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May 26, 2007
About My Library
I like collecting books, amassing books towards actually reading them. Not that I've read them all or close. For many years I would go to various used book stores in NYC and buy an armload of books, more than I would read that week (especially philosophy books which you'll allow are meant to be re-read if read at all). Those weeks of books added up to a decade or more and I now have a considerable quanity of things for my librarything, which is being presented here.

Suggestions for LT:
- Allow sorting of an author's works by 1st publication.

Ancillary site for library enthusiasts:
About Me
My interests are in philosophy, belles-lettres, literature, and books that peak my fancy. If I don't have a book or anything close, then I feel as though it is valuable for me to have it. My wife, a supurb creature, has negotiated a position, that I would only have as many books as there are bookshelves to hold them (vertical archeological piles are not her style, a pity, in my opinion).
Los Angeles 90027
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