
All collections (13,302), Your library (5,523), Wishlist (132), To look at (3,369), Read but unowned (3,787), Unowned (and unread) (217), Ref only (227), ebooks (1,891), DJ only (168), Research source (12)
@1 (5,501), @5 (3,360), @8 (2,494), @1e (1,924), @6 (1,423), @9 (225), @w4 (224), wk edkef (183), DJ (148), listpostscript (119), niworcs (102), listbibliophile (80), nihive (75), recltinspired (60), #travel (60), #treeschecked (58), wkwiley (54), =hive (54), #france (54), @w3 (53), @1e tbfcaliber (48), wkcup (45), wkcabi (45), listpersephone (45), recdgr (43), nibrum (42), =bmi (42), wk prkef (35), listfoliosoc (33), @1a (27), =wsa (25), rectelegraph (25), niwsa (22), reccornflower (21), journals and mags (12), listwainwrightprize (12), =brum (11), wknhm (11), recbookbrowse (10), listER (10), wkformat (9), @w2 (9), recheywoodhill (8), recworkinprogress (8), #worcs (8), @1 but check (7), wkcandh (6), wkquintet (6), wkzoe (6), wkfoulsham (3), =brumref (3), =hiveref (3), =malvern (3), wktab (3), @4 (3), #ELchecked (2), wkmacmillan (2), =brumuni (2), wkstpauls (2), wkhein (1), wkucl (1), wktandf (1), wksmallprint (1), #8 (1), #hnh (1), wkjames (1), =pershore (1), =stj (1), =hivehd (1), =redditch (1), #cookbook (1), ebook (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Sep 5, 2005
About My Library
Although the books listed include those originally bought by my husband, I only include in the ‘Your library’ collection those of interest to me. Likewise the ‘Wishlist’, ‘To look at’ and other collections are just mine. For now, I have also kept my ‘pre-collections’ tags. So, to summarise my collections (main tags):

Your library (@1) = books owned.

Wishlist = books I would or might like to buy sometime. They are subdivided by tags into @w2 for books I would definitely like to get, and @w3 for ones to possibly get if I see them cheapish.

To look at (@5) = notes of books I have seen reviewed or heard about in some other way that I would like to look at if I get the chance and maybe buy if they look interesting. This used to be my ‘library look for’ list, but now living in rural France I have forgone this pleasure and some perhaps ought to be moved to ‘wishlists’.

Read but unowned is a mainly ‘negative’ collection, which I have cut out of recommendations, and have used for three groups:

@4 = books I have read that I would not say no to if I was given them for free or if they were extremely cheap (i.e. a place to store details of books I have seen and quite liked but can easily live without!).

@6 = books I have borrowed and don’t want to own (even if someone gave them to me – cf @4).

@8 = books I once owned but have now got rid of.

Ref only (@9) is used for books I am never likely to buy as they are purely reference books, far too expensive for me to justify buying them or books I have worked on as a proofreader or editor.

DJ only (DJ) is for books purely of interest to my husband (mainly science fiction) and ‘Print’ followed by a date is just a way of grouping certain books for printing out paper lists.

I have recently also started using ebook tags and collections (which can overlap with other groups above) for books I 'own' or have borrowed as ebooks.

Other tags:
@f = fiction and @n = non-fiction
(these last two may not always be accurately assigned but give me an idea where in our physical 'library' to look for the book).

Other @something tags are to do with locations, and then there are tags to remind me where I saw a book reviewed, the publisher of a book I worked on etc.

I have reviewed a few books, including any Early Reviewer books I've received, but I am afraid I mainly use 'Comments' for any noted reviews from others as well as my own 'notes' after I have read a book (that way I don't have to worry so much whether it is a 'proper' review, whether it has typos etc!). I've tried to rate books read or looked at since I joined LibraryThing, plus enter start and stop dates (though the latter are often a bit vague).

About Me
I am a happily retired scientific copy-editor (but please note the word retired and do not pick me up on any bad grammar!). My primary residence is in Worcester in the UK, but my husband and I have a holiday home in France so the books are scattered between the two houses (and never where you want them!). However, I do live very close to the public/university in Worcester so that is also a second home!
Worcester, England
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