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Stranica Wikipedia talk:Notability (Dnevnik · Istorija stranice)
Korisnik Graywalls (Brojač izmena· Top izmene)
Ukupno izmena (edits) 50
Manje izmene 0 (0%)
(Polu)automatizovane izmene 0 (0%)
Vraćene izmene 1 (2%)
atbe1 39,1
Dodato (bajtova)2 18.899
Izbrisano (bajtova) -4.320
Manje izmene · 0 (0%)
Glavne izmene · 50 (100%)
(Polu)automatizovane izmene · 0 (0%)
Ručne izmene · 50 (100%)
Vraćene izmene · 1 (2%)
Ne vraćene izmene · 49 (98%)
1 Prosečno vreme između izmena (dani)
2 Dodati tekst je bilo koji pozitivni doprinos koji nije vraćen sledećom izmenom (približno)
Datum Veze Veličina Rezime izmene
Razl · Istorija 416
Razl · Istorija 311 Notability standard for restaurants?: Reply
Razl · Istorija 230 GNG and sources relation to claims of notability: Reply
Razl · Istorija 382 Notability standard for restaurants?: Reply
Razl · Istorija 354 Notability standard for restaurants?: Reply
Razl · Istorija 65 Notability standard for restaurants?:
Razl · Istorija 12 Notability standard for restaurants?:
Razl · Istorija 499 Notability standard for restaurants?: Reply
Razl · Istorija 194 Notability standard for restaurants?: Reply
Razl · Istorija 419 Notability standard for restaurants?:
Razl · Istorija 343 Notability standard for restaurants?: Reply
Razl · Istorija 294 Notability standard for restaurants?: Reply
Razl · Istorija 745 Notability standard for restaurants?: Reply
Razl · Istorija 293 Notability standard for restaurants?:
Razl · Istorija 42 Notability standard for restaurants?:
Razl · Istorija 409 Notability standard for restaurants?: Reply
Razl · Istorija 266
Razl · Istorija 351 Concerns about NBAND #5: Reply
Razl · Istorija 15
Razl · Istorija 125 Concerns about NBAND #5: Reply
Razl · Istorija 152 Refocus the discussion re NBAND: Reply
Razl · Istorija 180 Notability guideline for police/law enforcement/similar bodies:
Razl · Istorija -4.319 Restored revision 1171452245 by Lowercase sigmabot III (talk): Reverting vandalism - patent nonsense dump
Razl · Istorija -159 (vraćeno)  Reverted 1 edit by (talk): Vand.
Razl · Istorija 365 Concerns about NBAND #5: Reply
Razl · Istorija 201 Refocus the discussion re NBAND:
Razl · Istorija 243 Refocus the discussion re NBAND:
Razl · Istorija 254 Concerns about NBAND #5:
Razl · Istorija 451 Concerns about NBAND #5:
Razl · Istorija 28 Concerns about NBAND #5: I thought at one point GNG actually directly referred to NCORP but I guess not.
Razl · Istorija 205 Concerns about NBAND #5:
Razl · Istorija 485 Concerns about NBAND #5: Replying to Jclemens about NORG vs GNG
Razl · Istorija 65 Concerns about NBAND #5:
Razl · Istorija 161 Concerns about NBAND #5:
Razl · Istorija -1
Razl · Istorija 19 Concerns about NBAND #5:
Razl · Istorija 1.035
Razl · Istorija 481 Appropriate SNG for record labels/recording companies:
Razl · Istorija 171 Appropriate SNG for record labels/recording companies:
Razl · Istorija 339
Razl · Istorija 658 Need clearer consensus interpretation of significant coverage and audience.:
Razl · Istorija 279 Need clearer consensus interpretation of significant coverage and audience.:
Razl · Istorija 2.430
Razl · Istorija 877 NPEOPLE vs NORG for artists collectives:
Razl · Istorija 1.243 NORG / NPEOPLE
Razl · Istorija 583 Notability standards for software and apps: include example
Razl · Istorija 594 asking questions regarding software notability standards
Razl · Istorija 873 Where does coverage in alternative weekly papers fall for notability validation?:
Razl · Istorija 126 Where does coverage in alternative weekly papers fall for notability validation?:
Razl · Istorija 636 Alternative papers
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