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Oct 13, 2006
Real Name
Matt Randles
About My Library
I read theology, The Lord of the Rings, Peter Mayle, and not nearly enough fiction. Other favorites: Till We Have Faces, Watership Down, and recently, A Wizard of Earthsea.
About Me
Pastor, musician & composer, writer. I love Europe, food, coffee, and the mountains.
I enjoy Capercaillie, Simple Minds, Eva Cassidy, Bruce Hornsby, Little Feat, Sting, etc.
My favorite composers are Brahms, Vaughan Williams and all of the other greats (Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, Mendelssohn, Mozart, as well as Respighi and some Barber, Orff, etc.)
I watch Star Trek (DS9), the old Mission: Impossible, Good Eats, Rick Steve's Europe, and Europe to the Max
With some free time I love a game of Settlers of Cataan or Scrabble or even Munchkin.
Helena, MT
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