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Larry Woiwode (1941–2022)

Author of Beyond the Bedroom Wall: A Family Album

20+ Works 855 Members 40 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Larry Woiwode was born in Carrington, North Dakota on October 30, 1941. He went to the University of Illinois, but did not graduate. His short stories and poetry appeared in several magazines including Harper's, Partisan Review, The Atlantic, and The New Yorker. His first novel, What I'm Going to show more Do, I Think, was published in 1969. His other novels included Beyond the Bedroom Wall: A Family Album, Poppa John, Born Brothers, and Indian Affairs. His short story collections include The Neumiller Stories and Silent Passengers. He also wrote a collection of poems entitled Even Tide. He was named North Dakota Poet Laureate in 1995. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Includes the names: L. Woiwode, Larry Woiwode

Works by Larry Woiwode

Associated Works

Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry (1974) — Contributor, some editions — 354 copies, 4 reviews
The Best American Short Stories 1993 (1993) — Contributor — 283 copies, 3 reviews
Incarnation: Contemporary Writers on the New Testament (1990) — Contributor — 108 copies, 2 reviews
The Best Christian Writing 2000 (2000) — Contributor — 76 copies
The Best American Short Stories 1983 (1983) — Contributor — 73 copies
The Best Christian Short Stories (2006) — Contributor — 72 copies, 2 reviews
The Unmade Bed: Sensual Writing on Married Love (1992) — Contributor — 70 copies
Eyes to See (2008) — Contributor — 70 copies, 1 review
The Best Spiritual Writing 1999 (1999) — Contributor — 68 copies, 2 reviews
The Best American Short Stories 1981 (1981) — Contributor — 37 copies
Summer (1990) — Contributor — 34 copies
Educating For Liberty: The Best of Imprimis 1972-2002 (2002) — Contributor — 25 copies
The Best American Short Stories 1971 (1971) — Contributor — 23 copies
Strategies in prose (1968) — Contributor — 20 copies
Wonders: Writings and Drawings for the Child in Us All (1980) — Contributor, some editions — 19 copies
Fathers and Daughters: Portraits in Fiction (1990) — Contributor — 16 copies
Inheriting the Land: Contemporary Voices from the Midwest (1993) — Contributor — 16 copies
New American Review # 7 (1969) — Contributor — 13 copies
A cloud of witnesses : 20th century martyrs (1997) — Contributor, some editions — 11 copies
Faith and fiction: The modern short story (1979) — Contributor — 10 copies
A Galaxy of Verse (1978) — Contributor — 9 copies
The armor of light: An anthology of Christian short fiction (Mandate Series) (1979) — Contributor, some editions — 6 copies
Prairie Volcano: An Anthology of North Dakota Writing (1995) — Contributor — 5 copies
Roles for Writers and Readers: A Rhetorical Anthology (1989) — Contributor — 4 copies
Interactions : the aims and patterns of writing (1988) — Contributor — 1 copy
The Random House reader (1981) — Contributor — 1 copy


Common Knowledge



StFrancisofAssisi | Mar 12, 2020 |
There was a constellation of novels I consumed at this time, and Woiwode joined Richler's "Cocksure", and "Nothing black but a Cadillac" by Raymond Spence on my shelves. It has, little resemblance in manner and style with "The Graduate." So when read by a twentyish me, seeking some good "Dirty Bits" and some insight into the world that the 70's might produce, it was adequate counterblast to the hip world. It deals with the trials and life of a young family man, somewhat trapped by his mid-Western obligations and horizons. Looking on the net, it seems to have lasted well as a picture of the places now harbouring the trumpery we face in American politics. Worth the read.… (more)
DinadansFriend | 2 other reviews | Mar 18, 2019 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
I really wanted to like this book,and there are parts that I really do enjoy, especially those about enjoying the outdoors. However, as much as I appreciate and respect other people's points of view, even if they were not mine, I had a hard time with the conservative and christian overtones.
GonzoMycoBio | 31 other reviews | Mar 17, 2014 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.
Engaging collection of essays from a fine writer. Woiwode tackles guns, Wendell Berry, education, and literature, among other things. I found the first several essays paled in comparison to the later ones - sis more generally cultural pieces come across as the considered opinions of a cultured man; his essays on literature and literary figures have the stamp of authority. Woiwode is at his best in the field of American literature, and his writings on Gardner and Updike were tremendously helpful. I can't imagine not reading the works that he highlights. The book itself is an unusual step for the Christian publisher Crossway, but may be one of the most beautiful books (in terms of physical craftsmanship) that they have ever issued. A stimulating and worthwhile read.… (more)
cjsdg | 31 other reviews | Feb 18, 2013 |



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