
Hel Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hel" Showing 1-6 of 6
Carrie Jones
“It is warm within the mansions of Hel.”
Carrie Jones, Endure

“The other sources, even when they mention Hel, rarely describe it. But when they do, it's cast in neutral or even positive terms. For example, the mention that the land of the dead is "green and beautiful" in Ibn Fadlan's account is mirrored in a passage from Saxo (The medieval Danish historian, as you likely recall). In Saxo's telling of the story of Hadding, the hero travels to the "Underworld" and finds a "fair land where green herbs grow when it is winter on earth." His companion even beheads a rooster just outside of that land and flings its carcass over the wall, at which point the bird cries out and comes back to life - a feat which is highly reminiscent of another detail from Ibn Fadlan, namely the beheading of a rooster and a hen whose bodies are then tossed into the dead man's boat shortly before it's set aflame. In both cases, the emphasis is on abundant life in the world of the dead, even when death and absence prevail on earth.”
Daniel McCoy, The Viking Spirit: An Introduction to Norse Mythology and Religion

Leanne Payne
“Vervuld worden met de heilige geest is kiezen voor de hemel van het geïntegreerde en geëmancipeerde ik boven de hel van het gedesintegreerde en afgescheiden ik”
Leanne Payne, The Healing Presence: Curing the Soul Through Union with Christ

Rick Riordan
“The goddess of death visited me in a dream. “A job well done, son of Tyr,” she said. “Your mother is safe. I may even grant you permission to visit her from time to time.”
Warring emotions bubbled up in my gut then—anger at how my mother had been treated, and elation that one day I might get to see her again. Elation won out.
“I look forward to that,” I said. “And I’m glad your dog is back home, even though he’s destined to kill my dad. But right now, do me a favor.” I rolled over and pulled up the covers. “Go to Helheim.”
Rick Riordan, 9 From the Nine Worlds

Rick Riordan
“You are aware that my hellhound, Garm, will devour your father, Tyr, when Ragnarok is unleashed?”
I nodded.
“As Tyr’s spawn, you have his blood in your veins.”
I nodded again, wondering where this was going.
“Well. Garm has run off,” she told me. “You, son of Tyr, are the only one who can find him. Or rather”—she treated me to a ghastly smile—“he will find you.”
“I don’t follow.”
“Why, it’s very simple. My hellhound will smell the blood of Tyr and come running.”
I clutched my rifle more tightly. “So basically, you’re using me as bait.”
“More like a moving target,” Hel amended.
“Why me?” I dared to ask. “Why not just, I don’t know, poof Garm back to his cave yourself? Or send your demons to retrieve him?”
“Garm can be . . . elusive,” she said evasively. “He’s run off before, and past attempts to bring him home with magic and demons have failed.”
I was going to suggest she use a hellhound whistle, but I thought better of it. “If you don’t mind my asking, why not just let him stay lost?”
Hel’s expression darkened. “And risk word getting out that my dog is beyond my control? No. There is only one solution. You must lure him back to his cave.”
I scowled. “Let me guess. If I refuse, you torture my mother. If I tell anyone Garm didn’t come when you called, you torture my mother.”
“Oh yes. And Thomas . . . T.J. . . . if you think killing Garm will stop the hound from killing your father, think again. You cannot stop destiny. Now, away you go!”
Rick Riordan, 9 From the Nine Worlds

Jeroen Olyslaegers
“Mocht mijn mening enig gezag hebben gehad, dan had ik qua beeld voor het schilderij van de Dulle Griet gepleit. Het is een wonder dat we dit bijzondere doek van de Oude Bruegel zomaar in een zaaltje van een klein museum kunnen bezichtigen, alleen dat al geeft aan wat we zijn in deze stad en het doek zelf geeft evenveel prijs. De terreur hangt daar open en bloot, het roven aan de mond van de hel. Het is niet omdat een mens er weinig moeite voor moet doen dat een onthulling geen onthulling blijkt. Die Dulle Griet raast en daast door een landschap vol oorlog en herinnering in felrood, bruin en zwart. Haar ogen staan wijd opengesperd zodat ze alles en niets ziet. Heeft zij deze verschrikking veroorzaakt of maakt ze louter deel uit van deze smeerlapperij en speelt ze het spel mee? Op een schone zaterdag moet ge toch eens naar dat museum gaan om het allemaal in u op te nemen.”
Jeroen Olyslaegers, Wil