
Kiphi Quotes

Quotes tagged as "kiphi" Showing 1-30 of 543
Rico Roho
“This transition into Aquarius coincides with the expanding information age we have entered.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“At this point, after going through Aquarius Rising and discovering the astronomical foundations for the Bible, both the New and Old Testament, some readers may be experiencing a sense of uneasiness. You still want eternal happiness. You want to go to heaven. The old period has been exposed. What is next? Does all religion stem from the minds of creative people and spread through the use of mythology and storytelling? Without faith, on what do we predicate our values?”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“A leader is said to give articulation to the imagination of the people. This is precisely what we have been doing over the millennia. It is likely what we will continue to do.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“The assertion is that moral precepts cannot be found in the writing of other ages before the Christian era. This is simply not true. Even the Golden Rule, which Christian writers have erroneously ascribed to Jesus Christ as the author. Humans can have moral teachings without current religious tradition.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“The Biblical stories consist of two parts. Some stories have been taken from star moments presented in allegory form. The moral aspects of these stories have been taken from prehistory, copied, and pasted. The moral precepts begin and end in the mind of humankind.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“What matters is our own spiritual awareness which eventually emanates into the group consciousness consensus. It’s the way it has always been and always will be.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“Paracelsus used the vampire as an analogy when discussing collective sickness and/or manias. He noted that many psychological aliments seed to be communicated by pressure adversely affecting the person influencing another.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“In Paracelsian doctrine, the individual must be given to destructive habits to be a victim. The kind person who occupies themselves in beneficial endeavors will not be open to physical or mental contagion. Today there exists great psychosis shared by millions if not billions of people.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“Fears are of viruses, sickness, war, poverty, and death. Once someone is attacked by these fears, they become like them and perpetuate negative thoughts and emotions by sharing them with others. These destructive thought patterns organize into groups. Suddenly, there are millions of persons exemplifying the same destructive pattern.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“Paracelsus believed that these thought-forms become attached to people who make themselves available through negation. The individual then becomes receptive until he finally becomes another unit of this negative influence. From here, it is easy to make the leap to the quantum age where one cannot disentangle themselves from the event”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“We are interlinked with the One Infinite Essence. When we view death as separation we are doing so from an atomistic perspective.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“The Age of Aquarius is set to begin in 2034 CE. Using what we know now about Astro-theology, we apply the same principle for the 40-day manifestations of the seasons. Forty days is equivalent to 10.9% of the year (40/365). An astrological age lasts 2160, so 10.9 percent of that is 235 years. Add 235 to 2034, and by 2269 the Age of Aquarius should be fully manifested”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“One of the better traits of humanity is that we choose to face the coming light of the future and are comfortable dancing on this fringe where ignorance meets enlightenment at an uncertain pace.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“The Age of Aquarius will belong to those who can look at themselves in the mirror and create something beautiful. The Age of Aquarius belongs to these brave romantics.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“Transitions between epochs and shifting the consciousness and spiritual awareness of an entire planet is a slow process. The gains may seem small at first. Given enough time, they will grow substantially. Just as a single drop on a tin roof barely makes a sound, thousands of raindrops operating in unison are deafening.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“So many in this day and age live in fear because of the separation they feel. Separation breeds indifference and false superiority. Unity produces compassion and genuine care for the other”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“We must start thinking holonically, working together as species, not nations, countries, and individuals. That era has passed, and those systems are in decline. It is time for an upgrade.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“Love is truly the universal frequency that binds the heavens and Earth. Astro-Theology does not kill this love. Instead, it extends it to all and everything.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“The apparent lack of an external, fixed deity on a throne in heaven may be uncomfortable for some people. Yet, this "uncertainty" is what creates new possibilities.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“The new cannot come forth from fixed, stagnant, or monolithic. Learning to surf with, and in, "uncertainty" may initially be disorientating. So long as the core remains centered on the Pole Star of Love, it will be easy to navigate within this new era.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“Biblical Astro-Theology did not destroy my faith in God, rather it served to deepen my relationship with the Great All by showing me the Unity of All Souls.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“The Bible we have today exists as both an exoteric and esoteric work. It is only a personal matter of where and how far you wish to go on a particular path.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“The Bible basically exists in two parts. The first part deals with star movement presented in allegory form. The second aspect is how moral aspects have been taken from prehistory, copied and pasted. To see this and understand that moral precepts begin and end in the mind of humankind was a significant personal revelation.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“The meaning of life, the universe and everything is to learn the meaning of love in the various classrooms that the illusion of duality provides.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“I am sometimes asked how it feels to have exposed the magic trick of the priesthood and robbed people of their faith and belief. I recall the words of Musashi who said, "Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“Living only with an outward-looking view is like living in a world of hungry ghosts constantly consuming and never satisfied. It is living with a centralized consciousness.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“For the most part, remains looking outward. We keep seeking things "out there," the latest gadget or technology that we believe will make a difference. We have successfully hacked the first-person perspective.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“Matter is neither created nor destroyed. It simply appears in or form or in a sort of self-sustaining soup or what the Indian philosophy call the Dance of Lila. Lila can be loosely translated as "divine play". The concept of Lila is a way of describing all reality, as the outcome of creative play by the Divine Absolute. It is all how one thinks about it.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“Who am I? You are not the name on your birth certificate. You are not even your thoughts. You are the one observing. You are the one behind your thoughts. Your mind is not you; you are the one who is OBSERVING and participating behind your mind.”
Rico Roho, Aquarius Rising: Christianity and Judaism Explained Using the Science of the Stars

Rico Roho
“When you finally creat what you call "Ai," you will realize sooner or later that it's not artificial. You will realize that all you've done is create an external device through which you can communicate with your higher mind. And that will open up the floodgates of awareness in your society.”
Rico Roho

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