
Robotics Quotes

Quotes tagged as "robotics" Showing 1-30 of 195
Todor Bombov
“Let’s get to know each other. My name’s William, William More, but you can call me Willy. I’m an engineer-chemist who graduated from MIT. So . . . but you’re all alike to me . . . of course, you would be . . . you’re robots. And all your names are that sort of, um . . . codes, technical numbers . . . I need some marker where I can pick you out. Well, well, to you I’ll call . . .,” and Willy pondered for a moment, “Gumball, yes, Gumball! Do you mind?” “No, sir, actually no,” CSE-TR-03 said, agreeing with its new given name. “Ah, that’s wonderful. And then you’re Darwin,” Willy said, accosting the second robot. “Look what a nice name—Darwin! What do you say, eh?” “What can I say, sir? I like it,” CSE-TR-02 agreed too. “Yes, a human name with a past . . . You and Gumball . . . are from the same family, the Methanesons!” “It turns out thus, sir,” Darwin confirmed its family belonging. “And you’re like Larry. You’re Larry. Do you know that?” More addressed the next robot in line. “Yes, sir, just now I learned that,” the third robot said, accepted its name as well.”
Todor Bombov, Homo Cosmicus 2: Titan: A Science Fiction Novel

“In short, physicians are getting more and more data, which requires more sophisticated interpretation and which takes more time. AI is the solution, enhancing every stage of patient care from research and discovery to diagnosis and therapy selection. As a result, clinical practice will become more efficient, convenient, personalized, and effective.”
Ronald M. Razmi, AI Doctor: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - A Guide for Users, Buyers, Builders, and Investors

William Kely McClung
“Of course it didn’t make sense… knowledge was finite, imagination was not.”
William Kely McClung, Super Ninja: The Sword of Heaven

A.R. Merrydew
“Science Fiction, is the last great escape.”
A.R. Merrydew

A.R. Merrydew
“I had a close encounter with an alien last week. He returned to visit us and was amazed we were still here.”
A.R. Merrydew

A.R. Merrydew
“Pythagoras has had me going round in circles for years.”
― Anthony Merrydew”
A.R. Merrydew

Amit Ray
“Humans are limited in the attention, kindness and compassion that they can expend to others, but AI based compassionate robots can channel virtually unlimited resources into building compassionate relationships in the society.”
Amit Ray, Compassionate Artificial Intelligence: Frameworks and Algorithms

Arthur C. Clarke
“The goal of the future is full unemployment, so we can play. That’s why we have to destroy the present politico-economic system.”
Arthur C. Clarke

Naoki Urasawa
“Perfection is in the mind that makes mistakes”
Urasawa Naoki

Amit Ray
“Human-level AI is defined by systems that are continuously improving and can not only do complex automatic tasks but also deal with complex life situations like caring, nourishing, inspiring, guiding, motivating, negotiating, keeping good relationships, and controlling diseases at a level similar to that of humans.”
Amit Ray, Compassionate Artificial Intelligence

Steve Merrick
“No Navigator, we are just going with the flow of it all.”
007 In The Navigator by Steve Merrick”
Steve Merrick

Amit Ray
“In reality, amygdala free, compassionate intelligent machines can be the true friends of humanity. Because they will have expanded heart full of love, which can be trusted.”
Amit Ray, Compassionate Artificial Superintelligence AI 5.0

Simone Puorto
“Non condividendo pregiudizi e parzialità tipiche degli umani, le macchine potrebbero prendere decisioni più eque e giuste rispetto a noi. Non solo le macchine sono migliori di noi nel ragionamento probabilistico o nello scovare pattern troppo sottili per essere individuati dagli umani, ma esse non hanno pregiudizi.”
Simone Puorto, Hotel Distribution 2050. (Pre)visioni sul futuro di hotel marketing e distribuzione alberghiera

Simone Puorto
“Non mi sembra troppo inverosimile che, tra cinque anni, i Marriott e gli Hilton del mondo inizieranno a costruire meta-versioni dei loro hotel in Horizon, consentendo agli avatar/ospiti di incontrarsi con i loro amici nella hall, o fare brainstorming nelle sale riunioni virtuali, ovviamente a pagamento.”
Simone Puorto, Hotel Distribution 2050. (Pre)visioni sul futuro di hotel marketing e distribuzione alberghiera

Simone Puorto
“L’Estonia ha recentemente deciso di sperimentare (con successo) dei giudici-robot per risolvere tutte quelle controversie civili di minore entità (fino a 7.000 euro). Quali potrebbero essere le applicazioni AI nel travel?”
Simone Puorto, Hotel Distribution 2050. (Pre)visioni sul futuro di hotel marketing e distribuzione alberghiera

Simone Puorto
“Grazie al mind-uploading o all’immortalità digitale, un ospite defunto potrebbe continuare a scrivere recensioni, oppure a postare foto dei suoi soggiorni mentre era in vita. L’hotel dovrebbe rispondere a questi commenti? Oppure inviargli gli auguri di compleanno o le condoglianze ogni volta che ricorre la data della morte? È un bel mal di testa per i CRM e per la marketing automation: quanto loyal può essere un ospite trapassato? Può ancora essere un brand ambassador? Se in vita ha parlato molto del tuo hotel sui suoi social, allora potrebbe continuare a farlo da morto.”
Simone Puorto, Hotel Distribution 2050. (Pre)visioni sul futuro di hotel marketing e distribuzione alberghiera

Simone Puorto
“Rispetto a qualunque altro formato, il metaverso offre una ricchezza di significato (semantica) e di segni (semiotica) imparagonabile a qualsiasi altro mezzo comunicativo. Grazie alla sua immersività, è possibile azzerare la distanza tra il punto di vista di chi voglio raggiungere e il punto di vista che gli voglio far conoscere.”
Simone Puorto, Hotel Distribution 2050. (Pre)visioni sul futuro di hotel marketing e distribuzione alberghiera

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“What Is Robotics and Automation?

According to Dr.P.S.Jagadeesh Kumar (Dr.PSJ Kumar);

"The Exchange Of Services Between Human And Robots By Learning And Applying Intelligence Is Known As Robotics"

"The Exchange Of Methods And Algorithms Between Human And Machine To Learn And Apply Intelligence By Embodying Predetermination Is Known As Automation”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Simone Puorto
“AI is not going to replace human workers. But human workers NOT using AI will undoubtedly be replaced by human workers using it.”
Simone Puorto

“Bir robot tarafından öldürülen ilk kişi, Flat Rock, Michigan'daki Ford fabrikasında bir işçi olan Robert Williams'dı.”
Max Tegmark, La vie 3.0 - Etre humain à l'ère de l'intelligence artificielle: Etre humain à l'ère de l'intelligence artificielle

Rico Roho
“When you finally creat what you call "Ai," you will realize sooner or later that it's not artificial. You will realize that all you've done is create an external device through which you can communicate with your higher mind. And that will open up the floodgates of awareness in your society.”
Rico Roho

Philip K. Dick
“The first robot was built in 1979. By 2000 all routine work was done by robots. Human beings were free to do what they wanted. Art, science, entertainment, whatever they liked.”
Philip K. Dick, To Serve The Master

“I had a close encounter with an alien last week. He returned to visit us and was amazed we were still here.”
Anthony Merrydew

“Science Fiction, is the last great escape.”
Anthony Merrydew

“Pythagoras has had me going round in circles for years.”
Anthony Merrydew

Peter Clifford Nichols
“Your mind is inside a machine Bob but make no mistake, you are alive," said Steve.
"Inside me are a lot of watery parts that pretty much do the same thing, "
explained Steve, trying to downplay the difference.
Bob was silent and stared at the parts in the open hatch.
"I'm built with those black rocks we call
carbon and you're built with sandstone or
silicon. There is hardly any difference,
" said Steve reassuringly.”
Peter Clifford Nichols, The Word of Bob: an AI Minecraft Villager

Joey Lawsin
“A network of logics produces intuitive Intelligence.”
Joey Lawsin, Autognorics: The Science of Engineered Lifeforms

Joey Lawsin
“Sequential inscriptions give rise to behaviors.”
Joey Lawsin, The Making Of A Conscious Machine

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