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How to modify XML node value depending on another node value using groovy script

<Products> <Product> <PAYTERM_LABEL>Test 1</PAYTERM_LABEL> <CurrencyCode>EUR</CurrencyCode> <DELETED_FLAG>X</DELETED_FLAG> </Product> <...
Aarti Dholiya's user avatar
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Add a SOAP Envelope to an XML in Groovy

I´d like to add a soap envelope to a XML using groovy and XMLParser. This is my code import groovy.xml.XmlParser def soapEnvelope = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding=...
MMZSTACK's user avatar
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Replace \ with " in XML using Groovy script

I have below tag in my xml: <Amt><InstdAmt Ccy=\USD\>4.38</InstdAmt></Amt> I am getting above from an API response, which fetches data from AWS S3 bucket. But in AWS S3 ...
Indranisgt's user avatar
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Groovy script to write XML data to xls(Excel)

I have a XML structure like below. How to write a groovy script to write XML data to xls(Excel)? Could someone help me on this? <Record> <Action>create</Action> <ID KEMASAN>...
user6927606's user avatar
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Groovy - remove non unique values in a XML payload

I am trying to extract just two nodes from the xml payload. But it results in some duplicate values.Is there a way to get unique combination of values or to remove the duplicates value later on. ...
N21RL's user avatar
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how to modify couple of values in a xml file using groovy?

Below is my xml saved in a file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tag0:Document xmlns:tag0="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.05"> <...
Indranisgt's user avatar
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How to remove specific XML tag and empty parent tags using Groovy?

I'd like to remove the tag containing this exact number '123456789' and its parent tags from the XML document using Groovy. How would I do this? <CdtrAcct> <Id> <Othr&...
Laki Roske's user avatar
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How to curl an xml in groovy?

I'm currently trying to curl an xml file through groovy: def command = "curl -H \"Accept: application/xml\" ${path}" def process = command.execute() process.waitFor() When I ...
Feldmarshall's user avatar
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Groovy : Deleting all the XML element where tag value has alphabet or special character

I have written a code which is not working as expected. If anyone can tell me what i am doing wrong. Input <DLF> <DeliveryOrder> <COMMETTANT>3260</COMMETTANT> ...
GameBuilder's user avatar
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add new tag in response soap

what i already tried: i created code using groovy like this: @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlRootElement() class Input { @XmlElement(name = "memberCode", required = true, ...
Kraken's user avatar
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Get a node as raw XML in Groovy

Provided I have an XML structure: <a> <b> <c>aaa</c> <d a="42"/> </b> </a> I want to get the b-node as the original XML String: <b&...
injecteer's user avatar
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Groovy: get value from xml

I am new in groovy and I want to get value from XML. This is my XML and my value what I want is name="name_of_something". Could somebody help me with this problem ? <data> <object ...
Johny124's user avatar
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How to get the value of a specific tag inside XML

I want to get specific value from message wsdl xml like this: <Message name="InvestorAcctStatement"> <Field name="ExtRef">180120120000331</Field> <...
Kraken's user avatar
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groovy 3.0.x asString() method doesn't replace { }

After upgrading jdk from 11 to 17, I have to upgrade groovy from 2.5.14 to groovy 3.0.8 +. After I ran my class which serialize a doc, this is the serialization part : `XmlUtil.serialize(node)` And ...
Cristi 12's user avatar
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Groovy script to merge xml nodes depending on a node value in the incoming payload

I am receiving a payload of employees timesheet with multiple weeks attendance, need to merge the multiple weeks entries into one entry based on employee id and send it to receiver system. I have ...
ism's user avatar
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