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Baby Names

Looking for the perfect baby name? Find baby girl names and baby boy names for your newborn here. Search unique, popular, international baby names and more.

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7d ago

72 nicknames for girls that show how much you love her

Whether she's more sassy or sweet, this list of nicknames is sure to include a perfect option for your little girl.
Parents and daughter cuddling in the living room.
Parents and daughter cuddling in the living room.
9d ago

73 nicknames for boys that are almost as cute as he is

Whether you're looking for something sweet and cute or a bit more cheeky, these nicknames offer a ton of options.
Boy kissing on cheeks of her mother. Cute boy hugging his smiling mother and kissing in her face.
Boy kissing on cheeks of her mother. Cute boy hugging his smiling mother and kissing in her face.
16d ago

55 of the best fall baby names for boys and girls

Pick the perfect name for your little pumpkin.
Fall baby
Fall baby
20d ago

105 boy names that start with 'U'

"U" better believe there are some great baby boy names that start with this letter.
20d ago

230 baby names that start with 'V'

Start your baby name search with the uncommon but beautiful letter V.
Mother looking her newborn child
Mother looking her newborn child
20d ago

232 baby names that start with 'T'

How cute are Theodore, Tess and Twila?
20d ago

130 boy names that start with 'W'

From Warren to Wylder, parents seeking boy names that start with “W” have many fantastic choices.
Asian newborn baby sleeping soundly in the crib at home
Asian newborn baby sleeping soundly in the crib at home
21d ago

100 boy names that start with 'Q'

If you're looking for a distinctive baby name for your soon-to-be son, look no further than baby names that start with "Q."
Little newborn baby boy relaxing on woman hands in bed
Little newborn baby boy relaxing on woman hands in bed
22d ago

Top 1,000 baby boy names in the U.S.

Here are the most popular boy names out there.
Happy three month old baby boy lying on his back on his back.
Happy three month old baby boy lying on his back on his back.