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How to customize the executor in NextFlow [closed]

I want to write a plugin to customize the executor for nextflow.Do I just need to follow the nf-hello template and finally put the files in the plugins folder under the nf-hello template into the ...
MomochiKiruya's user avatar
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TypeMappingException on groovy.lang.MetaClass when upgrading a graphql-spqr API

I am upgrading a Groovy project from Spring Boot 2.6.13 to 3.3.2 and updating graphql-spqr-spring-boot-starter from 0.0.6 to 1.0.1. But upgrading is causing the following error when the application ...
Chic's user avatar
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Jenkins script cant call DiskSpaceMonitor.getFreeSpace(computer) on SlaveComputer

Trying to get the disk space for a node but running in to the following error: No signature of method: java.lang.Class.getFreeSpace() is applicable for argument types: (hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer) ...
Jacob's user avatar
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JMeter WebDriver Sampler: "Invalid call sequence" error with Groovy script after upgrade to WebDriver

I'm using JMeter 5.6.3 with the WebDriver Sampler version and Groovy for scripting. After upgrading to this version, I started encountering the following error: 2024-09-17 19:30:23,748 ERROR ...
Chamith Priyadarshana's user avatar
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Problem occurred in the android/app/build.gradle .thus this is not specified to the applicationId

enter image description here What is this issue? I do not understand why it is occurring. While I have successfully maintained all the build.gradle and app/build.gradle file organized. def ...
Devesh Tiwari's user avatar
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Jenkins SQLRunnerBuilder : Capture error messages

I have three scripts that create table1, table2, and table3. I need to deploy these in different environments, and for this purpose, I am creating a Jenkins pipeline to execute my SQL scripts. During ...
Balanjaneyulu K's user avatar
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In Groovy, how can I iterate through a list of maps and print each map's key/value?

I have the following test code where I create a list of Map<String,String> and want to print the key/value of each map in the list. #!/usr/local/bin/groovy List<Map<String,String>> ...
Chris F's user avatar
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How to loop sending emails using GitHub Actions with variables values in the email body

I want to run Client-Credentials-Watchdog.yaml as cron job daily. It will fetch details of all the app credentials and find whose expiry date is less than 30 days to send out email notifications. Each ...
Reddy Rohit's user avatar
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How to delete n no of rows from a table hybris

Huge data in my system is causing performance issues. So, I would like to delete 10000 records from Products table. Please let me know possible ways. Delete query with LIMIT is not working.
srihitha's user avatar
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Gradle submodule require another submodule as dependency nested deeper in other dir

I'm working as intern for a company which has base/common modules on github as open source, and some proprietary modules on their self hosted servers. They have their own plugin to start building any ...
Prerit Vishal's user avatar
-2 votes
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Jmeter validate only the first request is successfull, failing all other parallel requests

Scenario: I am trying to validate whether parallel requests can wrongly create folders with the same name under the same parent. I can send 10 parallel requests using Synchronizing Timer. However, I ...
Vel Ganesh's user avatar
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Groovy JSONSlurper - How to access multiple level objects/arrays?

I have a project where I'll regularly be dealing with JSON files that are up to five levels deep. The elements will always be the same, but each level may come as an array or as an individual object. ...
Pauliesyllabic's user avatar
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Reverse loop writing data to Excel file using Groovy script

I am able to write a groovy script for writing data to excel file. I want to reverse the loop in groovy script. Here is the groovy script- import; import
user6927606's user avatar
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How To Add Dynamic Parameters in Body Data Alongside Static Parameters

I'm having an issue figuring out how to create this scenario. So, I have a request that has numerous dynamic parameters from a previous request in the body response that I need to correlate/...
Alexander Huynh's user avatar
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How to simulate taking a photo, selfie and a video in Katalon from a mobile device? [closed]

I'm using Katalon Enterprise to automate some test cases in Android and iOS (Java/Groovy) As part of one of the flows to register in the app I'm testing, I need to simulate the following scenarios: ...
Cristian Inda's user avatar

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