User talk:ESM

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If you have any questions, please ask me on my talk page. If you want to try out editing, you can use the sandbox to try. Once again, welcome, and I hope you quickly feel comfortable here, and become an active editor for Wikidata.

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Previous discussion was archived at User talk:ESM/Archive 1 on 2015-11-23.

Bobbin lace in Museu d'Arenys de Mar

PKM (talkcontribs)


I am working on improvement of Wikidata's articles on textiles in general. I'll be working on the bobin lace items in Museu d'Arenys de Mar, using their website catalogue as a reference. Mostly I'll be adding "fabrication method" (the museum's "Tècnica"), English labels, and "described at URL" to link to the museum.

Let me know if you have any questions about what I am doing.

ESM (talkcontribs)

Hey @PKM, thanks for reaching out and letting me know you'll be tackling this task. This sounds great and I'd love to keep an eye on your edits to learn more about your method, so I'll really appreciate it if you could point me to your code or share a few details about how you'll be adding these new statements (if you feel comfortable with it, that is!)

Thanks again!

PKM (talkcontribs)

I'm happy to share details.

First, User:PKM/Textiles/Museum bobbin lace is my worklist. I'm not using QuickStatements or anything for this project, just a couple of keyboard macros I wrote and the "duplicate references" gadget. The rest I'm doing by hand.

In the first round, I am making just a few changes on each item: EN label and descriptiuon, described at URL, and fabrication method with a reference to the museum URL. Here's an example: Q26756759.

Eventually, we could add a citation to the museum site for every statement that is supported by the online catalog. Q26756053 is an example of what that might look like. Where we've added these we can remove the "imported from Wikimedia project reference" but I won't do that unless you want me to.

I've run into a few (four so far) items that are not in the online catalog (or don't appear when I search for the inv. number).

There are also cases where the dates are slightly different on the website (1918 instead of 1916 in one case). I didn't make any changes with that - I wanted to see what you thought first.

ESM (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the explanation! Both of your lines of action sound great to me. Actually, we should tend to remowe the "imported from Wikimedia project" reference, since that was a mistake of ours and by the time that happened I wasn't aware if there was a quick way to solve it. Anyway, please feel free to make as many changes as you wish!

If you feel like keeping a list of the items that don't appear in the online catalog or cases where data doesn't match completely I can reach out to the museum and ask them if they can give us a hand so that data is equal in all places. Let's keep in touch, thanks again for telling me what you're doing!

PKM (talkcontribs)

That sounds great! I’ll let you know what I can’t resolve.

PKM (talkcontribs)

I am FINALLY done with what I can do with the bobbin lace. The list of issues and "missing" items is here :User:PKM/Textiles/Arenys

Feel free to fix any mistakes I made (I think I caught all the times I entered the museum site language as "EN" instead of "CA" but watch for that).

Full work list is here: User:PKM/Textiles/Museum bobbin lace

ESM (talkcontribs)

This is great, PKM! Thank you very much for this! I'll reach out to the museum and see if we can complete the data of the items you had trouble with. It will take me a bit of time though, thanks for your patience in advance!

PKM (talkcontribs)

Thanks, and trhere's no rush.

Reply to "Bobbin lace in Museu d'Arenys de Mar"
Amadalvarez (talkcontribs)
ESM (talkcontribs)

Wow, fenomenal! Moltes gràcies, de ben segur que la utilitzaré per anar omplint els buits que tenim del Museu Morera, a veure si me'n surto de tenir totes les Q d'autors i obres al programa de gestió de la col·lecció i viceversa!

Amadalvarez (talkcontribs)
ESM (talkcontribs)

Buf, és que amb el Museu Morera tinc un festival... Vam anar massa ràpid a fer una importació massiva (i molt primerenca) i ens vam descuidar els números d'inventari de les obres, la info no està referenciada i mil coses més. És un exercici de filigrana que vaig fent de tant en tant quan tinc temps, a veure si un dia o altre aconsegueixo "desorfenar" tota la info de la col·lecció del Museu que tenim desperdigada per wikidata. El tema de les imatges també l'anirem (o s'anirà!) resolent poc a poc, perquè com que n'hi ha força a Commons, de tant en tant alguna es va connectant amb la seva Q, però és una cosa leeeeeenta i de la qual n'assumeixo gairebé tota la responsabilitat. En fi, gràcies altre cop per la query, m'anirà molt bé!

Reply to "Pot ser ja ho tens"

Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

WMF Surveys, 01:40, 13 April 2018 (UTC)

Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey

Summary by ESM


MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

WMF Surveys, 00:50, 20 April 2018 (UTC)

Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey

Summary by ESM


MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

WMF Surveys, 18:57, 29 March 2018 (UTC)

Paucabot (talkcontribs)
ESM (talkcontribs)

Gràcies, Pau. Realment no acabo d'entendre com va això dels tàxons i només n'he afegit uns quants, suposo que a Q que no tenien cap propietat. És un tema que procuro evitar, però ho tindré present de cara a properes edicions.

Paucabot (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Éssers vius"
Multichill (talkcontribs)
ESM (talkcontribs)

@Multichill: hello, sorry for the late reply. I started using imported from (P143) because I checked some other items to see what did they use to source the data and they did it that way. Probably not a good move, I'm sorry about that. However, in the project I've been working on recently, we asked the museums for the data, which usually isn't published anywhere, and we import it to Wikidata. How should we source that? Does stated in (P248) apply in these cases?

Re: attributed to (P1773) I realised a bit late that attributed to (P1773) should only be used as a qualifier. I have been using it properly for a while, will check the constraint reports and correct those we imported with the wrong format.

Thank you for your patience!

Multichill (talkcontribs)

I seem to have missed your reply. Sorry about that! It's a shame you can't add a web link, but it's sure nice you got this data. I would use stated in (P248). You should ask them to notify you if they ever deploy a new collection website. Than it should be easy to add the missing links.

Could you also please add the collection (P195) directly, not only as a qualifier (example)? I just noticed the report at Wikidata:Database reports/Constraint violations/P217 getting a bit long. I'll add it for the existing items.

ESM (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your message! I'll start repairing things as soon as I can!

Multichill (talkcontribs)

I think I fixed most of it so just keep it in mind for new items.

Reply to "Import without sourcing it"