Titan, but the latter two were subdued in the process. Once the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers were able to successfully hold Thanos, Strange used his Sling Ring to transport Mantis on top of the Titan's head to hypnotize him. However, this assault became compromised once Star-Lord found out about Gamora's demise. Once Thanos was able to complete the Infinity Gauntlet, he used it to eradicate half of all life in the universe. Doctor Strange was among the unlucky half to vanish, and his Sling Ring vanished with him.[6]


Battle of Earth[]

Avengers and other heroes arrive to battle

"Doctor Strange was there, right? and he was like 'It's been five years, come on, they need us.' And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing he does all the time."
Spider-Man to Iron Man[src]

In 2023, following the Blip, the Masters of the Mystic Arts used their Sling Rings to summon portals transporting the restored Avengers and their would-be allies to the ruins of the Avengers Compound in order to participate in the battle against an alternate Thanos and his army.[7]

Spider-Man Multiversal Crisis[]

Battle for the Macchina di Kadavus[]
"I just had a fight with Doctor Strange and I totally won!"
"Look, and I stole his ring thing."
Spider-Man and Ned Leeds[src]

In November 2024, Doctor Strange brought Peter Parker into the Mirror Dimension in order to retrieve the Macchina di Kadavus from him. He used his Sling Ring to transport them throughout the Dimension eventually landing in Arizona by the Grand Canyon. However, Parker used his Synthetic Webbing to tie Strange up, take the Macchina di Kadavus, and take Strange's Sling Ring to open an Inter-Dimensional Portal to escape.[1]

Used by Ned Leeds[]
"What's the thing on his hand?"
Amazing Spider-Man to Michelle Jones[src]

Peter Parker returned to the New York Sanctum and gave Ned Leeds the Sling Ring for safekeeping. While waiting at Leeds' house, he and Michelle Jones were figuring out how to find Parker after he had gone silent. While waving his hands in the air, Leeds accidentally created a spark from the Sling Ring. Jones saw this and told Leeds to do the waving again, in which he did, successfully opening an Inter-Dimensional Portal. When they looked through the portal, they saw who they believed was Parker, but turned out to be a variant of him. Confused at first, they decided to open another portal and found another variant of Parker. The two variants were confused at first, but ultimately made their acquaintances.[1]

Battle at Liberty Island[]

Leeds continued to use the Sling Ring. However, due to his lack of training, Leeds was unable to close another interdimensional portal made at the Statue of Liberty, nor was he able to create any other useful spells. The portal remained on the scaffolding surrounding the monument, and it created a disadvantages for the three Parkers during the battle. Doctor Strange eventually escaped the Mirror Dimension through Leeds' portal, and his Sling Ring was returned.[1]

Scarlet Witch's Multiversal Madness[]

Chase of America Chavez[]

When America Chavez was under pursuit by the Scarlet Witch, she encountered variants of Doctor Strange, each who had their own Sling Rings. Upon being saved from Gargantos by the Doctor Strange of Earth-616, Chavez recognized his Sling Ring and took it. Sling Rings were used by students in Kamar-Taj upon Strange's arrival later on. However, when transforming Kamar-Taj into a battleground, lessons of Sling Ring usage were halted from being taught in favor of defending the compound from Wanda Maximoff.[2]


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Wong's Sling Ring[]

Fighting Practice[]

Wong used his Sling Ring while fighting with Emil Blonsky when the latter was in his Abomination form. Wong would summon portals to challenge Abomination, confusing the being. This resulted in Wong giving feedback to Blonsky after the battle ended. The fights were recorded on the Dark Web, and viewers admired and betted on Wong due to his use of the Sling Ring.[8]

Recruiting Shang-Chi[]

Wong also used his Sling Ring to summon a portal in San Francisco when recruiting Shang-Chi and Katy Chen. The recruitment involved a meeting with Captain Marvel and Bruce Banner, with the topic being the origin of Shang-Chi's bracelets.[8]

Leaving New York[]

Due to his duties as Sorcerer Supreme, Wong had to make outings from the New York Sanctum. One of these times was during a freak accident, in which one of the Rotunda of Gateways was left open. Wong, in his winter jacket and carrying luggage, used his Sling Ring to leave the frozen building to attend to other affairs in Kamar-Taj.[1]

Scarlet Witch's Multiversal Madness[]

Attack in New York City[]

When Gargantos was invading New York, Wong had used a Sling Ring to portal to the scene upon being notified of the threat. When Doctor Strange's Sling Ring was stolen by America Chavez, Wong used his to find the girl and retrieve it.[2]

Journey to Mount Wundagore[]

Forced by Maximoff, Wong attempted to use his Sling Ring to summon a portal to the top of Mount Wundagore, where legend spoke of a carved copy of the Darkhold. However, the dark magic emanating from the peak prevented Wong from using his Sling Ring past its base, resulting in Maximoff using her dark magic to levitate them to the top instead.[2]

Emil Blonsky's Parole Hearing[]

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Donny Blaze's Predicament[]

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Freeing Emil Blonsky[]

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Doctor Strange's Second Sling Ring[]

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Donny Blaze's Sling Ring[]

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Alternate Reality Versions[]

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"It allows us to travel throughout the Multiverse. All you have to do is focus. Visualize. See the destination in your mind. Look beyond the world in front of you."
Karl Mordo to Doctor Strange[src]

Sling Rings are used by the Masters of the Mystic Arts to facilitate long-distance travel where a temporary portal is desired. Sling Rings are worn on the second and third digits of the left hand when conjuring a portal, and this is achieved by the wearer tracing their right hand in an anticlockwise circular pattern while focusing on a destination beyond the space directly front of them. Most of the time they are simply carried until needed, typically somewhere on a user's belt. Each ring is uniquely crafted for its wearer.

Alternate Versions[]

Origin Status Creators Owners Users
Avengers: Damage Control Destroyed - Masters of the Mystic Arts Stephen Strange
Corrupted Doctor Strange Destroyed - Masters of the Mystic Arts Stephen Strange
Stephen Strange
Zombie Outbreak Inactive - Masters of the Mystic Arts Stephen Strange
Runaway Hela Active - Masters of the Mystic Arts Wong
Infinity Stone Sling Ring Inactive - Stephen Strange
Cassandra Nova
Stephen Strange
Cassandra Nova
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Active - Stephen Strange Stephen Strange
Doctor Strange Mangas Active - Masters of the Mystic Arts Wong


Appearances for Sling Ring


Behind the Scenes[]

  • While most of the magic and artifacts in Doctor Strange are taken straight from the comics, the Sling Ring is an original item created specifically for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Director Scott Derrickson explained, "The gateways, the forming of the gateways that are used for that, that's straight out of the comics. I just needed an object for them to carry it on."[9]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Sling Ring.