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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Wiktionary/Sitelinks and the translation is 41% complete.
Sitelinks on Wiktionary

Lelikhasi lichaza tinhlelo letehlukene letihlanganisa emakhasi eWiktionary.

This section currently doesn't affect Wikimedia main page (Q5296), as many Wiktionaries are directly putting their main pages on the mainspace, though we may ask these projects to consider moving these pages to the Project: namespace as detailed here, see also Talk:Q5296#Talking about Wiktionaries.

The main namespace of Wiktionary, or "Entry", means the pages that contains the core content, such as wikt:en:face or wikt:fr:face.

On these pages, the links between pages of different language versions of Wiktionary, with the exact same title, are automatically displayed by a Mediawiki extension called Cognate. The links are not stored in Wikidata: the extension is automatically linking the pages having the exact same title, after applying a few normalization rules to the titles. For example, the pages wikt:en:face, wikt:fr:face, and a lot of other pages on other languages, are connected via the links appearing in the menu column.

Since the deployment of this system in April 2017, the manual links should be removed from the main namespace on Wiktionaries. It is still possible to overwrite the automatic links by adding a manual link in the wikitext of a Wiktionary page, with the syntax [[fr:face]]. This also means that in order to allow the extension to work on a page, the manual links need to be removed.

If you encounter any problem with the automatic links, or would like to suggest a normalization rule for your language or alphabet, feel free to let a message on this talk page after discussing with your local Wiktionary community. If you're using Phabricator, you can also create a sub-task of this ticket.

The links to pages of the main namespace should not be stored in Wikidata. A link to a Wiktionary entry should not be linked on a Q-item on Wikidata, since Q-items are about concepts and not words. Therefore, the section "Wiktionary" on items pages should not contain links to a Wiktionary entry.

Ngisho nobe kungenteka, akukafaneli uhlanganise emakhasi lamakhulu e-Wiktionary ku-Wikidata. Ema-link e-interwiki awo sewuniketwe ngekwandzisa kwe-Cognate (buka sigaba lesingenhla).

In short
  • When you create a new page about a word on Wiktionary, the links to other pages with exact same titles will be created automatically
  • For existing pages, the manual links need to be removed from wikitext
  • It is still possible to overwrite the automatic links by adding manual links
  • If you have any problem with the automatic links, talk to your community and ask here

Other namespaces

Other namespaces exist on Wiktionaries to store "meta" content, for example: wikt:en:Help:How to edit a page or wikt:fr:Aide:Comment modifier une page.

To link these pages to their equivalent on another language version of Wiktionary, the links are stored in Wikidata. For example, the item Help:Editing (Q151637) is the item dedicated to all the help pages about editing on the Wikimedia projects ; on this item, in the "Wiktionary" section, the links to all the Wiktionaries having such a page appear. Then, on wikt:en:Help:How to edit a page, the links to the other language versions are automatically displayed in the menu column.

Since the deployment of this system in June 2017, the manual links should be removed from the other namespaces on Wiktionaries (except for a few ones, see the "exception" section below). It is still possible to overwrite the automatic links by adding a manual link in the wikitext of a Wiktionary page, with the syntax [[fr:Aide:Comment modifier une page]]. This also means that in order to allow the extension to work on a page, the manual links need to be removed.

Hlela sitelink ye Wiktionary ku-Wikidata
Ungangeta njani i-link?

Emakhasi eWiktionary, ekholomu ye-menu, ngaphansi kwesigaba "lesinye tilwimi", kukhona i-link "fake lulwimi lolusha". Ngekuchofota kule-link, utawucondziswa ku-Wikidata, lapho ungakhona kuhlela khona ngalokucondzile incenye letsi "Wiktionary". Chofota ku-link "edit", bese ufaka i-link lensha ngekufaka ikhodi yelulwimi yelikhasi lelifunwako (sib. "en" ngesiNgisi) endzaweni yekucala, kanye neligama lelikhasi, kufaka ekhatsi indzawo yemagama, endzaweni yesibili.

Uma ufuna kufaka i-link ngesandla, kusengenteka kutsi ufake i-link ku-wikitext, le-link itawubonakala naku-sideebar.

Uma wenta likhasi lelisha

Uma wenta likhasi lelisha lelingakahlanganiswa ku-Wikidata, ngemuva kwekushicilela, ungachofota ku-"add links" ku-menu column. Khetsa lulwimi, bese ukhetsa ligama lelikhasi kulenye iWiktionary lofuna kuhlanganisa.

If you encounter any problem with the automatic links, feel free to let a message on this talk page after discussing with your local Wiktionary community. If you're using Phabricator, you can also create a sub-task of this ticket.

  • Ema sitelinks ema namespaces ngaphandle kwe namespaces agcinwe ku-Wikidata * Kufaka i-link lensha, ungaya ku-Wikipedia kusuka ekhasini lakho le-Wiktionary, bese ufaka i-link lapho * Ungafaka i-links yesandla ku-wikitext, titawukhombisa futsi * letinye ema-nampaces awafakiwe kulesici, buka lokwehlukile ngentasi


Nayi tindzawo ku Wiktionary lapho kute khona tinhlelo letimbili letisebentako.

  • sikhala semagama etincwadzi * sikhala samagama emsebentisi * sikhala setinombolo letikhetsekile * kanye nemakhasi ekukhuluma

See also