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Dahlia West

Author of Shooter (Burnout, #1)

16 Works 346 Members 15 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Dahlia West


Works by Dahlia West

Shooter (Burnout, #1) (2013) 135 copies, 4 reviews
Tex (Burnout, #2) (2015) 23 copies, 3 reviews
Hawk (Burnout, #3) (2014) 23 copies, 1 review
Easy (Burnout, #4) (2015) 22 copies, 1 review
Harder (Stark Ink Book 1) (2015) 20 copies
Doc (Burnout, #5) (2015) 19 copies, 1 review
Slick (Burnout, #2.5) (2013) 18 copies, 1 review
Vegas (Burnout, #4.5) (2014) 13 copies
Rough Stock (Star Valley Book 1) (2016) 8 copies, 1 review
Stronger (Stark Ink, #4) (2015) 7 copies
Faster (Stark Ink Book 3) (2015) 6 copies
Better (Stark Ink, #2) (2015) 5 copies


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Lovely story except for the hokey horse parts. I'll come back to that. So here is a really bad guy who meets a nice woman and changes for the better. There were some lovely parts especially at the end where he begs her not to abort his baby. Not that she was going to but he didn't know that. I loved that the guys back in Rapid City got to see that Jack had changed for the better. The romance was great.

There were a couple of problems though. First I don't think the fact that she killed a man affected her as much as it should have.

And second no book is going to get 5 stars from me when the horse errors are so many and so vast. Here's my rant and if you regularly read my reviews you've probably heard it before. Although every author messes it up in a different way. First all stallions are not unmanageable and if this stallion was a champion roping horse then he was well trained and would not have been particularly scary or unmanageable for a knowledgeable person. Second as I said in my update, stallions have zero interest in fighting with mares. If the mare is in season, he will breed her. If she is not he will just take charge of her and maybe boss her around a bit. This is not fighting. Third, large animal vets make house calls. That's what they do. Except in rare cases you don't take your horse to the vet, they come to you. They have portable x-ray equipment for legs even. They don't expect you to bring your animal to them, especially for a check up. Fourth that mare Bee is stated as being 4 years old. She couldn't have been injured, rehabilitated and then been on the barrel racing circuit long enough to earn money to buy a ranch by the time she was 4. Not happening. Fifth and just a little pet peeve, you shouldn't feed a horse a whole apple. It can get stuck in their throats. Again knowledgeable horse people cut it into fourths. It's safer. Most horse people and barns have knives about. It's just about ease and function. You got something to cut an apple or the strings off a bale of hay. Faster and simpler than pulling the strings off. Useful for many other things as well. Lastly if the horses had been left a day without feed and water there was zero likelihood that there was any hay left at all in their racks. So many little errors add up. Gosh darn it. just research. And make sure you ask a couple of people in the business just in case the first person is not as knowledgeable as they assume.

I'm sorry to rant so much but lack of research irks me. Not just about horses but about any topic. If it's worth writing about, it's worth researching so you don't annoy readers. I'm sure that everyone feels the same about the things they are knowledgeable about. I don't mind a few errors but...
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Luziadovalongo | 2 other reviews | Jul 14, 2022 |
My first try at this author and I loved it. The dialog especially was stellar. I liked that the relationship between the hero and the heroine developed over time and was not insta love. I loved all of the guys at Burnout. There was just a tiny bit of 'she's so gosh darn cute that we all just have to gush over her.' But it wasn't too bad so I'll forgive it. I liked how her story was revealed over time and we found out about it at the same time as the guys. The story made sense and held together really well.… (more)
Luziadovalongo | 3 other reviews | Jul 14, 2022 |
The 2 stars here are for Abby's cool character. I am not much of a one for BDSM although I have read a dozen or so. This just went far for me to believe in the love aspect of the story. He treated her pretty poorly and roughly. There are some other reviews that go into the failures on the BDSM front so I won't repeat but it really seemed to me that he treated her like a thing and didn't do any of the hugging and whatnot after that I believe is part of the deal. I'm not an expert. Earlier we had been led to believe that he just liked kink in the bedroom but that is not how he was written. I didn't like the scene with the woman either. That seems like something that should have been discussed first. Then I didn't like how Abby responded to it all and was so desperate for Tex that she came crawling to him. I also wasn't fond of all the guys and their gals knowing about their bedroom antics.

Biggest fail for me though is that there wasn't much story other than the sex part. I don't mind a few well written sex scenes but I want there to be more story to go along with it.

Still I expected not to care much for this book and I was perfectly happy to go on with the series.
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Luziadovalongo | 2 other reviews | Jul 14, 2022 |

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