
Mosaic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mosaic" Showing 1-15 of 15
Erik Pevernagie
“If we don’t cultivate the growing patch of our feelings closely, emotional anarchism can disrupt the mosaic of our thinking pattern, with love becoming a series of misunderstandings. ( "Alpha and Omega")”
Erik Pevernagie

“We are mosaics. Pieces of light, love, history, stars... Glued together with magic and music and words.”
Anita Krizzan

Anne Lamott
“She felt as if the mosaic she had been assembling out of life's little shards got dumped to the ground, and there was no way to put it back together.”
Anne Lamott, Crooked Little Heart

Lori Jenessa Nelson
“...but beautiful mosaics are made of broken pieces.”
Lori Jenessa Nelson

“Thus Milton refines the question down to a matter of faith," said Coleridge, bringing the lecture to a close, "and a kind of faith more independent, autonomous - more truly strong, as a matter of fact - than the Puritans really sought. Faith, he tells us, is not an exotic bloom to be laboriously maintained by the exclusion of most aspects of the day to day world, nor a useful delusion to be supported by sophistries and half-truths like a child's belief in Father Christmas - not, in short, a prudently unregarded adherence to a constructed creed; but rather must be, if anything, a clear-eyed recognition of the patterns and tendencies, to be found in every piece of the world's fabric, which are the lineaments of God. This is why religion can only be advice and clarification, and cannot carry any spurs of enforcement - for only belief and behavior that is independently arrived at, and then chosen, can be praised or blamed. This being the case, it can be seen as a criminal abridgement of a person's rights willfully to keep him in ignorance of any facts - no piece can be judged inadmissible, for the more stones, both bright and dark, that are added to the mosaic, the clearer is our picture of God.”
Tim Powers, The Anubis Gates

Emma Newman
“Am I just a mosaic of myself, held in the shape of a whole person?”
Emma Newman, Planetfall

“There is good even in church people. You find it hard to believe, right? Jesus never shut the door on religious people. He just made sure that they understand He was that door, and not their deeds and tasks. Some of us, even I, need to be reminded of this. This being understood, the people of the church are like broken pieces of glass fixed into beautiful mosaic to reflect Jesus. The picture is beautiful, but the pieces do indeed still have sharp edges that can cut.”
Mea McMahon

Lawren Leo
“The earth is a mosaic, and most fail to notice the gossamer tesserae floating down from the realm of the mind that form its images of beauty and horror.”
Lawren Leo, Love's Shadow: Nine Crooked Paths

Mikhail Bakhtin
“There were quotations that were openly and reverently emphasized as such, or that were half-hidden, completely hidden, half-conscious, unconscious, correct, intentionally distorted, unintentionally distorted, deliberately reinterpreted and so forth. The boundary lines between someone else's speech and one's own speech were flexible, ambiguous, often deliberately distorted and confused. Certain types of text were constructed like mosaics out of the texts of others.”
Mikhail Bakthin
tags: mosaic

Michelle Cuevas
“He saw the kind of beauty yellow flowers have growing over a carpet of dead leaves. The beauty of cracks forming a mosaic in a dry riverbed, of emerald-green algae at the base of a seawall, of a broken shard from a blue bottle. The beauty of a window smudged with tiny prints. The beauty of wild weeds.”
Michelle Cuevas, Beyond the Laughing Sky

“The desire of our inner self to express life’s possibilities is like the art of mosaic, a journey of applying colors and shapes within small scaled patterns.”
Vasilios Karpos

Jon Ronson
“Then I get worried that if anyone is really paying attention to Happy's predilections, they might become wary of his wholesale compassion and suspect him of being an imaginary character, created by a journalist, to trick businesses into inadvertently revealing their data-trafficking practices. So I untick tigers.”
Jon Ronson, The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry

“A refugee must learn to be anything people want her to be at any given moment. But behind the masks, I am only myself - a mosaic of flavors from near and far.”
Chantha Nguon, Slow Noodles: A Cambodian Memoir of Love, Loss, and Family Recipes

“Life is a mosaic of moments—each piece, whether bright or dark, forms the intricate and beautiful tapestry that is uniquely yours. Cherish the dark hues as much as the vibrant ones, for they give depth and meaning to your journey.”
Shivanshu K. Srivastava