
Thomas T J Jefferson Jr Quotes

Quotes tagged as "thomas-t-j-jefferson-jr" Showing 1-4 of 4
Rick Riordan
“The desolate rocky terrain, the bone-chilling dampness, the low moaning carried by the wind—they seemed too real to be just a dream. Real, and frightening. Somehow I had entered another world. I’d heard that eating pizza before bedtime can cause nightmares, but I didn’t think it could transport a person.”
Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan
“The goddess of death visited me in a dream. “A job well done, son of Tyr,” she said. “Your mother is safe. I may even grant you permission to visit her from time to time.”
Warring emotions bubbled up in my gut then—anger at how my mother had been treated, and elation that one day I might get to see her again. Elation won out.
“I look forward to that,” I said. “And I’m glad your dog is back home, even though he’s destined to kill my dad. But right now, do me a favor.” I rolled over and pulled up the covers. “Go to Helheim.”
Rick Riordan, 9 From the Nine Worlds

Rick Riordan
“You are aware that my hellhound, Garm, will devour your father, Tyr, when Ragnarok is unleashed?”
I nodded.
“As Tyr’s spawn, you have his blood in your veins.”
I nodded again, wondering where this was going.
“Well. Garm has run off,” she told me. “You, son of Tyr, are the only one who can find him. Or rather”—she treated me to a ghastly smile—“he will find you.”
“I don’t follow.”
“Why, it’s very simple. My hellhound will smell the blood of Tyr and come running.”
I clutched my rifle more tightly. “So basically, you’re using me as bait.”
“More like a moving target,” Hel amended.
“Why me?” I dared to ask. “Why not just, I don’t know, poof Garm back to his cave yourself? Or send your demons to retrieve him?”
“Garm can be . . . elusive,” she said evasively. “He’s run off before, and past attempts to bring him home with magic and demons have failed.”
I was going to suggest she use a hellhound whistle, but I thought better of it. “If you don’t mind my asking, why not just let him stay lost?”
Hel’s expression darkened. “And risk word getting out that my dog is beyond my control? No. There is only one solution. You must lure him back to his cave.”
I scowled. “Let me guess. If I refuse, you torture my mother. If I tell anyone Garm didn’t come when you called, you torture my mother.”
“Oh yes. And Thomas . . . T.J. . . . if you think killing Garm will stop the hound from killing your father, think again. You cannot stop destiny. Now, away you go!”
Rick Riordan, 9 From the Nine Worlds

Rick Riordan
“READY FOR the next one?”
I lip-read T.J.’s question and nodded. He slid a flash card with a handwritten swear word on it across the table, then watched me with gleeful anticipation.
Smiling faintly, I opened my mind and focused on the dagaz runestone in my hand. Magic flowed through me like water through a pebbled stream. The stone warmed, and I signed the swear. I felt sound vibrations in the air, then T.J. fell back onto his bed, shaking with laughter.
I gave him a look and signed three words: Pull yourself together.
“Right. Sorry.” T.J. grinned. “It’s just . . . hearing cuss words come out of thin air like that cracks me up every time.”
Rick Riordan, 9 From the Nine Worlds