Have you heard? TMX Group has acquired Newsfile

Reach for the World.

Turn Your News Stories into Success Stories

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Your story is important. It is essential to reach the right audience with the right news at the right time. We distribute to thousands of influential sources, including media, analysts, investors, and market participants. The vast Newsfile network, powered by seamless technology and easy-to-access platforms, makes us a dynamic, world-class news distributor. Our job is to get your story to a global audience.

Broadest Base Distribution in the Industry

Our base distribution includes direct delivery to key North American news organizations and web sites including Yahoo!, Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters, Dow Jones, Apple News, and critical aggregators that feed trading platforms and brokerage terminals.
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Boost with Add Ons and Translation

Enhance our base distribution with one or more international and media driven Add Ons. No need to work with a second service provider — request translation and boost press release accessibility in key markets, including Quebec, Germany, and Latin America.
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Delivery to Stock Exchanges

We ensure compliance with and deliver to all key North American stock exchanges including the TSX (TMX Money), NASDAQ (nasdaq.com), NYSE (ICE), and the OTC (OTC Disclosure Network). CSE listed companies can request their press release be automatically posted to their profile on the CSE web site.
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Reach for the World