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Nov 19, 2006
Real Name
About My Library
It's not actually that big, first of all.

SF & Fantasy, mostly. Also, religious stuff. (The UU flavor is because I'm a Unitarian Universalist with an interest in denominational history.) Also, feminist stuff. Also, humour. And so on.

I live near a sort-of consignment store that has an incredibly literate donor population, I go to library booksales, etc, so I have a lot of really random books.

I used to be an obsessive completist on some SF/fantasy series. But Piers Anthony cured me of that. (Mind you, I still have stuff (like pretty much anything Heinlein ever wrote) which are... really not to my taste anymore. But that's mostly just not wanting to throw things out.)

I also use the 'tbr' tag for some things I want to re-read, so it's not entirely indicative of the sad state of my to-be-read piles.

The 'history' tag is full of a lot of books that aren't technically history books, but I tend to figure history is made up of both the searching examinations of a time period, and the surface elements that contribute flavor.
About Me
My LJ talks about me. Do I need *another* profile?

(OK, fine, I'm a student and small-time reporter in the Boston area.)

I use a lot of tags per book, because I like the personal and quirky cross-referencing it provides. (The tags aren't all that organized yet.)

I'm basically using this as an excuse to organize my library, which is All Over The Place, physically. (And to finally make sure I don't buy Another Damned Copy of the same book.)

I also use the 'comments' section of the database (as opposed to the comments section of the profile page...) quite a bit, mostly to comment on condition of the book. Or where I got it. Or to snark about the book. Or any number of things! So anyway, style D'll work with that.
Boston area.
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