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Pamela Terry

Author of The Sweet Taste of Muscadines

2 Works 160 Members 17 Reviews

Works by Pamela Terry

The Sweet Taste of Muscadines (2021) 130 copies, 13 reviews
When the Moon Turns Blue: A Novel (2022) 30 copies, 4 reviews


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This needs to be said at the beginning
“Just goes to show you, you’re never too old to be surprised. For as the poet said,
‘Once in a while the odd thing happens, once in a while the dream comes true, and
the whole pattern of life is altered, once in a while the moon turns blue’”

Great quote by Auden, great book by Terry. She has extraordinary insight and shares it on so many pages. Her outlook on the the contract we humans enter on the day that we are born and continue to ignore until we are smacked in the face with “the imminence of death” is nothing short of brilliant. How she is able to parse the ugliness of the racial divide in a community and the “Dorian Gray truths of their souls.”

A stupid statue in a private park is the focus of one person’s disappointment for always wanting more of humanity. While that statue is anathema to so many it is hope and salvation to so many others. It calls to us, some look on horrified, others too pleased to define. A funeral, an ice storm and the shattering of a community make for a very interesting story.

Thank you Ballantine Books and NetGalley for a copy.
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kimkimkim | 3 other reviews | Jul 2, 2023 |
Another great book that has been waiting patiently on my TBR shelf. I was ready for a southern family saga but instead was given a wonderful, lusciously descriptive story of where life leads different people at different times of their lives. I only found this to read as I was ready to order the authors new book, WHEN THE MOON TURNS BLUE, and immediately ordered it also! Read and enjoy!
mchwest | 12 other reviews | Apr 17, 2023 |
An ice storm in Georgia?

Definitely something that shuts down an entire town and keeps everyone in.

Someone was out, though.

A controversial statue was knocked down overnight.

WHEN THE MOON TURNED BLUE has lovely, descriptive writing and heartwarming characters....well most of them.

The description of the town, the characters, and the events is wonderful, but the story line is very confusing because of so many characters and going all over the place.

I honestly had a difficult time following.

I enjoyed her book THE SWEET TASTE OF MUSCADINES more than this book. 3/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.
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SilversReviews | 3 other reviews | Feb 22, 2023 |

When a loved one passes, people are filled with a myriad of emotions. When Harry Cline passed away, the whole town felt the loss because Harry took the time to invest his life in the lives of others and none more so than his wife, Marietta. Marietta finds herself close to being overwhelmed with her grief. A freak snowstorm turns her home into a port in the storm for an unlikely group of people who have known each other since they were children but most of whose relationships have become estranged. Then there is the odd entanglement of Marietta’s sister-in-law who has come to escape her husband, the big, bad, overbearing lawyer who is used to
getting his way about everything. The town is at a crossroads over a Civil War era astatue that represents life as it once was but now is a major point of contention and Marietta’s brother is smack dab in the middle of it!

What I like about this book is how this group of old friends rallies around Marietta in her time of grief. They each have something unique to offer her to help her cope. During the tension-filled parts when the town is going against Marietta’s brother, they still support her yet give her room to do what she thinks is best. This is a great story dealing with friends and family-the good, the bad, and all the stuff in the middle! In this case, “the stuff in the middle” is quite entertaining!

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Random House & NetGalley. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own and without influence.
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lisaghudson | 3 other reviews | Feb 22, 2023 |


½ 4.3

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