
About My Library
I didn't initially think the name for this account through, otherwise I would have done something like "Kriss_Melissa" or something - as it stands though, we'll go with Kriss Stress. Most of my stuff can be found in the sections relating to music and art history, comic books and cook books. Melissa's sections of the library are all of the other things relating to cats, health, green living and manga (for the most part).

Not included in our library are single issue comic books (pamphlet style monthlies - not the trade paperbacks or 'graphic novels' as the sophisticated call them which ARE included as they have labeled spines) and magazines - this comes down to laziness somewhat as the single issues comics number over 2,000 individual issues breaking down into several different complete runs and the magazines are a few hundred themselves (though those WILL be catalogued shortly for reference when tracking down back issues).
About Me
My wife Melissa and I are twenty somethings who really enjoy reading. We have our entire book library here (this of course doesn't include vinyl LP's, CD's, DVD's or other media which is not readable print strictly) and are obviously hugely into reading (is hugely being used properly there?).

I cook things for a living (mainly vegan stuff) and we spend alot of our times thrifting and finding amazing stuff that we're shocked others would get rid of. We also like zombies, but doesn't everybody?
Chicago, IL
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