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Artist Alley is where you can browse and discover a small selection of the many outstanding artists on Tumblr and support the art you love by buying directly from the artist who makes it.

[tumblr] Artist Alley: May 2024

Welcome to our Artist Alley: empowering artists to sell their work straight from their own storefronts, on their own terms.

Check out our illustrious artists of the month below!

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Lucy Does Art (@lucydoesart)

Lucy is a Greek artist based in the UK, where she loves to draw cute and fun characters, art based on games, and movies that inspire her. Managing a successful freelance career, Lucy's art has helped bring a number of games to life, from small indie games to more recently Disney's Illusion Island, where she got to reimagine her fashion idol, Minnie Mouse!

Can’t get enough @lucydoesart art? Good news—use code 7PPRUPQ for 20% off any order from their store until June 13, 2024.

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