
Medieval Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "medieval-romance" Showing 1-30 of 81
Grace Willows
“Tis said if you will but cast a desire under the crescent moon as stars cross its path, your wish will always come true.”
Grace Willows, Legend of the Crescent Moon

Shari Cross
“I'm a piece of glass with a crack spreading across me, spidering off in all directions, waiting to shatter me completely.”
Shari Cross, Masked

“She is a religion practiced by few, Fading fast to the plastic urban promises, So vintage, her beauty sounds fiction, Can’t separate the maiden from the myth, A fragrance meant for folklore, She is the love long forgotten by the roads…”
Piyush Rohankar, Narcissistic Romanticism

Julie Johnstone
“I want ye,” Lachlan choked out, surprised at his words and the desperate sound of his own voice. He did not look at Bridgette as he spoke but kept his gaze down to the ground as a war between honor and desire raged within him. “I want ye more than I want air to breathe.”
Julie Johnstone, Wicked Highland Wishes

“Straciliśmy świat i świat stracił nas,
co myślisz o tym, Tristanie, mój miły.
— Miła, kiedy ciebie mam z sobą,
i czegóż mi trzeba?
Gdyby i wszystkie światy były z nami,
widziałbym tylko jedną ciebie.”
Dzieje Tristana i Izoldy

“And to love her is like a journey, Not a casual stroll or an adventure, But a patient walk of a million miles, And slowly her myth unfolds, As she reveals herself in layers, Her beauty has all the shades of life, But I fall short of colours to paint her glory, Oh to love her is like a journey, A journey of a million miles…”
Piyush Rohankar, Narcissistic Romanticism

“And I am still exploring, The darkest corners of her soul, Of what lay beneath those eyes, And I am still exploring, The mysticism she practices with her smile, Her incandescent calligraphic elegance, Her magnetism has pulled me in her labyrinthine life, I still walk those virgin forest she drew for me, Where the words that kissed her lips, Still echoes like an infectious melody, Oh her beauty and my youth, Had led me into believing that life would go on forever, Oh to love her is like a journey, A journey of a million miles…”
Piyush Rohankar, Narcissistic Romanticism

“And all the falling stars that I saw as a child, I found them at her feet, And my joy to watch her dance, Over them in her Carmel. She is the romance of a winter love story, The picture of a million memories, The blood of God flows through her heart, The space in between her arms, Is the doorway to heaven, The light for my mornings comes from her smile, Oh to love her is like a journey, A journey of a million miles…”
Piyush Rohankar, Narcissistic Romanticism

“A tapestry of the obscure world, Lingering in the dark alleys of life, So anonymous but a grammar placed to perfection, A note so ever present but never read, She is the love long forgotten by the roads…”
Piyush Rohankar, Narcissistic Romanticism

“A souvenir meant for nostalgia, Wandering in the old world of catholic conscience, So petite but a requiem to promiscuous melancholy, The first cherries of spring reminds me of her lips, The peaches of autumn are her cheeks, She is the love that dwells on the long forgotten roads…”
Piyush Rohankar, Narcissistic Romanticism

“Let not the weight of a thousand years, Stain your marbled skin I pray, And let not the weight of words ever hurt, Your delicate wine bled lips. Wear that hallowed smile as your eternal crown, And let it graze and let it flourish, Let it heal my desolate heart morose, Come and baptize all of what is left of me, Before I wear the silence in black and white…”
Piyush Rohankar, Narcissistic Romanticism

Kris Kennedy
“He put his mouth by her ear. “Easy, now, Senna.” His thumb stroked her jaw as if he were gentling a wild thing. His sculpted body was hot behind hers. “Be easy "

“Stop touching me,” she pleaded in a whisper. His thumb stopped moving. “What?”

“Kiss me.”

The rest of him went completely still...

“What did ye say?” he asked in a low, masculine rumble…

Her heart started a strange thudding. Their voices were so quiet that the breeze blowing over them nearly drowned them out. Both were held paralyzed by the riders on the highway below. No one was going anywhere. In fact, it might all be over in a matter of minutes. And all she wanted was his touch.

If I am going to die, she suddenly decided, it will not be absent the touch of this Irishman.She touched his hand and slid it across the mere inch back to her lips. Shutting her eyes, she trailed the tip of her tongue over his warm flesh.His body rippled slightly, like wind over waves. She felt every muscle in his body shift, very minutely, very definitely. He brushed his thumb once over her parted lips. Her breath shuddered out.

“Did ye tell me to kiss ye, Senna?”

“I did.” Her whisper trembled.


“Because,” she whispered, “if I’m going to die, it will not be lacking all the things I am lacking at present.” A pause.

“Ye’re lacking a kiss, then?”

She nodded.”
Kris Kennedy, The Irish Warrior

Jennifer Ivy Walker
“Have you ever felt the thrum of the forest in your veins?”
Issylte nodded, her eyes wide with discovery and delight. She held Maiwenn’s gaze, nearly breathless with anticipation.
“That, Églantine, is power.”
Jennifer Ivy Walker, The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven

Lina J. Potter
“My lady, your mercy in this matter is beyond what I can understand. Adulteresses must be chased from their villages.”
Lina J. Potter, Palace Intrigue

Kathleen E. Woodiwiss
“-Eres muy sabia para tus pocos años, criatura -afirmó- Sin embargo, quisiera darte un consejo. Deja al lobo aúlle a la luna; la luna no vendrá hacia él. Deja que merodee por los bosques tenebrosos; no encontrara allí lo que busca. Solo cuando admita que tiene necesidad de amor, encontrará la verdadera felicidad. Hasta entonces, se leal y amable con el. Si sientes algún afecto por él, dale lo que negamos su madre y yo. Consuelalo amorosamente cuando sufra. Pon en torno a su cuello una cadena de fidelidad y él se volverá manso y dócil.”
Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, The Wolf and the Dove

Thomas Pride
“[P]ray thee Pilgrim for the noble souls of Artur and Gwenhwyfawr, united once more here in peace. First King of all Great Britain. First faithful servant of the Vicar of Christ and Universal Church. Let all men who seek rule, be measured according to thy virtue.”
Thomas Pride, Mercia

Jacqueline E. Smith
“In fiction, a declaration of love is often a grand affair, or at least a soliloquy full of lines that will more than likely end up on Pinterest boards of inspirational quotes. When Malcolm professes his love to Corrine, he says, “From the moment I awoke, I thought only of you. Of the golden softness of your hair, the smell of roses on your skin, the shades of starlight in your eyes. I’m used to spending my days preoccupied with matters so dull and dreary that I begin to envy the lark who perches outside my window and taunts me with his mirthful song. Yet today, I found myself singing along, enraptured by the memory of your warmth and the promise of your kiss. You have brought me to life, Corrine, at a time I thought that life had nothing more to offer me. And I love you. I love you.”
Jacqueline E. Smith, Trashy Romance Novel

Mary Wine
“Jacques has no honor,” she said.
Ramon flexed his fingers as his squire slid a gauntlet into place. “Which is why I must ride against him. Only a baron has the right.”
“I cannot bear to lose you.”
Ramon waved his squire away. “I will join you in the yard.”The squire and his assistant gathered up the remaining pieces of armor and headed out of the chamber with them. Ramon came close again, sitting beside her and reaching out to smooth his fingers across her cheek. “As I cannot bear to lose you. As long as Jacques draws breath, you remain his target. I could never be worthy of you if I did not face this threat. Pray for me, tell me you understand, but do not ask me to be a coward. You could never love a coward.”
And he wanted to be worthy of her love…”
Mary Wine, A Sword for His Lady

Mary Wine
“You could become accustomed to my presence, Isabel.” He was not merely making a suggestion. She heard the unmistakable ring of promise in his voice. Authority. Well, she recalled that part of being a wife very well. “Is that what having me bathe you is about, then?” Her voice quivered with her temper. “To introduce me to the position that is now mine by your decree?”
He continued to look out the window, giving her only his back to scrub. “We are both past the age of sonnets delivered through our servants.”
“Aye, there is naught sweetly gallant about you, sir.” She turned in a swirl of her robes and made it three steps before Ramon’s deep voice stopped her.
“Nor is there anything sweetly demure about you.”
Mary Wine, A Sword for His Lady

Elizabeth Lowell
“I have told you,” Duncan said. “Until my memory returns, I can’t ask for Amber’s hand.”
“But you can take the rest of her, is that it?”
Duncan’s face darkened.
“The people of the keep are whispering,” Erik said. “Soon they will be talking openly about a foolish maid who lies with a man who has no intention of—”
“She has not—” Duncan began.
“Leave off,” Erik snarled. “It will come as surely as sparks fly upward! The passion between the two of you is strong enough to taste. I’ve seen nothing like it in my life.”
Silence was Duncan’s only response.
“Do you deny this?” Erik challenged.
Duncan closed his eyes. “No.”
Erik looked at Amber. “I needn’t ask you about your feelings. You look like a gem lit from within... You burn.”
“Is that such a terrible thing?” she asked painfully. “Should I be ashamed that I have finally found what every other woman takes for granted?”
“Lust,” Erik said bluntly.
“Nay! The profound pleasure of touching someone and not feeling pain.”
Shocked, Duncan looked at Amber. He started to ask what she meant, but she was talking again, her words urgent, driven by the tension that vibrated through her.
“Passion is part of it,” Amber said. “But only part. There is peace as well. There is laughter. There is...joy.”“
There is also prophecy,” Erik shot back. “Do you remember it?”
Elizabeth Lowell, Forbidden

Natasha Wild
“As much as Gwen would have liked to have been his first and only lover, she would settle for being his first and only love.”
Natasha Wild, The Dark Knight's Captive Bride

Julie Johnstone
“He told me he intended to kill me.” Shock filled the raw, low sentence. Brus didn’t interrupt, sensing she needed him to listen and not respond. “I…I got away because I had a flash of memory—” Her words halted then, and her searching gaze delved into his. “Ye taught me how to defend myself.” It wasn’t a question, but he nodded.
“I could nae stand the thought of ye ever being helpless,” he said, answering honestly.”
Julie Johnstone, Highland Reckoning

Shauna Richmond
“You used to be so full of life, so happy, and then— men come back from war bent out of shape all the time, it is a given. But you, you came back to me like a phantom of your former self, you were not just bent out of shape, you were well and truly shattered. On the outside you are as hard as steel, you always have been, but you were a broken man.”
Shauna Richmond, Shattered Steel

Shauna Richmond
“You are no monster, my love. Demons are obedient dogs that come when they are called, monsters have no heart. You are, and always will be, my sweet martyr of malice.”
Shauna Richmond, Shattered Steel

Jennifer Ivy Walker
“The golden herb will grant you the means of communication with certain creatures of the Goddess.” The archdruid fixed Tristan with sage eyes, his face withered by wisdom of the ages.
“You will be able to communicate wordlessly with birds, dogs, and wolves. Command them with your thoughts. Understand messages which they convey.”
Jennifer Ivy Walker, The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven

Fernando de Rojas
“O naturall contention! worthy of admiration, that a little fish should be able to doe more then a great ship, with all the force and strength of the winds.”
Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina

“Master Heldris of Cornwall
is writing these verses strictly to measure.
As for those who possess them, he commands and requests,
right here at the beginning of the work he is creating,
that anyone who has them should burn them
rather than share them with the kind of people
who don't know a good story
when they hear one.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance

“Go to a chamber and learn to sew!
That's what Nature's usage wants of you!
You are not Silentius!"
and he replied, "I never heard that before!
Not Silentius? Who am I then?
Silentius is my name, I think,
or I am other than who I was.
But this I know well, upon my oath,
that I cannot be anybody else!
Therefore, I am Silentius,
as I see it, or I am no one.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance

“I was trying to make life easy for myself,
but I have a mouth too hard for kisses,
and arms too rough for embraces.
One could easily make a fool of me
in any game played under the covers,
for I'm a young man, not a girl.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance

“A good woman should neither take offense
nor blame herself for someone else's faults,
but simply strive all the harder to do what is right.”
Heldris de Cornualles, Silence: A Thirteenth-Century French Romance

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