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Includes the name: Madge Tovey

Works by Madge Tovey


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The message behind this book is that cookies should always be eaten and also that it is important to be smart in order to get what you want.
I enjoyed this old classic because of the outrageous plot of a gingerbread man coming to life and running away from everyone. For young readers, this plot is quite exciting and fascinating to them because obviously a gingerbread man cant get up and run away. I thought it was funny how all the people and animals that were chasing him were not able to get him, as he had told them, but then a sly fox was able to capture and eat him very quickly. It was just an interesting plot twist.
I also enjoyed the illustrations of this book. I loved that they appeared to be very cartoony. They were not done in a realistic way but I think that only helps the story as a whole. I also think that the style of the illustrations is very appealing to young readers, keeping them interested in the book enough to want to continue to read the story over and over.
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graceberry | 2 other reviews | Nov 23, 2015 |
I really liked this book because I thought it was a clever retelling of "The Gingerbread Man" stories. I thought it was very organized and easy to follow along. It was not a complete pattern book, but there were parts of the book that were repetitive which could benefit early readers. There were a lot of secondary characters that appeared which kept the story interesting. For example, having a cow chase after the gingerbread man followed by a horse that attempts to eat it as well. The plot was a bit suspenseful because there was really no prediction as to what would happen next. I thought the gingerbread man would successfully escape without getting eaten but it turns out the fox's help was not so sincere despite the gingerbread man trusting him. The illustrations definitely enhanced the story and help tell the story. The pictures were full of colors which readers would enjoy. I think that the big idea or message of this story is to be careful who you trust because it is easy for people to trick you into thinking one thing, but their intentions are completely different. Just like how the fox told the gingerbread man he could help him cross the lake without getting wet, but really it was just an easy trap to eat the gingerbread man himself.… (more)
blim3 | 2 other reviews | Oct 8, 2015 |
This book is about a mother who tells her three little pigs that they need to go and build houses for their own. As mother pig warned them of the big bad wolf, the three little pigs went on their way. The first pig gathered straw to build his home, because building a house of straw did not take much work. The second pig gathered sticks to build his house. He also did not have to work hard to build his house. The third little pig built his house out of brick, and that did take a lot of hard work. When the wolf got hungry he went to each home to try and blow it down to get to the pigs. The first and second house were easy to blow down, but the house made up of bricks the wolf could not blow down. This story teaches young children that if you work hard for something then it will pay off in the end. In the classroom you could have the students draw and color a picture of what their house would look like if they were to build one of their own.… (more)
juliana63012 | Feb 10, 2014 |
This cute book tells about Henny Penny who thinks that the sky is falling because an acorn fell from a tree. As she runs to tell the king, she runs into some of her friends along the way. Her friends believe what she is saying so they too are going with her to tell the king. As they are running through the woods they run into Foxy Loxy who stopped to think and he tells them that he has a short cut to the king. As all of the animals went into Foxy Loxy's den they all started to think about what was fixing to happen, then they all ran home and never did tell the king. This is a very fun children's book that also has rhyming words in it. I think it would be fun to have children make up their own character with rhyming words.… (more)
juliana63012 | Feb 10, 2014 |

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