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Thicker Than Water

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On his own.

Thomas Bellweather hasn’t been in town long. Just long enough for his newlywed mother to be murdered, and for his new stepdad’s cop colleagues to decide Thomas is the primary suspect.

Not that there’s any evidence. But before Thomas got to Garretts Mill there had just been one other murder in twenty years.

The only person who believes him is Charlotte Rooker, little sister to three cops and, with her soft hands and sweet curves, straight-up dangerous to Thomas. Her best friend was the other murder vic. And she’d like a couple answers.

Answers that could get them both killed, and reveal a truth Thomas would die to keep hidden…

322 pages, Paperback

First published December 29, 2015

About the author

Brigid Kemmerer

28 books16.8k followers
Brigid Kemmerer is the New York Times bestselling author of dark and alluring YA novels like A Curse So Dark and Lonely, Defy the Night, and Letters to the Lost. A full time writer, Brigid lives in the Baltimore area with her family. When she’s not writing or being a mom, you can usually find her with her hands wrapped around a barbell.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 527 reviews
Profile Image for Brigid.
Author 28 books16.8k followers
November 4, 2015
THIS IS AVAILABLE ON NETGALLEY. *flail* *flail some more*

*cough* I mean, if you would like to read it, reviewer friends, harken thee to NetGalley, for download goodness. I can't wait to hear what you guys think!
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,351 followers
February 19, 2016
4.25 STARS

"Everyone hates me, but no one knows her." I wince, and the words claw their way out of my throat. "No one knew her. No one cares about finding out who did this. They just care about how much they hate me."


I loved the writing and the characters just the hows and whys were a bit confusing. However, I notice that the author mentions a sequel for Thomas and Charlotte on her GR page and so I'm assuming more will be answered in the next book. This is a very entertaining story and I'm looking forward to trying out other books by this author.
Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,020 reviews13k followers
January 18, 2016
This book was a rollercoaster for me, unfortunately not because of the actual book's writing or plot, but because my emotions were all over the place as I realized that this book was not what I was expecting. I got it for review (thank you publisher!) thinking it was a new adult book about solving a crime. When I realized it was about a 17/18 year old couple, I was slighly disheartened but decided to continue reading to solve the mystery. And I was glad I did because I thought this was a very solidly written book. The writing was nice, the dialogue was realistic, and for the most part, I wasn't hating the characters. By page 150, I was thinking this would be a solid 4 star book just for entertainment value. But then it took a twist I was not expecting, and quite honestly I wish it wouldn't have taken. It added an unnecessary element to this story that wasn't properly introduced or explained, and its involvement in the solving of the mystery was very lackluster and almost irritating. If you like books about solving crime you might consider checking this out, but otherwise, it just resonated very meh with me. But I gotta say, I love the little dashes of humor and silly moments that occur with the characters. I think they were really well-written and though they could be bland, they were fun to read about, especially in dual POV.
Profile Image for Nastassja.
424 reviews1,219 followers
January 13, 2016

***Kristalia (can I thank you enough for your support during my reading of this book. If not for you, I would've gone crazy without an opportunity to share my crazy theories with someone who already read the book and can give me some hints *hearty hug*), my friend, I have a theory about this books title and I will share it under the spoiler tags.

My friend's amazing review for this book you can find here.

Actual rating 4.4

“I can see how it would be exciting, spending time with a dangerous young man. You girls today can’t seem to separate your fact from your fiction. Life is not a movie.”

“I was young once. I know what it’s like to see a strange boy, full of drama and mystery.”

My first thought when I saw this book: wow, the cover is hot, but probably the content will be crappy. I know, I know, it's a little bit very prejudiced of me to judge a book by it's cover, but in my defense I must tell you that often beautiful book covers are tend to have not a very pretty contents. But let's get back to this book's cover. Honestly, it did something to my innards, I can't explain: it entranced me and made me think wicked thoughts. And the same thing I can say about the content of this book; it was a win-win for that cover and that book to match and make me fall equally in love with them. I know it's strange, but I love when books prove me wrong, and especially when the covers of those books prove me wrong. It means books can still surprise me, and I haven't seen everything, and there's still something new and exciting for me to discover. Thicker than water is an easy read. It will humor you, it will make you hot, it will make you sympathize with the MCs like you never did before (or at least not often), it will make you love every moment you spent in it's company. If I were to compare this book with food, I'd choose a cotton candy: tasty and light to the touch and melts in mouth.

We have a rather predictable plot from the first look: boy's mom marries a cop and they move to live with him in a new town. Boy's mom dies soon after the wedding - she is strangled in her own bed and all the doors and windows were locked. Everybody thinks boy did it, and they are cruel toward him. Then boy meets a girl and there's something special between them. Girl believes boy didn't kill his mother and decides to help him find true killer. Nothing new, right? But then there's space between the lines, and this space is full of memorable amazing moments and unexpected mouth gaping twists:

☑ believable, head-strong characters
☑ hot romance
☑ intriguing mystery
☑ lots of humor
☑ amazing writing
☑ intense what-is-happening-I-need-answers-right-now last 40% of the book
☑ I-think-I-need-a-sequel moment

If you are ok with all the above - this book is your type and you may proceed with reading this review, if not... well, you still may read this review out of curiosity *wink-wink*

Brigid Kemmerer creates strong and, at the same time, vulnerable male characters. Thomas. I was in love with that boy after the first paragraph!

I think of Thomas standing outside the church. He was unfamiliar, with thick, dark hair that fell somewhere between edgy and hipster. When I got close, I noticed the high cheekbones. The strong jaw. The lean frame.
The eyes clouded by distress.

Everybody looks at him suspiciously, they don't even let him grieve for his mother in peace! That is so demeaning and cruel!
Instead, he speaks low, just to me. “Did you get off on it? Think about it in the shower this morning? All hot and bothered for killing your mother?”

I want to do bad things to all the people who hurt Thomas.

Thomas, baby, let me cuddle you and care about you and kill all that cruel bastards for you.

“I’ve never had an entire town hate me. I’ve never been so . . . alone.” He says it matter-of-factly, not self-pitying at all. The words aren’t empty, though. For an instant, the emotion in his gaze is so potent that it feels like it might leach into me and start a round of tears again. His eyes hold mine, and his voice is quiet and low. “I’ve never given a girl a reason to be afraid of me.”

Charlotte - our second MC and a second narrator - is a nice gal too, but she lacked the depth Thomas possessed.
Thick, curly caramel hair, skin too pale for summertime, dark framed glasses, curves in all the right places. She’d be a challenge to sketch, because the tiny waist and the curves would make her look like a superhero comic, especially with that rack.

Still, she is a head-strong girl and hates that people always assume for her to be the weakest one - a damsel in distress - which she is not, and at times I wanted to applaud her courage and strength.
“I hate that, you know. I get enough people telling me how to dress, how to act, and especially when to eat. This is my life, okay? You don’t need to protect me.”

The dynamic between these two, pfff, I can't even describe it, but they are so intense together that there's steam coming from my ears every time I read a scene between Thomas and Charlotte. If I had to sum up their relationship, I'd choose this quote:
I had no idea you could be attracted to, afraid of, and irritated by the same person, all within a three-minute period.

They are cautious of each other at first, but at the same time they are inexplicably attracted to each other. Charlotte is not stupid, she understands that Thomas can be a murderer, but she can't resist the pull nevertheless.
His hand is warm, a weight in mine. I should be letting go, pushing him away.
I don’t want to. I feel connected. Anchored. His hand in mine feels right, not wrong.

The memory of Ben’s voice cuts through my thoughts. You’ve got to watch out for yourself, Charlotte.
Thomas stands there, looking down at me. He’s dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, but there’s no ball cap today. His hair is just this side of messy, and he looks rakish and unruly and immeasurably sexy. Shut up, Ben. Shut up, Brain.

A good advice!
I’m here because I’ve been attracted to you since the moment I saw you outside the church. I’m here because you let your guard down around me sometimes, and I don’t think you do that with anyone else. I’m here because you make me feel like I have something to offer the world, instead of being someone who needs to be sheltered away.
And finally . . . I’m here because I can’t stop thinking about you, and I don’t want to leave your presence until I’ve figured you out.

Charlotte understands deep down that she shouldn't sneak with Thomas around and help him solve the crime he could've committed; the doubt is there but it is not strong enough.
I don’t know how I can be with him and feel so certain that he’s innocent—but when I’m anywhere else, doubts sneak into my brain and set up shop.

Thomas is such a wicked boy sometimes, and he likes teasing Charlotte. Actually, I take my words back - he loves teasing her a lot.
She’s so guileless, and it’s charming. There’s also a part of me that feels like I’m corrupting her with half the comments I make. Like this one: “Does that mean you’re putting me to bed sometime soon?”

Naughty boy!
I’m glad Charlotte is driving. If we’d stayed in the house, there’s a good chance I would have dragged her down the hall and coaxed her into my bed.

This book is more upper YA than YA, because there were scenes that deserve a PG something rating. And things even more scandalous, because he is 18 and she is still 17. It is not a big age difference, but she is still a minor and he is a suspect in murder, so you see all the problems here.
His tongue touches mine, and I break the kiss, startled. He tries to draw back, but I keep my hand on his face, holding him close.
“Sorry,” he whispers.
I shake my head quickly. “Do it again.”
He’s more sure this time, and I’m all but panting into his mouth. My knees are on the seat and both his hands are on my waist, twin points of heat. The lower half of one hand is under the waistband of my capri pants, and I feel his finger slide along the lace hem of my panties.
I can’t take it. I want to feel him everywhere. Without thought, I pull my shirt over my head.
“Charlotte.” My name leaves his mouth in a rush of breath. “Charlotte. You don’t have to—”
“Shut up,” I whisper. “Don’t stop kissing me.”
He’s a good listener.

For more you need to show me your ID, so I can be sure you are allowed to read further.

And then there's chapter 19. This is the point of no return. This is the last 40% I mentioned before. From that moment everything went crazy, and I was fidgeting on my chair, well, actually now I remember I was in a bed... Ok, let's just say, you need to be prepared for the chapter 19.

I dream of Thomas.
It’s a good dream.
He’s in bed with me, and I’m whispering at him to be quiet, that we’ll wake the girls.
In response, he presses his lips to mine, a kiss to silence me. His body is heavy and warm against me, his hands sliding beneath my T-shirt to stroke across my abdomen. I’m wearing less than I was in the car, just an old shirt and some booty shorts, and he makes a low sound in his throat when he discovers I’m not wearing a bra.
“Shh,” I whisper. Then his thumb brushes over my nipple, and I gasp and arch into him.
His mouth moves to my neck. He laughs, a low rumble against my skin. “Shh yourself.”

Nah, that was definitely not a YA scene.

I need to say a few words about the mystery part. It was solid, it was intense, it was not what I expected, and mostly I liked it. I can't say much without giving a huge spoiler, so just buckle up and be ready for anything.

Also, I'd like to add a few words about friendship in this book. Nicole and Charlotte together were hilarious; they have a real girl friendship without any bitchiness. The scene with texting was my favorite between them.

CR: My dad walked in. I dropped the phone. Worried you were sending more pictures.
NK: Want me to?
OMG, I so didn’t just type that. If she sends me another picture of him, I will die. Right here in this chair.
A picture comes through almost immediately. He’s wearing a T-shirt and that baseball cap, and he’s carrying enough books to make his biceps flex.
I don’t die. I bite at my lip and just keep staring.
She sends another text.
NK: I expected him to be scary. He’s not. He’s . . . I don’t know.
I know exactly what she means. My fingers fly across the letters.
CR: Intense.
NK: Yes. Intense.
Five minutes later, another picture comes through. He’s surrounded by stacks of books, and he’s got his hat off. He’s wiping his forehead on his arm and stretching at the same time. Biceps, check. Hint of stomach, check. He is so sexy. I wish I could blow these up and tape them to my bedroom ceiling.
I feel like a creeper.
I don’t care.
Then another text.
It’s horrible but I burst out laughing.
Another text comes through.
NK: Hey. Hey?
Then another text.
NK: How intense am I being right now?
It’s him. He has her phone.
I choke on air. I cannot breathe.
HE HAS HER PHONE. And he’s reading her texts.
This is awful. I need to die.
Is he mad? Or is he flirting?


The last part of my already too big review (sorry for that, but I just needed to show you all these quotes) I want to dedicate to some rumbling about the mystery and plot twists. Please, do not read further, if you haven't read the book yet.

All in all, it was a wonderful, relaxing read that I recommend to everyone. Just one notion: this book looks like a standalone, but it's not, and it ended with a lot of questions, and I expect a sequel. I want, again, to mention the relationships in this book: we have love, we have friendship and we have family bonds - they all were masterly explored by Brigid Kemmerer and felt realistic and sincere. I understand that the romance felt insta love-ish at times, but it was so potent, I didn't have any serious questions toward it. I can easily read books without romance and enjoy it, but, come on, love is an important part of our lives and it is nice to have a well-done romantic line in a book. Anyway, my inner sixteen-year-old girl squealed with happiness. And that is more than I can say about most books I read.

Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,069 reviews853 followers
December 26, 2015
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Thicker Than Water by Brigid Kemmerer
Publisher: Kensington Books
Publication Date: December 29, 2015
Rating: 4 stars
Source: eARC from NetGalley

Summary (from Goodreads):

Thomas Bellweather hasn’t been in town long. Just long enough for his newlywed mother to be murdered, and for his new stepdad’s cop colleagues to decide Thomas is the primary suspect.

Not that there’s any evidence. But before Thomas got to Garretts Mill there had just been one other murder in twenty years.

The only person who believes him is Charlotte Rooker, little sister to three cops and, with her soft hands and sweet curves, straight-up dangerous to Thomas. Her best friend was the other murder vic. And she’d like a couple answers.

Answers that could get them both killed, and reveal a truth Thomas would die to keep hidden…

What I Liked:

Oh my GOSH this book hit me like a ton of bricks. OUT OF NOWHERE came this huge curveball that I was not expecting! Holy guacamole! Everyone really kept quiet about The Big Thing (or maybe I avoided reviews really well). WOW. I loved Brigid Kemmerer's Elemental series, and I really, really enjoyed this new book!

Thomas's mother recently got married to his new stepdad, Stan... and was murdered ten days later. New to the sleepy, quiet town, Thomas is the one that everyone thinks did it... everywhere he goes, accusing glares follow him, and all of the police are looking for any reason to lock him up. Charlotte, sister to three of those cops, is sure that Thomas is innocent, and against her family's wishes, befriends him. She wants to know what's going on - just like Thomas does. But the truth is something far more sinister than anyone could have imagined.

Honestly I still can't get over the insane story that Kemmerer has put together. I say "insane" and what I mean is TOTALLY UNPREDICTABLE. I am usually one of those astute readers that can see an ending or a cliffhanger or twist from afar off... not with this book. I had no idea who did it. As new characters were introduced, I kept thinking, that's the one. They did it. It must be him. But no! Kemmerer threw this one aspect in the book that I never could have seen coming! It changed the whole story. At first I didn't like The Big Thing - it felt a bit unnatural in terms of the plot/story and like a cop-out, but then I thought to myself, WOAH, I probably just missed all of the signs.

Thomas is so broken after his mother's death. He is devastated, and angry. Rightfully so - he's in an unfamiliar town, living with a man he barely knows, surrounding by people who think he's a murderer. The boy never catches a break - from the first scene, the funeral, Thomas has had police or bad memories after him, plaguing him. You really have to feel for the guy.

I wasn't a huge fan of Charlotte at first. I can identify with her in some ways - my family is very conservative, like hers, as well as overprotective of their little girl. At the same time, Charlotte isn't as defiant and bold as I thought she'd be, given the synopsis. She's kind of spineless. but that's just my opinion. I see some character growth from start to finish, and I did end up liking her.

There are so many secrets and clues and memories and information waiting to be discovered! It's a murder mystery with the prime subject being our male protagonist, whom we are very sure didn't do it. It's so interesting and chilling to see Thomas and Charlotte put together little pieces at a time, until we get to the climax and then another huge scene after the climax. Then this book ended, and I was like, where is the rest?!

This book was an emotional roller-coaster! My heart hurt for Thomas over and over, I got mad at Charlotte's family over and over, I wanted to punch some of her police brothers in the face, I wanted to hug Thomas's stepdad, Stan. So many emotions! And the way this book ended - I'm almost terrified of another book (if there will be another!).

There is romance in this book, and it's pretty small, in my opinion. Charlotte is there for Thomas, helping him grieve, and they mesh well together as friends. But both of them are also very attracted to each other, and it's cute and hilarious to see their interactions. There was one scene in the library that I LOVED!

I can't accept the ending - there MUST be another book! I hope this is a case in which the publisher (stupidly - sorry!) only bought one book, to see how sales would do, so the author had to kind of make the ending work as a standalone. The ending DOES mostly work as a standalone (certain things ARE wrapped up), but there are a lot of unanswered questions and unresolved matters. A lot. So. I'm hoping to see more from this story!

What I Did Not Like:

I dislike the ending - remember, I'm going off of facts, and right now, what I know is that there is NOTHING in existence stating anything about a sequel/sequels. So... I am not satisfied with the ending. It's not a cliffhanger and it isn't cruel, but it isn't complete and isn't enough.

Also, I kind of hate Charlotte's family. She's not some fragile doll who needs to be coddled and protected (even with everything that happened in this book) - and what's worse is that she sort of lets her family treat her that way. Booo. Grow some self-esteem, girl.

It took me a while to like her. Basically the whole book. The good thing is that this book is written in alternating POVs, mostly in Thomas's!

Would I Recommend It:

I can't not recommend this book! I didn't know Kemmerer could write such a great mystery novel - she can! I loved her paranormal work (the Elemental series) and I loved this new book by her. She did such a great job of making the protagonists realistic and authentic, especially Thomas's internal pain and struggle! I am in awe of the "realness" of Kemmerer's books. So well-written!


4.5 stars -> rounded down to 4 stars. I will email Kensington and beg. Every day if I have to - just give us a sequel! I know I'm not the only one pleading! There needs to be more to the story!
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,895 reviews1,374 followers
January 3, 2016
(Source: I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read-to-review basis. Thanks to Kensington Books and NetGalley.)

“Loneliness is a funny disease. You don’t realise how badly you’re infected until someone gives you a shot of contentment – and then it wears off.”

This was an okay story, but the pace let it down.

Thomas and Charlotte were both okay characters, although both made mistakes. Thomas kept making things worse for himself with his behaviour, and Charlotte kept putting him in situations that led him into more trouble too.

The storyline in this was about Thomas getting in trouble with the law after his mother’s murder, and the fact that Charlotte was one of the few people who believed him innocent. The pace was just way too slow though, and the book really dragged. Even the romance wasn’t enough to liven things up.

The ending to this had a bit of a twist, and I can’t say that I was impressed with the weird paranormal element that crept in towards the end.

6 out of 10
Profile Image for Donita.
198 reviews51 followers
January 4, 2016
"Loneliness is a funny disease. You don't realize how badly you're infected until someone gives you a shot of contentment-and then it wears off."
I knew I made the right decision to read this book just after reading the first page of the this book in the midst of having a book slump. You rarely meet a book that can grab and hold your attention that fast, but Thicker Than Water did it so effortlessly, at least for me. You see before this book, I've read like 2 books and I can't seem to finish them in a span of a week. Those books just won't hold my attention. I thought maybe there's a problem with me, but when I finally decided to read this book, I realize it wasn't me after all since I have no problem engaging with this book, at all.

I have been a fan of Kemmerer ever since I've read her Elemental series. The dual POV and great characterization in her books were some things I really liked in her novels. She gives every character these unique personalities that make them standout in my mind, and that is one of the best thing to win me over because characters usually make or break a YA book for me and this book obviously passed that department with flying colors!

The story follows Thomas Bellweather , a seemingly cold and unaffected teenage boy who is just new to town that became a main suspect of a murder - of his own mother. Even though there weren't any evidence, people treat him like he already did it. Everywhere he goes suspicious glares follow him around, making his life harder and harder to live.

Then there goes Charlotte Rooker, the only person in town, that is brave enough to approach and talk to him. But the girl is trouble, she might only bring him more misfortune than he already have. Because Charlotte has 3 older brother that is a cop, who probably is the most suspicious of him after the crime. Charlotte doesn't seem like it, but she can kick your ass if it comes down to it. I admire how she can be hormone-driven teenage girl and then be suspicious all at once.
"Fear is a quiet friend, sneaking up to its fingers between mine."
She's actually afraid of Thomas and quite suspicious as well, but doesn't seem to find the courage to stay away from him. Hormones at work if you ask me. Anyway, Charlotte annoys the shit out of me at first, but her character growth throughout the book was remarkable I've eventually liked her along the way. Both of them work their way around to solve the mystery of the crime that will led them to the dangerous answers they both so desperately seek.

I've devoured this book like a child would on her first ever ice-cream experience. I enjoyed solving the mystery and secrets with the main characters. The only thing that taken me off-guard was the ending. Sure, it was action pack and all, but I think it was lacking, I don't know if there's going to be a second book, I think the probability is higher with how the things ended. Not that I wouldn't like a sequel but I think a couple more or pages and the novel could have ended well. The only problem I had but everything about this book is more than worth reading.

Thicker Than Water is everything I've ever wanted in my paranormal mystery read. This book kept me up at night when I'm supposed to be sleeping. Thriller and mystery aren't my type of thing, but I might make an exception with this book. If you love mystery and paranormal books with unpredictable plot, then Thicker than water is definitely more than worth reading!

Profile Image for Rachel Maniacup.
153 reviews88 followers
July 2, 2016
This is my first of Brigid Kemmerer,and I'm immediately smitten by her ultimately,impressive writing.I rarely encounter a different kind of story such as this,and I found this one surprisingly remarkable!

As I started reading Thomas' POV,I am instantly swept away into his world.I strongly felt for him that,whenever he's emotionally pained,I cried over and over for him.My heart did ache for him for all the frustrations he went through,and for all the horrible things that happened to him.'Cause really,what would you do and how'd you feel if you're the primary suspect of your mother's death?

What I loved most in this book is the unpredictable storyline,and the shocking twist that made my reading more intensed,and made me want to solve the mystery on my own,lol!
I also liked that this was told in alternative perspectives of Thomas and Charlotte,the MC's here.

I loved Charlotte because she's one tough,daring young lady who has great qualities roled into one.And the connection between her and Thomas was fascinating and challenging at the same time.The secondary characters were great as well,particularly STAN and NICOLE.That's why when I started reading this,I was certain that I would give this 5 decent stars! If only I was satisfied with the ending..it seemed like it wasn't enough.But overall,I did enjoy this one,and would highly recommend to those who are into mystery.

Thanks a lot to my sweet friend,DONITA who is celebrating her birthday today..It's her captivating review on this,that made me devour it."Please do check her awesome review"!

Profile Image for Danielle (Love at First Page).
726 reviews695 followers
December 11, 2015
After seeing the cover and the synopsis for the first time, Thicker Than Water was a book I immediately wanted to read. It’s a sort of murder mystery set in a small town, written from the perspective of two teens almost from different sides of the track. There’s Thomas, new to town, whose mother was recently murdered by way of strangulation. With no leads or evidence, the police are looking at Thomas as their most likely suspect. Then there’s Charlotte, the good girl, daughter to a police officer and sister to three brothers who are also in the force. While Thomas’ quiet yet intense personality has made him victim to the town’s scorn, it’s what has captivated Charlotte from the beginning. She’s the only one who seems to believe him, and together they try to solve the mystery of his mother’s tragic death.

Thomas’ narration is by far my favorite aspect of the book. Brigid Kemmerer writes a convincing male point of view, and she was able to make him very, very sympathetic too. He’s sarcastic, funny, a little bit of a charmer, but he’s also drowning in grief. He’s the type of character I wanted to reach into the pages and just hug the life out of. Though he and his mom weren’t exactly best friends, they had a special relationship, and my heart broke for Thomas’ inward struggle while also trying to maintain an outward calm appearance. Which proved difficult, because it was like the town was out to get him. I was beyond frustrated with those people, especially Charlotte’s brothers! They treated him as if he was already proven guilty. Since the reader knows he’s innocent, it makes these other characters a pain to read about. Charlotte wasn’t my favorite, either. I like that she constantly thought the best of Thomas and believed him, but she was a little weak in my eyes. There was something about her goody-two-shoes personality that rubbed me the wrong way.

Going into this book, I had two expectations: a gritty mystery and a YA romance on the sexier side. While I did like Thomas and Charlotte together – and Thomas brings plenty of swoon – their relationship lacked the chemistry and tension I was hoping for. As for the mystery, I can’t really discuss it due to a major spoiler, but I’ll say that the atmosphere is perfect – tense, confusing – and I wanted to unravel it just as badly as Thomas and Charlotte did. But there’s a reveal over halfway into the book that takes things into a completely new direction, and I’m still not sure how I feel about it. It made for a good, if slightly unrealistic, ending, but while reading I felt like it took me out of the story.

Thicker Than Water is my first book by the author, and I do think it’s a solid story with a compelling male protagonist. I’ll be sure to pick up more books by her in the future!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for approving my request in exchange for my honest review.

This review can also be found at Love at First Page.
Profile Image for Kristalia .
394 reviews647 followers
January 21, 2016
Final rating: 4.75/5 stars

Loneliness is a funny disease. You don’t realize how badly you’re infected until someone gives you a shot of contentment—and then it wears off.

Brigid Kemmerer is amazing author. I love her Elemental series and when I saw that she wrote another book, I HAD to read it - that woman knows how to angst and write happy things.

I did not regret picking up this book and i certainly don't regret being surprised by it. I went into this story blind, without looking for genres, without reading summary - I just wanted to read another book of hers. (Even though i still have to finish elemental series). This is the reason for 4.75 star rating. If it gets more books it will automatically go to 5 stars. There is no doubt of it. I would do it in a heartbeat.

This is a stand alone book - but it has the story to make it more, possibly one or two more books and i really, really wish i get to read more. You could say the case is solved but there is still more to it. And that can be exploited for other books which i really want and wish to read.

There are many things I did not see coming, which is great because i was trying to predict it and i failed most of the time. I was even shocked and stunned and I just had to read on and on and on and for my sake, find out whats going on here!!!! The last half of the book was quite surprising indeed.

Her writing style is easy and fast to read and as usually, she is able to wring out the emotions like a piece of cake. I loved that. She made me laugh, had my heart beat faster, hurt, stung, and made me sob many times.

If you love reading a book filled with angst, but also with suspense, thriller, cuteness and something very interesting read this book. I won't tell what the point is, but like i said, it proved to be great experience. When you read synopsis of the book it will tell you absolutely nothing - it will even sound cliche - like, first book that comes to my mind by summary is Whiskey Beach even though i have never read it (and i have it and i might read it like... soon?) which I have read just now (and i loved it), but inside it's different - and so worth it.


Told from the Thomas' and Charlotte's point of view, this is a story of trust, betrayal and having faith in other people.

"We’ve got an audience."

Thomas Bellweather's mother just remarried to a detective Stan. And everything was well, they married, they moved into his town Garretts Mill. But, just a while later, her own son finds her strangled in her bed. The lack of evidence, locked house and the fact that no one knows anything about Thomas, makes him a primary suspect in the city of cops.

No one believes him. No one trusts him. And almost everyone is afraid of him.

Charlotte Rooker is the only one who believes. And she tries to help - why would he kill his own mother? Not to mention she is a sister of a three cops who are generally overprotective.

Two years ago, there was another murder - also strangulation but apparently, quite different from Thomas' case. And the victim was Charlotte's acquaintance. She needs some answers and Thomas needs to find out the truth - and why no one tries to find out the truth about her murder, and why they still keep blaming him and trying to find excuses to put him in jail for every single thing he does or says.

Something weird is happening and the truth could lead them to their deaths.


Thomas Bellweather (18 years) just wants to be left alone. Not literally, but what he needs is for people to stop judging him - he didn't kill his mother and he is certain the killer is still on the loose and he hates that no one will ever believe him about it. What's even worse - he doesn't know anyone in town, and it's small enough for everyone to know who he is and give him hard time instead. He tries to rely on Stan, his step father, but Stan has his own doubts as well. Everything that could ever go wrong, will always go wrong and the more it happens, he gets down more and more. The only light in his life that happened is Charlotte, the only one who tried to be kind to him in his darkest hours, but even that did not start out well - when she has 3 cop brothers who would rather throw him into a jail. Or worse. And worst of all, he is afraid. Afraid of the set ups, afraid of Charlotte's brothers, and even her sometimes, and afraid of what his life will turn out to be. Will Stan throw him out on the street? He doesn't have anywhere else to go. Will they find something planted as an evidence and lock him away forever? Even he could not find anything. Or they won't need any evidence at all and just throw him into jail if he doesn't move carefully and if he says anything wrong? He is getting tired of it. Death of his mother hurt him far worse then anything they do and say to him now, and keeping his feelings barely in from showing, he tries very hard not to have a break down. But worst of all is that feeling of guilt. If he wasn't sleeping, could he have stopped it? Could he not fail her?

His hands don’t move, but he looks up at the sky as if searching for answers. “Everything is upside down,” he says.
I wait for him to elaborate, but he doesn’t. “I don’t know what you mean.”
His eyes return to mine. “This,” he says, as if that explains everything. “All of this.”

Charlotte Rooker is a overprotected little sister (17 years) and she hates it. Despite having Diabetes type I, she despises the fact that her whole life is controlled. Not to mention her brothers who would rather see her locked up in her own house than in vicinity of a supposed criminal.

“I hate that, you know. I get enough people telling me how to dress, how to act, and especially when to eat. This is my life, okay? You don’t need to protect me.”

She wants to believe in Thomas and she chases him around and tries to help him, but she only makes him even more afraid - he believes everything she does is a set up by her brothers to find excuse to throw him into prison once and for all. But, Charlotte does not, in fact, believe him 100%. Every time she meets him, she is afraid, she doubts. But she wants... wishes to believe that he is innocent and that he is unjustfuly turned into social pariah.

He lets go of me to press the heel of one hand to his forehead. “I’ve never had an entire town hate me. I’ve never been so . . . alone.” He says it matter-of-factly, not self-pitying at all. The words aren’t empty, though. For an instant, the emotion in his gaze is so potent that it feels like it might leach into me and start a round of tears again. His eyes hold mine, and his voice is quiet and low. “I’ve never given a girl a reason to be afraid of me.”

Stan is Thomas' step-father. He doesn't know what to believe and who to believe, but he tries to help Thomas as much as he can while also doubting him. After all, he doesn't know him that well. He knew his mother, but not him too. He loved Marie and he wanted to stay with her for the rest of his life. He is banned from investigation because it concerns his family, and that makes it harder for him.

Charlotte's brothers Danny, Matt and Ben only want to keep Charlotte safe. No matter what. While Danny only keeps finding excuses, Matt and Ben are a bit better when it comes to accusing people out of the blue. Ben is also Char's favorite bro, and she also loves Matt... But Danny... she would rather hit him for being himself.

Others: Charlotte's whole family, as well as the whole town, believes that Thomas is guilty - no matter that there is no evidence against him. But every single one of them is judgmental enough to not believe in anything. Nicole is the only one who believes, but she believes in her best friend's, Charlotte's, judgment instead.


I have to be honest, I don't understand the title, if anyone could explain I would be grateful. Thank you Nastassja for discussing the book with me and sharing your theory on the book name! PLEASE go read her review as well. She did wonderful job with it ♥. Thanks also for discussing the book with me it was nice ♥

Overall, great book, filled with right amount of angst I really needed lately, and with other things and definitely with human psyche, which I loved. Liked the characters, loved the second half of the book, and I really need more of this story.

☑ story
☑ characters
☑ last 40% of the book, hell yes

☒ the not so open but also open but also not open ending. I thought this was going to be stand alone, but i might be wrong and i actually need more books from this series.

Standalone: Yes (for now)
Point of View: First POV, 2 characters.
Cliffhanger: No.
Triggers: strangulation.
Love triangle: Noooooooo.
Angst: Oh hell yes.
Explicit content: No.
Ending type:
Recommended: Yes, to all people who need some angst and lots of feelings to spill out, to people who want to read something interesting and wonder what the point is and where paranormal fits in.
Profile Image for Sarah.
409 reviews142 followers
February 10, 2017
* I received an arc from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This book REALLY surprised me. I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was! Before I discovered Goodreads, I would read the first two pages (or so) of a book and decide then and there whether I thought the book would appeal to me or not. I still do that sometimes and I have to say this book is the first book in a long time to hook me in from the first 2 pages. I instantly knew I would like this book from the word go.

I think part of the reason why I was so hooked from the first few pages was because I liked reading Thomas' inner-monologue. He was just so interesting and he really did sound like an authentic character. I really liked how he saw things. I liked the rest of the characters too. Charlotte wasn't as interesting but she brought a completely different dynamic to the book. The two main characters were completely different and I loved that. I also loved the fact that it switched between Thomas and Charlotte POV's. It added more layers to the mystery and the characters.

The other reason why I liked the book so much was because the writing was really good. It was just so easy to read and it always held my attention. I didn't skim at all. That was a major plus.

The one thing I'm torn about is the story itself. The mystery element was very well done. It was unpredictable and I had no idea who did it and why until about 80% in which is definitely unusual because I'm normally really good at guessing these kinds of things in books. Then again I'm still unsure about how I feel about the paranormal element. Part of me feels like the paranormal element was kind of silly. It felt like cheating to me. You have this awesome mystery story with real potential to blow people away but to throw in a paranormal element like 80% in isn't great. I felt kind of cheated and then the paranormal element wasn't really explored a lot. I also felt like the book ended too abruptly. Do I smell a sequel in the works?

I would recommend this book to everyone and I would read another book by Brigid Kemmerer.

Profile Image for Marla Mei.
550 reviews299 followers
February 10, 2016
I'm here because I've been attracted to you since the moment I saw you outside the church.

Yes that totally justifies hanging out with a guy who's suspected of murder. Come on, he's cute! Murder? How could he possibly?!

I'm here because you let your guard down around me sometimes, and I don't think you do that with anyone else.

Seeing as you're the only one who talks to him, what with him being a murder suspect and all. I can't imagine anyone else who would willingly offer friendship to him. Well ... except for you so yes, maybe that's why. And also, you're hot!!11

I'm here because you make me feel like I have something to offer the world, instead of being someone who needs to be sheltered away.

Ugh. (


Basically, what I hated about this book was how Charlotte kept romanticizing Thomas and how the first part of the book mainly focuses on her infatuation towards him that it somehow escaped her mind that the guy who's making her all tingly inside is also suspected of murdering his mother. No biggie. These two could not be in a room together without either one of them thinking how hot the other is and wanting to tear each other's clothes off. Like what is even with two of them?

It's not clear who killed Thomas' mother. That's where the mystery begins. What we do know is that he just found her there lifelessly lying in bed. No forced entry. Not even a sign of struggle. Even though Thomas is the main character, I, as a reader, still did not eliminate the chance that he could be the murderer. So yes, I don't care if Thomas gets Charlotte hot every time they're near each other, I still think they were being stupid.

But still I trudged on forward even though it took me almost a month to get to the finish line. And wow I was impressed. Not because the mystery was so mind-blowing in the how did it even level. It was a little predictable actually. I was impressed by how this book hooked me and kept me on the edge of my seat for the second half part of the book. To think that just a few chapters ago, I was almost ready to dismiss this book as another careless mystery that couldn't keep up to the genre (*cough* Never Never *cough*).

I'm no Sherlock and I admit, as soon as bits and pieces of clues were revealed, it was pretty easy to put them all together. But it still kept me wanting more.

All in all, Thicker Than Water is close to being a solid mystery. Like I said, mind-blogging is not what the book is, but what it offered was enough to keep me engaged all the way through the end. I still can't let go of the characters stupidity though.

An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dana.
440 reviews299 followers
February 11, 2016

Ermagerd that suspense! I loved this book. At first I was very frustrated with Charlotte, to the point of it taking away from the story but over time I was able to just shrug it off and get back into the plot. Thomas was an extremely sympathetic character and my heart ached for him.

I didn't really get a star crossed lovers vibe while reading this even though I know that seemed to be the intention. I definitely felt an attraction between the two leads but nothing as dramatic as the description implies. I did like the twist near the end, although I did suspect it as I've seen that general sort of twist before. Nevertheless it was still pretty crazy and I can't wait to find out what happens next.

I would have liked to have seen more of the paranormal aspect of the story but I suppose that that will be fleshed out in subsequent books. Overall I really enjoyed this book, it had a unique and interesting premise and I found the characters to be well thought out.

Buy, Borrow or Bin Verdict: Buy

Check out more of my reviews here

Note: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
December 8, 2015
I adored the Merrick boys so when I knew we were getting a whole new book, once again from the male perspective AND by Kemmerer, I was all in.

No worries about not liking Thomas or the setting, or any other characters, I had complete trust that Kemmerer would deliver one heck of a story and mystery that would keep me turning the pages and on the edge of my seat and she came through like a champ.

In fact, I really did love this and the surprises along the way were all Kemmerer, what I have come to love and expect for her.

If there is one thing Kemmerer knows how to do, it is write a guy that is easy to feel for, fall for, and love and she doesn't deviate from that equation at all in this story.

There was so much going on in this story, some foreshadowed, some speculation, and most, yet to come.

I have no idea if this book will be part of a series but with the ending like it was, with so many things that were left out there in the open, I truly am hoping that it will be because I want more. Thomas needs more of his story told. More of his background and that of his family's and I hope like heck we get it.

*An ARC copy of this was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Kelly (Diva Booknerd).
1,106 reviews297 followers
January 25, 2016
3.5 Stars.
Thicker Than Water wasn't at all what I had expected. Intense, sultry and enjoyable for the most part. From the first few pages I gathered it was little more than a typical young adult contemporary but of course well written and engaging. Sweet, small town girl falls for the new bad boy in town, he's the town pariah and she wants to rescue his soul. They fall in love, he changes his ways and they live happily ever after. Thicker Than Water isn't that book. It's a complex contemporary blended with a paranormal romance that felt darker than another teen read, Although certain aspects left me a little underwhelmed, I enjoyed it.

Thomas isn't a bad boy but he's the only suspect in a murder investigation after his mother is found slain in her bed. Having been married to the quiet and awkward Stan only a week prior, Thomas and his new stepfather are both at odds without the woman who was both their common link. While Stan isn't sure how to relate to a teenage boy, he's patient and kind which is more than Thomas and his attitude deserve at the moment. The relationship between Thomas and Charlotte was incredibly intense and both clearly attracted to the other but not willing to act on those feelings. Due to her overbearing family, Thomas felt that Charlotte couldn't be trusted and luring him into a confession on behalf of her brothers while Charlotte continued to second guess Thomas and whether or not he killed his own mother.

Although I did enjoy the romance somewhat, their connection didn't feel genuine beyond their physical attraction. I found Charlotte's character unremarkable and bland, her feelings towards Thomas felt more as though he was little more than a stage of her teen rebellion. She was determined to seek out Thomas at every opportunity, knowing her older siblings had threatened Thomas, Charlotte is still willing to endanger his life. The paranormal twist did explain the reasoning behind why Charlotte was drawn to Thomas, it was introduced far too late within the storyline to try to reconnect to the characters.

The paranormal element was surprising and felt almost like a quick fix to wrap up the storyline sadly. It flowed wonderfully as a contemporary and despite not being able to connect to the characters, the reveal left me feeling annoyed and frustrated.

Although enjoyable, Thicker Than Water felt as though something was missing. It lacked an emotional connection and the paranormal elements were awkward and felt more like an afterthought than part of the storyline. Readers desperately need a sequel to understand the paranormal aspect of Thomas' life and not a bizarre solution to wrap up the storyline. It was wonderfully written but would have preferred a contemporary, rather than the strange paranormal it ended up being.
January 14, 2016
***3.5/4 Stars***

Thicker Than Water started out as an intriguing mystery that morphed into a paranormal story that had a sinister twist.  I easily fell into Thomas and Charlotte's world, and their first few interactions had so many feelings floating around in me.  Sympathy for Thomas being convicted as his own mother's murderer, especially since he was the one to find her.  Anger for how he was easily judged and convicted within others eyes.  Curiosity for Charlotte and if she would be his saving grace.  And anticipation if they would eventually become something more.  But while I quickly flew through the pages, some things made me pause and not allow me to be entirely immersed in the story.  So I'm left torn, because this was such a fun, quick read yet I did have some issues.

A storm is coming, but still we stand here. “I saw her,” he says. His voice is hollow. “That night.
I saw what happened to her.”
“I know,” I whisper.

Thomas was definitely my favorite thing about this book.  I have a huge soft spot for tortured males, and he fit that part perfectly.  With his broken heart and the whole town against him, he quickly pulled me in and always left me wanting to know more about him, since the book alternates between the two of them.  But when he was around Charlotte, he was a mixture of confident and self-conscious which easily made me melt.  Thomas was sexy and alluring without ever trying.  And those are always the sexiest men in my eyes!

His lips curl into a slow smile.  “Penny for your thoughts.”
“They’re not decent.”
I. Did not. Just say that.
His smile widens, and he looks genuinely amused. “Really. What if I offer you a dollar?”
I put my hands over my face.
“Can we please just pretend this moment isn’t happening?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Shush, you. Eat your food.”

Charlotte was more of a gray area for me.  I loved how she would try to help our believe in Thomas, but her inner thoughts of contemplating whether he was a murderer or not irritated me.  I mean yes, by all means please be cautious with this new boy whose situation is insanely questionable.  I definitely would.  But don't lead him alone into the woods to talk, when you're going to picture him as a murderer once you two are truly alone.  Granted, she was young and extremely sheltered, so I gave her way more passes than I normally would, because I did like her.  And just a heads up, Charlotte does have a sex-obsessed best friend.  But I found Nicole to be entertaining and utterly ridiculous while still being adorable.

“No one knew her. No one cares about her. No one cares about finding out who did this. They just care about how much they hate me.”
I have to stop talking. I’m going to lose it right here in the parking lot.
Arms go around my neck, and I stiffen in surprise. She’s hugging me. Charlotte is hugging me.
I can’t remember the last time anyone hugged me.

To be honest, I'm a little torn over that ending.  I liked how some things worked out, but another part of it left me so conflicted.  It wasn't what I wanted, and I was left wondering if everything would truly work out, even after that final page.  You see, Thicker Than Water was nicely setup for a possible second book. There is closure in the final pages, but there is also a lot up in the air.  So I was left with questions and I really wish I had those answers.  But I have to say that the twist was amazingly done!  Wow!

Thicker Than Water was a quick book to devour whose mystery kept me stuck to the pages.  The paranormal element was different, in the fact that it didn't play a large part, but looking back you can see how it was laced throughout the story.  And even though it did leave me with questions, I can't deny that I absolutely adored Thomas.  So I will try her Elemental Series down the road, and hopefully we will mesh up much better.  Plus I can't wait to see what male character she has created in that story!

*ARC kindly pro vided by Kensington Books via Netga lley in exchange for an honest review*
This review was originally posted on Star-Crossed Book Blog

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Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,728 reviews923 followers
July 19, 2017
I received an ARC copy of this book via netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

:: 4.5 Interesting Stars ::

This is a very well written and suspenseful read. Although readers should be warned that the plot takes a drastic change in the last 40% of the book. What readers are lead to believe in the first sixty percent will suddenly and dramatically be different than what is really going on in the story. Yikes… I just didn’t see that coming! This is a very unique read and I am happy to have been approved to read an arc of it. If you enjoy thrills, chills, mystery, suspense, and a little romance thrown in than this is your book. But be warned, most of what happens is very unexpected! But this is what makes the book so good.

>> You can read my full review on my blog @ www.prettylittlebookreviews.com
Profile Image for Maja (The Nocturnal Library).
1,016 reviews1,919 followers
December 23, 2015

After her very successful Elementals series, which I loved dearly, I’ve been waiting for Brigid Kemmerer standalone project with bated breath. It promised to have everything I’ve come to love about her work: small town mystery, forbidden romance in dual point of view and plenty of excitement to go around.

Thicker Than Water started out wonderfully, though perhaps with an overabundance of negative feelings. It’s clear right away that no love is lost between Thomas and his new town. With his mother just murdered and literally no one on his side, Thomas’ anger and anxiety threaten to overwhelm right from the start. If there is one positive thing I can say about this book (and truly, the praises aren’t many but they are important), it’s the intensity of Thomas’ feelings and how well they came across. Based on my experience with Kemmerer’s work, this seems to be one of her strengths. She knows how to bring forth and amplify whatever her characters are experiencing.

Aside from that, however, there aren’t many positive things I can point out about this book. While I thoroughly enjoyed Thomas’ character, despite his propensity for incredibly stupid behavior, I truly can’t say the same about Charlotte. Her emotions never reached me at all nor did I feel the need to try and relate, but what I did see and understand about her, I didn’t like very much at all. She struck me as selfish and uncaring, spoiled on the one hand and willing to let everyone walk all over her on the other. Aside from finding just a tiny bit of sympathy in an otherwise uncaring environment (which could be seen as a mild form of Stockholm syndrome), I simply couldn’t understand Thomas’ attraction to her.

I was pleasantly surprised by the paranormal plot twist in the last part, which I didn’t expect at all. However, by that point I just didn’t care enough for anything but Thomas himself and I wasn’t at all immersed into the story. The abrupt ending didn’t much help matters and I ended up feeling disappointed. I can sum this up in four words: excellent idea, lousy execution. I trust Kemmerer to do better next time, though.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.

Profile Image for Brittany.
1,350 reviews369 followers
June 14, 2016
I've been waiting for what feels like years for a new book from Kemmerer. I make it no secret that her Elemental series is one of my absolute favourites. It's pretty much everything I want in a series of books. Thicker Than Water is a little different but still has Kemmerer's signature writing and fully developed and personality-filled characters.
Kemmerer does an excellent job of setting up what is ultimately a very head-scratching mystery. Obviously, with it being a mystery I can't give much away, but Thomas is being blamed for his mother's murder. And it really doesn't make sense. The murder scene is really tricky and all evidence really does point in Thomas's direction. As to why he's being ostracized by the town. It's hard not feel for Thomas seeing as he's in this alone. His mom and he are new to the town. This is where Charlotte comes in. Even though she only meets him at his mom's funeral she believes he's innocent. The problem there is her brothers and dad are police officers and besides being over protective they obviously want Charlotte to keep her distance from Thomas. But that's really not happening. Their instant attraction to each other(Kemmerer is a romance writer at heart) might start to slip a veil over what's really important. Thomas is a great brody character and is really hard to read. Even though you get his POV, with some key points missing it's really hard to 100% believe that Thomas is innocent. Charlotte looks a little meek on the outside but I soon came to see her as a sassy and smart girl.
Like I mentioned, the mystery is on point. There are a thousand twists I didn't see coming. One of them adding a bit of a paranormal element to the story. It really adds a bunch of thrilling moments. I honestly could not even guess how the book would end. And because Kemmerer is such a snappy writer, writing a romantic mystery really worked well with her writing style. I know this is supposed to be a stand alone, but I don't want that. I need a sequel. Which is really my only qualm with the book; we just get the answers and that's not enough. There's no open ending, But there's so much more that could be built upon. So here's hoping.
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,874 reviews747 followers
November 25, 2015
4.5 stars

I was really intrigued by the premise of this book and that cover sucked me in, so I was pretty eager to read it.

I really liked Thomas and Charlotte. Their situation is interesting and I really enjoyed being able to see both sides of the story. I do wish Charlotte would have stood up for herself a bit more and not been so trampled in her family, but I loved her loyalty. And Thomas had me swooning without even trying.

The mystery of what was happening had me captivated. I am a huge fan of mindfuckery and I didn't see the twist coming. My major complaint is that it didn't feel like I had enough time to settle into what the reveal was and how it played into everything. The main conflict resolution felt extremely rushed. That and I would have liked a bit more from the epilogue.

Overall, it was a quick read that kept me turning pages and restraining myself from quoting all of the things.

**Huge thanks to Kensington Books and NetGalley for providing the arc in exchange for an honest review**
December 28, 2015
Torn a bit on this one. I've read some of Kemmerer's Elemental Series books, and at first seemed like she was trying something entirely new: until about the halfway point, this read like a contemporary YA murder mystery with a romance and everything seemed to have a bit of a Veronica Mars flair (there was a teenage murder victim named Lilly who was a friend of the main character).

But then quite a ways through the book, things took a rather unexpected turn -- or perhaps a more expected turn? -- and this became very much like an Elemental book -- namely, there was suddenly a paranormal twist. (The book had other Elemental trademarks, like a family of brothers, a scrappy female love interest in the midst of all the testosterone, and a misunderstood male protagonist.)

Pros: if you like the Elementals formula, as described above, you should like this. She's really good at writing guy characters and brothers. At first, I was really into the mystery.

Cons: Charlotte had a trio of overprotective older brothers who I liked initially but later began to seem like a plot device to keep Thomas and Charlotte apart. Then Charlotte was a bit of a damsel in distress and had to be rescued (carried through the woods!) not once but twice by Thomas. All this just wasn't my favorite type of way to develop a romance. (Charlotte did come into her own by the end, though.) For me, the paranormal aspect was introduced too late, which didn't leave enough time for it to be developed enough for my liking. This also resulted in the fact that the ending seemed rushed and partly unresolved - not sure if there are more books to follow but it seems like the possibility is there.

Read more of my reviews on YA Romantics or follow me on Bloglovin

Thanks to the publisher for providing an advance copy for review!
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,592 reviews1,058 followers
January 7, 2016
Thicker than Water is a great YA mystery tale of the kind I love. Also it has the added benefit of being a novel that ended up completely surprising me. As this does not really happen that often I say YAY.

Thomas moved recently to a new town with his mother – one morning he discovers her dead, murdered. The prime suspect, he is viewed with caution by the whole community and Thomas is not exactly even tempered so he’s about to have a pretty hard time. However, help comes in the form of Charlotte, who believes he is innocent and helps him set out to prove it.

This is my first novel from this author – and as the end hints that there may be more to come of this story it certainly won’t be the last – It has a great flow to the storytelling and a lovely atmospheric touch. One of those books that with hindsight you realise you should have known the solution all along, or at least had a good idea, it is cleverly constructed and highly addictive.

Great characters also, I loved Thomas and Charlotte and the dynamic that developed between them. Her brothers were endlessly annoying in their attitude towards Thomas, convinced as they were by his guilt – there are some great interactions and some thrills and spills. As I said above as well, there were some pleasingly surprising moments that just made me smile and think to myself “clever very clever”.

Overall then a great read. I hope there IS more to this story. Time I guess will tell.

Profile Image for ★MC's Corner★.
965 reviews47 followers
December 1, 2015

I am auto-approved by Kensington son yeah… I got the ARC of Brigid Kemmerer’s new book Thicker Than Water!

I love it!

At first, I said, ‘A non-paranormal/supernatural book by Brigid Kemmerer? Hmm… that’s interesting.’
Then halfway through the book… it was like the whole world (in the book) flipped suddenly.

*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.

• I can’t talk about what happened halfway through because that would TOTALLY SPOIL the whole story.
Don’t worry it was good. I didn’t expect it.

• The story started in a funeral. Thomas Bellweather’s mum’s funeral. She was murdered. The thing is, everyone thinks he did it. But Thomas loves him mother very much.
So who killed his mum?
Then there’s Charlotte (the annoying slut, my opinion), I think she just made Thomas life complicated. I don’t know, I think she’s got the negative to Tommy’s positive magnet. She just kept on bugging him. And they can’t seem to stay away from each other.
The problem, Charlotte is from a family of cops.
Since Thomas was the ‘prime suspect’ of his mum’s murder, again, according to everyone. You can add up that math.

• I am really not good at writing mystery books reviews… always spoil that much. So let’s keep this thing short.
READ THIOS BOOK. You are going to love it! Duh! It’s written by Brigid Kemmerer, in my opinion she never disappoints.


o COVER: It’s quite catchy.
My favorite from this author.
o GENRE: Mystery, Thriller, Romance & Paranormal.
o CHARACTERS: The characters had different personalities. Even the minor ones. I never mistook one character for the other. (Which btw happens a lot with other books.)
 The twist is the best part.
 The start of the story I think, is very powerful and will get your attention in no time.
 The mystery, thrill, romance and the supernatural part… divided and balanced equally. I can tell where what is. Good Job!
 Memorable scenes. I said I know what is what. So that’s given. The book is pretty memorable.
The backdrop is just per-fect. (I said that per-fect with my eyes on the back of my head.) Wahaha
o MARKET: Since there is the car scene (you know?) its teenagers and up.
I don’t know why or how… it’s just I just can’t. Maybe I should pound my head to the table.
o READ IT AGAIN? Yes. Probably. *grin*

• This review is short enough right?!

ARC provided by KENSINGTON BOOKS (KENSINGTON PUBLISHING CORP.) & NetGalley in exchange of honest review. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Expected publication: December 29th 2015 by Kensington Books

Profile Image for Siobhan ™.
Author 96 books9,107 followers
December 16, 2015
This was a gripping, intense, suspenseful read with an original concept and superb writing that hooked me instantly.

Both Charlotte and Thomas were likable main characters and I enjoyed both their voices and perspectives. Character and plot development were steady and consistently built and I enjoyed the slow-burning romance.

I really felt for Thomas - he was in a crappy situation that kept getting crappier. It's obvious from the start that there is something that doesn't quite add up about him, but I still wasn't expecting the paranormal shift which happened about 60% in. It took me by surprise and I felt the book halted for a chapter or two until I got my head around what was happening. Then the pace picked up perfectly and I enjoyed this new angle.

Charlotte was a strong female lead and I loved how she wasn't afraid to stand up to her family, and to defend Tom, even though she had some niggling doubts.

The romance was perfect and I felt the chemistry between them.

This is my first Brigid Kemmerer book, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I loved it, and I adored her writing style. Very slick and professional and the words flowed smoothly on the page. I'm not sure if there is going to be a sequel. I think there's enough meat there for one but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I would recommend this book if you enjoy contemporary YA romance with a paranormal twist.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This review will be posted to my blog on 29th December. http://myyanabookobsession.com
Profile Image for Luke.
492 reviews20 followers
March 1, 2016
Another Brigid Kemmerer book? Oh, yeah! I love her!

Okay, how many times does the release date have to change? It is back to January 2016. It was probably always that. Before that, it was December 2015. Before that, it was...well, January 2016. Before that, it was October 2015.

Will I survive, is the question... And, yes, I will. At least I hope I will. But I'm sure I will. There's plenty of books that can distract me until this book comes out.


Profile Image for Jenn.
1,884 reviews316 followers
February 26, 2020
3.5 Stars

Things you should probably know going in: this is paranormal. I had no clue about that so it was kind of jarring when it appeared.

Another thing to know: the title and cover make no sense (at least not to me).

However, the book itself was good, but I had a lot of issues. The story alone was enough to make me want to read it. Thomas is accused of his mothers murder. No one believes that he didn't do it except Charlotte who of course is the little sister to a family of cops. Murder mystery, sign me up! That plus Kemmerer's writing were a sure fire bet that this would be amazing.

Except it wasn't.

My issues stem mostly from the characters themselves. Thomas, having been accused of murder and told multiple times to stay away from Charlotte basically just makes horrible decisions throughout the book. And Charlotte, man she's a piece of work. She believes Thomas, she doesn't, then she does, then she doesn't, then she accuses him of attacking her and then she believes him. Like what? Also can her family just go away. Let me just say, they would be BIG fans of the Trump administration - especially when it comes to women's rights. Charlotte was just a door mat and she let herself be one. And that got frustrating because whereas it's nice to rebel in your head, it means nothing if you can't actually speak up to the people around you. Between her grandmother and her brothers, they just wanted her in pretty dresses and a housemaid. This isn't the 50's.

Another thing that I didn't really like was how the ending wasn't really explained very well. We know who killed his mom by the end but the reasoning wasn't very sound. Also the entire ending was kind of just smoothed over. It didn't make any sense to me.

But I did like the mystery around everything. And I liked Thomas for the most part. I felt bad for him because he couldn't do anything right. I also really liked his stepfather who not only lost his new wife but gained a stepson who is wanted for murder. I felt like he handled it in the best way he could have and I would have liked to see more interactions with them.

It was a good story but I wanted more. And I know Kemmerer can give it.
Profile Image for Deniz.
1,188 reviews98 followers
January 6, 2016
My Initial Reaction :
No way no way! WTH?
You can't do this! You can't leave me hanging like THAT!
Is there another book? When is it coming out??

Okay okay. Let me calm down. I mean this is me freaking out because I want MORE.
This has Kemmerer written all over it: Fabulous Character building, interesting paranormal side track and the feels.... yeah THE FEELS... seriously don't ask me how she does it, but she does get exactly the reaction she wants from me, every freakn time. Maybe she is a bit like Tom? creepy really. Or maybe she is really good at writing? Well, she is a magician with words that's for sure.
And yet again the plot? There is so little we have been given. So so so little. And though the end is not technically a cliffy- it leaves you hanging. I just know I want more. Wait that's not right. I NEED MORE...

Now that I did have a while to think about it and calm down, there are two things that still stand out:

First: I want need more! I can't wait to get my hands on the next book- there will be another book right? Because if not... it would be rather an unsatisfying experience, actually.

Second: This has Kemmerer's MO written all over it. So if you a fan; you going to love this.  

This is well written. Just like one would expect from Kemmerer. It's a total rollercoaster of emotions. She made me gasp and had me devastated with the flick of her pen. She is queen of the Feels and Thicker Than Water just cemented this. Absolutely.

What it however also confirmed? She writes character driven novels. Not a bad thing by all means. The plot is just like in her previous books- rather on the thin side. If I would have to write a summary of the plot- I could do it in 3 sentences flat. Not an issue for me. I love character driven novels. The had several twists and turns but not many took me by surprise. I anticipated them. Still doesn't mean I didn't react. I knew that it was coming, but I still was devastated, excited or whatever rise Kemmerer wanted, which is why I liked this so much.

Kemmerer totally excels in character building. In fact the characters are so complex, I found myself surprised by some of them, rather than their actions. Kemmerer had me thinking I mapped out who is who only to change the ballgame halfway through. It made me reassess everything. I mean EVERYTHING. And that? Is feakn' amazing!
As I said, I want more. I want to know where they go from here. I need to work out who really is a villain, who is actually a victim- who is ok.. There is so much grey here, I still am working it all out.
While I found Thomas quite difficult to connect to- all that anger and confusion for the first bit of the book, I ended up totally feeling with him. I was distraught for him. I totally got where he was and why he was doing what he was doing. Not only that, I agree with his actions at the end.
Charlotte is strong, surprisingly so. And I adored her from the beginning. Then I found myself being worried that it was all a ruse, hoping she wasn't wrong. Felt her heartbreak and her hopes.
I want more of Charlotte and Thomas, but not only them. I feel there are so many stories behind her brothers, her family... Just like I said, Kemmerer wove complex surprising characters- not just the two MCs but also each and everyone in the support cast. I understood where Charlotte's family was coming from.

The world building is an amazing backdrop to the entire thing. It's neat and very clever. Sorta in the same token as Kemmerer's previous series. So paranormal elements that are interesting. But we've been given just bits and pieces- so I feel like I only got an idea behind something immense. I want more. But it's not like I didn't get enough. Kemmerer did a good job at giving me the scraps at the right moment, opening the paranormal aspects just when it was needed... Simply: Brilliant.

The only little warning to caution: This doesn't end in a total cliffy but it's open ended. I need more closure. Hence my utter hope that there will be several more books...

Another awesome book- hopefully series- by the master of character-driven awesomeness!
Absolute MUST READ!
Profile Image for Cristina .
128 reviews18 followers
March 22, 2016
*Spoiler Free review*

You can check this review with more details on my blog (x)

“I have a thousand memories of her face. Every expression you can imagine.
The one memory, the worst one, is the one that keeps coming to the forefront.”

My ratings: 4.5 out of 5 | 9 out of 10

What first attracted me to this book were the gorgeous cover and the fact that it was somewhat of a new release and I'm trying to review more of those.

Something important to know before entering this book is that it belongs to the paranormal genre and it's not just a classic mystery book. In my opinion it's more indicated to teens or young adults because of the character's ages and thoughts.

The whole book was interesting and the writer was able to capture my attention even in the slowest more normal day-to-day descriptions. I fell in love with Thomas and Charlotte (The main characters) and most of the other characters too because there was a lot of character development and strong personalities. It's true that I've read about characters with similar traits but Tom and Char still made the story very intriguing, flirty and mysterious.

Even though I was able to guess the plot-twist before it happened, most of the time I had no idea to what would happen next and that was very entertaining. We have some sexy scenes and thoughts that weren't much my style but still made the story quite realistic.

The only problem that I have with this book it's that I was left with the idea that a second book would be released but according to goodreads this is a stand alone. That leaves me a bit disappointed because I would like to know more and I still have some questions unanswered.

Nevertheless, it became one of my favorites of 2016 until now and I still highly recommend it to people who don't mind a young view of the world and of the sentiment of love. Oh, and some action-packed scenes.


-Who was your favorite character?
Char? Thomas?
-Will you read the author again?
-Was it worth the price?
Profile Image for Irene.
856 reviews109 followers
January 10, 2019
One more book from Brigid Kemmerer that I couldn't put down. The mystery and suspence were killing me. I found the plot very original, I haven't read anything similar in the past so ofcourse I suspected everyone at one point or another.

The story is centered around Thomas, a high school graduate whose mother is being found strungled in her bed, automatically making him the main suspect. Thomas is new to this town, his mother only two weeks married to Stan, a local police officer. Thomas, not only has to deal with the loss of the only parent he has since he was five years old, but he's alone, having left all his friends behind, in a new town openly hostile towards him. Everyone thinks that he murdered his mother in cold blood despite the lack of evidence.

"I've never had an entire town hate me. I've never been so........alone."

Well, everyone except Charlotte, a seventeen year old girl who first meets Thomas at his mother's funeral and tries to befriend him. The only problem is that Charlotte's father and three brothers are all in the local law enforcement and forbid her to ever contact Thomas. This doesn't stop the teens because they are very attracted to each other which leads to heartbreak and lots of arrests.

Even though we had a major revelation in the end and the mystery was solved, the end was kind of abrapt and it left many loose threads. If that means that the author intends to write another book to continue the story involving maybe some other characters that were amazing, then count me in. I would love to hear their stories especially Nicole's (Charlotte's BFF) and Dany's and Ben's (Charlotte's single brothers).

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