Krystal's Reviews > Angel Mage

Angel Mage by Garth Nix
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I'd just like to begin with ...


and then follow that up with ...


Everything about this book made me so mad and I don't even know how to properly express my rage. Buckle up, kids, it's going to be a bumpy rant.

Firstly, are we all aware by now that my favourite book of all time is The Three Musketeers? That's vital information. Here's an excerpt from my review of The Vicomte de Bragelonne to give you an idea of my obsession:

The Musketeers are officially my bros, and when I read about them I imagine them as friends, which means I feel their experiences that much more significantly. I laugh out loud, I grin, I gasp, I tear up, I bite my lip and I'm pretty sure if I had a moustache I would twist it. This series gives me a very serious case of feelings.

Naturally, this Musketeer obsession leads me to read anything I get my hands on that's even closely related, and this book here is even dedicated to Dumas and the '73 and '74 films inspired by The Three Musketeers (TTM).

So here's the set up: Set in a world that slightly mirrors historic France, angels are controlled by people and basically used as slaves. Lilliath is a psychopath who did something bad, went to sleep for 137 years or so and now she's awake to finish what she started. Somehow her goal is tied to the fates of four random individuals: Henri, Simeon, Agnez and Dorotea, and there is a high chance I'm spelling all of these names wrong because they're stupid variations of normal names and I'm too damn lazy to check the spelling.

Things I hated:
-The names
-The over-attempt to make this a feminist novel
-Angels being no more than slaves
-Extensive world-building that was mostly confusing
-The story was kind of bland and also confusing
-Random awkward sexual tension
-Issues like racism barely addressed
-THIS DID NOT EVEN COME CLOSE TO THE THREE MUSKETEERS. All it did was steal a handful of characters, make them female, and then completely corrupt their essence.

Here's an example:

Rochefort. In TTM, he is d'Artagnan's nemesis. They get into it, and they're both skilled fighters, but Rochefort is totally ruthless and cunning and spends the novel doing the Cardinal's dirty work. He's a very clear villain.
In this novel, the female Rochefort is the general of the female Cardinal and definitely does her dirty work, but she spends most of this novel being 'poor misunderstood me' and mooning over Dorotea. We are told she's a skilled fighter but this book is more interested in her trying to get into Dorotea's pants.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Firstly, the original names are ridiculous. They just didn't suit and I got them pretty mixed up because they weren't really memorable for a while. I mean who even is Henri? What did he do? Why was he here? Then you've got all the characters lifted from TTM. They're ALL female, now, too. The Cardinal, Rochefort, d'Artagnan. Milady. I think our four friends are somehow supposed to represent the original four musketeers but there are no similarities AT ALL, other than Agnez being a hothead. The angels all blend together and they are in and out of the story so fast they're not worth caring about anyway. Then the place names just made me cringe. Dumas's d'Artagnan was a Gascon; these 'musketeers' are 'Bascons' (so creative). It was such a bastard mix of 'inspired by' TTM and blatantly stolen. Everything that made me love the characters of TTM was completely absent here.

Feminism etc
Look I am all for feminism but this novel was trying way too hard. And not just with feminism. There's a scene where they all get naked together because no one cares about nudity, and the book has more emphasis on same sex couples than hetero. We got told what colour skin everyone has (and it's normally a shade of brown) and all of the best warriors and most powerful characters are women. Representation is great and all, but this just feels cheap. It's like it's going out of it's way to tell you how accepting and open-minded it is, but there's way too much emphasis on it for it to seem normal. I love badass female characters, but there was just no logic to it. It took equality and ran the other way with it, so that the men in this story are soft characters being manipulated by women. Meanwhile there's the 'refusers' who are this book's version of slaves, and it doesn't discuss this issue nearly enough. Points for trying, buddy, but delivery of the themes in this novel would be a D minus.

The Angels
Speaking of barely-addressed slavery, the angels in this book are RUBBISH. There are different tiers of power (thank god for the guide at the front because when they started talking about Thrones I was totally confused) but even the all-powerful archangels are slaves to humans? There are also so many of them that it was pointless keeping track of them all. They might as well have been little fairies or sprites or something. Because they are WEAK. This was such an incredibly disappointing aspect of the story.

World Building vs Story
The problem is, he spent so much time building the world that there just wasn't enough time for a decent story. It was thin and pathetic and really confusing, and there was no real drive to the action. The connection between the four is tenuous and there doesn't seem to be a lot of point to anything. The world-building is extensive, but there is so much of it that it just gets tedious. Throw in that ending and this is basically a pointless, disappointing book.

Look, this is a book that tries so hard to be so many things that it ends up being a mess. It shares some similarities with The Three Musketeers, but it wants to be its own story, too, so it just ends up being a confusing mix of familiar things and completely unrelated magic. There's no real emotion to it anywhere, and the characters don't have any real redeeming qualities. While TTM was based heavily on friendship, loyalty and daring, these 'friends' are a newly formed group, they bicker, they're greedy and ill-mannered and generally don't have strong redeeming qualities to help up overlook this. The musketeers are more of a gratuitous mention than any kind of symbol, and Lilliath is more a sulky, emotional, psychopath teenager than the cunning, skilled assassin the original Milady was. There is so much effort put into making this a story that accepts everyone and everything that there's no real tension to it. There's no struggle. Zero emotional ties to anyone or anything.

I honestly don't know how people unfamiliar with The Three Musketeers are gonna view this one. Maybe you'll have a more enjoyable time because you won't have to witness some of your favourite characters being murdered by creative license. But this was agony for me.

Originally I gave it a generous two stars on finishing, because the beastlings (another creative name) were interesting, but I gotta take that back. My heart is hurting too much. This was an absolute abomination and a shame to the musketeer name. Just read the fking original, honestly.
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Reading Progress

November 3, 2019 – Shelved
November 3, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
November 10, 2019 – Shelved as: aussie-authors
November 10, 2019 – Shelved as: freebies-and-gifts
November 10, 2019 – Shelved as: ya
November 10, 2019 – Shelved as: light-fantasy
May 9, 2020 – Started Reading
May 9, 2020 –
page 106
22.46% "It's finally starting to get a little Musketeer-y, but it's a little cringey in places and the 50,000 angels, titles and places etc makes it all a little confusing. It's felt like one big info dump so far so I'm looking forward to the story actually getting started."
May 26, 2020 –
page 185
39.19% "Not really feeling this at all, tbh. Lilith is a vicious, mean main character that I loathe, and the only similarity to Dumas's work is names that have been stolen, then allocated to females. I get more mad every time I read a Musketeer reference because it's basically blasphemy to me."
May 30, 2020 –
page 250
52.97% "How is this so boring???"
May 31, 2020 –
page 357
75.64% "Everything that makes The Three Musketeers so great has become an absolute mockery here. Honestly I'm hoping everyone dies super dramatic deaths because I basically hate them all."
June 1, 2020 – Shelved as: disappointments
June 1, 2020 – Shelved as: frustration-nation
June 1, 2020 – Shelved as: musketeer-madness
June 1, 2020 – Shelved as: myths-legends-and-retellings
June 1, 2020 – Shelved as: struggletown
June 1, 2020 – Shelved as: worst-endings-ever
June 1, 2020 – Shelved as: wtf-just-happened
June 1, 2020 – Finished Reading
August 1, 2022 – Shelved as: to-re-home

Comments Showing 1-31 of 31 (31 new)

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message 1: by Clare (new)

Clare Snow Oh no Garth Nix 🙊

Krystal Clare wrote: "Oh no Garth Nix 🙊"

To be fair, I didn't like Sabriel either so maybe I'll be in the minority here, too.

message 3: by Clare (new)

Clare Snow I've never read Sabriel - I may be un-Australian 😂

message 4: by Tony (new)

Tony Not a single star?

Krystal Tony wrote: "Not a single star?"

1 star, mostly for the people who got mauled by beastlings. That's the best I can do.

Krystal Clare wrote: "I've never read Sabriel - I may be un-Australian 😂"

I read it last year for a challenge- totally overrated in my opinion lol

message 7: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Ideiosepius lol. Great review! Garth Nix is very hit or miss for me at the best of times but mutilating Dumas would fill me with furious angry rage. Also, books that try so hard to be inclusive/feminist that they end up being the opposite tend to annoy me. Thank you for reading and reviewing this one, so I don't have to.

Krystal Deborah wrote: "lol. Great review! Garth Nix is very hit or miss for me at the best of times but mutilating Dumas would fill me with furious angry rage. Also, books that try so hard to be inclusive/feminist that t..."

I think after having my heart so thoroughly shattered by this I'm officially off Garth Nix for life. It was so frustrating.

message 9: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Ideiosepius By the sound of it I can't even understand why TTM is mentioned? It sounds like it is entirely different from that and could have stood alone as a fantasy just fine (or not, as the case may be) without involving Dumas at all. The two stories just seem so remote from each other.

Krystal Deborah wrote: "By the sound of it I can't even understand why TTM is mentioned? It sounds like it is entirely different from that and could have stood alone as a fantasy just fine (or not, as the case may be) wit..."

That's very much the case. There was absolutely no need for trying to introduce TTM into this story. It could just as easily have failed on its own without trying to bring Dumas down with it!

message 11: by Shery (new) - added it

Shery Werbelo I couldn’t agree more with your review. It was a painful read. There was so much emphasis on the surroundings and so little on the plot. Seriously, he could have told the bulk of the story in a couple of chapters.

Krystal Shery wrote: "I couldn’t agree more with your review. It was a painful read. There was so much emphasis on the surroundings and so little on the plot. Seriously, he could have told the bulk of the story in a cou..."

Right?! All that effort for a perfectly boring story.

message 13: by Jules ♈ (new)

Jules ♈  (witchyrover) Very honest review! I have not read it but the cover and the summary tempted me. But now I'm not so sure...😅

Krystal Jules ♈ Bookvergent wrote: "Very honest review! I have not read it but the cover and the summary tempted me. But now I'm not so sure...😅"

I love the cover, too, so I guess this is a legitimate case where we cannot judge the book by the cover lol

message 15: by Jules ♈ (new)

Jules ♈  (witchyrover) Krystal wrote: "Jules ♈ Bookvergent wrote: "Very honest review! I have not read it but the cover and the summary tempted me. But now I'm not so sure...😅"

I love the cover, too, so I guess this is a legitimate cas..."

lmao, yes it seems to be that way. Besides, I love TTM; so I would hate it if it's not properly honored.

Krystal Jules ♈ Bookvergent wrote: "Krystal wrote: "Jules ♈ Bookvergent wrote: "Very honest review! I have not read it but the cover and the summary tempted me. But now I'm not so sure...😅"

I love the cover, too, so I guess this is ..."

Ah! A musketeer-loving friend!! You will definitely hate this book as much as me then XD

Krystal Truthfully wrote: "Christ, people just stop reading a book if they don't like it, not say it's torture. Exaggerating much?"

Of course I'm exaggerating! I decided it was the most effective way to convey my point. I could definitely have just stopped reading, but I took this one for the team so I could write this nice, thorough review warning people away from it.

I'm guessing you've never read The Three Musketeers.

Krystal Lisa wrote: "Somewhere I saw musketeers, thought of those cities and somehow realized that I hadn't a clue to what you said. Honestly, I know angels and musketeers, and musketeers .."

Sorry Lisa, I'm a bit confused by your comment! Did I have too many musketeer references in my review? Coz that would be about right XD

Krystal Lisa wrote: "Krystal, I just saw this and will admit that I'm confused 😕 too!
I do know that just a short while ago I finished the Musketeers Netflix or Hulu? Also, I was a wee musketeer in my youth...."

It is a really long (whiny) review lol but how good is the Musketeers TV series!!

Krystal Lisa wrote: "Also, how cute were they? Made me feel like a weirdo. Them, so young and handsome and capable! Me..56! Urgh!"

SO CUTE haha I feel ya! Gorgeous fellas doing daring things - what's not to love?!

message 21: by Isaac (new) - added it

Isaac Simeon and Henri are both real names, jsyk. I would bet Agnez and Dorotea are too.

Krystal Isaac wrote: "Simeon and Henri are both real names, jsyk. I would bet Agnez and Dorotea are too."

I kinda figured they were real names but for some reason they just didn't sit right with me in this story? It's such a weird complaint to make I know XD I think because they're different to the more traditional names I'm familiar with they just ended up sounding awkward to me. I realise this is a cultural thing and I'm being ridiculous. But it grated all the same.

Natalie Excellent review! Loved how you compared it right to TTM. This is on a list of YA books I’ve been asked to help review and I’m debating if I should even try. I’ve never liked Garth Nix before. The opening sequence seemed kind of cool, but then he did something I hate- just jumped 100 years in the future. 🙄 That led me to come here and check out reviews. I’m also not sure I can handle a big bad whose soul purpose is reuniting with her lover.

Krystal Natalie wrote: "Excellent review! Loved how you compared it right to TTM. This is on a list of YA books I’ve been asked to help review and I’m debating if I should even try. I’ve never liked Garth Nix before. The ..."

It made me so mad XD I didn't enjoy Sabriel, which was ok but just a bit too bland for me, but I haven't read any of his other novels. If you do read it, I'll be interested to know your thoughts! But if you have read (and enjoyed) TTM, I probably wouldn't recommend it.

Corinne I agree with every word. I fucking hated this book.

Krystal Corinne wrote: "I agree with every word. I fucking hated this book."

Thanks Corinne! It's good to know others feel the same!

message 27: by LTJ (new)

LTJ Excellent review and will 100% stay away from this one! LoL thanks for the heads up and sorry about such an abysmal read. I hope your next book is a lot better :-)

Krystal LTJ wrote: "Excellent review and will 100% stay away from this one! LoL thanks for the heads up and sorry about such an abysmal read. I hope your next book is a lot better :-)"

Thanks LTJ! I have learned that if I want another Musketeer fix I should just re-read the original lol

Regndrop Great review! As someone who both loves extensive worldbuilding and has never read The Three Musketeers, I ended up rating this higher than you did but I completely agree with your review. Although I had no context for how these characters originally behaved, i don't feel I needed it to recognize how unforgivably boring they were. Totally did not care about Rochefort and Dorotea. I also found the attempt at feminism weird and poorly done. Like, everyone is young, bi and no one is prude about sex or nudity, okay and?? Also, i super hated that Angel magic wasnt explored more, that somehow Pallandriath becoming a thing wasn't seen as a dangerous outcome, that political things like the plight of the refusers wasnt explored more and that their resolution was just like "the beasts reverted back to humans now, all is well for Ystara" lol it just felt like Garth Nix wasted all that time creating and interesting world and then rushed to throw a story in it. It had all this potential and ended up not really making sense. Very disappointing coming from an author that I love but i guess everyone strikes out once in a while. I guess i have to read The Three Musketeers now.

Krystal Regndrop wrote: "Great review! As someone who both loves extensive worldbuilding and has never read The Three Musketeers, I ended up rating this higher than you did but I completely agree with your review. Although..."

Thanks for your comment, Regndrop! Absolutely agree with everything you said. I'm sorry this was a disappointment from this author for you, though.

Definitely read The Three Musketeers though! It's actually a lot of fun and the characters come to life so well. :)

message 31: by ezra (new) - rated it 4 stars

ezra ok so i really liked the book but i've never read TTM so i was blissfully unaware of ways that im sure it fell short as a story inspired by it. i do have a bone to pick with this review though:

someone else has already pointed out that henri and simeon are real names. you say they're too different from the traditional names you're more familiar with so i figure you're probably unaware - henri and simeon both came before henry and simon. henri is old french (and is still used in french afaik - makes perfect sense with a book set in fantasy france) and simeon is ancient hebrew.

agnez and dorotea are only different from their more standard forms by one single letter each, and it's a fantasy book.

i also wonder if you were pronouncing them correctly in your head, if it rubbed you the wrong way so much, because the spellings make perfect sense with their pronunciations.

understandable to hate the book, but i don't think it's reasonable to count your own lack of knowledge as a point against it.

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