Bringing our brand to life

Welcome to Taboola’s brand resources page. This is where you can find and download the brand assets you need. Our brand guidelines are about making sure that our brand looks and speaks the same across all media. Please help us keep its spirit.

Download Brand Guidelines (PDF)

This is our official logo.

Download Blue Logo

Sometimes we use our smiley face icon. The same rules apply.

Download Blue Icon

We use a white logo on images with colorful backgrounds. This helps our logo POP!

Download White Logo

We use a white smiley face icon on colorful or dark backgrounds. This keeps our smile bright!

Download White Icon


We use white logo on colorful image background and on solid color, any color except white.
On white background we use blue logo. Sometimes we use our smiling face icon.
Maintaining a consistent amount of space between our logo and other graphic elements is important.

Download logo kit

Logo dont's.

Don't Reflect

Don't Shade

Don't Crowd

Don't Distort

Icon don'ts.

Don't Encircle

Don't Write

Don't Crop

Don't Outline

Logo dont's.

Don't Reflect

Don't Shade

Don't Crowd

Don't Distort

Icon don'ts.

Don't Reflect

Don't Shade

Don't Crowd

Don't Distort

Be bold



By Google Fonts

Extra Light


Light Italic



Bold Italic

This Is How We Write It

H1 | Be Bold

This is how we write it

H2 | Be Modern

This is how we write it

H3 | Be Clean

This is a paragraph written in Poppins. It’s perfect for reading and long copy. It’s the standard for readability.

Paragraph | Be Clear
icon In titles, we don't use more than 2 or 3 words in a row.
icon Align titles and logos to the left side of the composition.
icon Our titles are always left aligned.
icon We always adjust line height to less 1.5

What makes a photo right for us




What makes a photo right for us



No filters.

What makes a photo right for us

A story

that makes

you look twice.

What makes a photo right for us



their passions.

Our Colors

Our signature color is blue but not because we feel blue. We want our color palette to communicate innovation and trust.

Taboola Blue


CMYK 100 50 0 0

Taboola Official Blue Use for everything



CMYK 74 0 44 0

Shapes and Titles

Dark Blue


CMYK 100 88 42 46

Backgrounds and Titles



CMYK 43 69 0 0

Shapes and Titles

Light Blue


CMYK 44 5 1 0

Backgrounds, Shapes and Titles



CMYK 2 0 72 0

Shapes and Titles

Light Grey


CMYK 7 4 3 0

Backgrounds and Shapes

Shades of Blue





