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Maren Smith

Author of Black Light VALENTINE ROULETTE

86+ Works 342 Members 35 Reviews


Works by Maren Smith

Black Light VALENTINE ROULETTE (2017) — Contributor — 23 copies, 6 reviews
Holding Hannah (2020) 21 copies
Kaylee's Keeper (2013) 20 copies
The Mountain Man (2009) 13 copies
Dirty Daddies: 2021 Anniversary Anthology (2021) — Contributor — 12 copies
Dirty Daddies: 2019 Anniversary Anthology (2019) — Contributor — 10 copies, 1 review
Black Light ROULETTE REDUX (2018) — Contributor — 10 copies, 4 reviews
Christmas at the Club: A Christmas BDSM Romance Anthology (2021) — Contributor — 10 copies, 1 review
Her Vampire Master (2021) 9 copies, 2 reviews
Black Light: Brave (2020) 9 copies, 2 reviews
Saving Sara (2013) 9 copies
Chasing Chelsea (2014) 9 copies
Alien Alphas: Twenty-Three Naughty Sci-Fi Romance Novellas (2018) — Contributor — 9 copies, 2 reviews
Black Light: Fearless (2018) 8 copies, 3 reviews
Binding Brinley (2017) 8 copies
Witness Protection Program (2018) 7 copies, 1 review
Dirty Daddies: 2022 Anniversary Anthology (2022) — Editor; Contributor — 7 copies, 1 review
The Miner's Wife (2009) 6 copies, 1 review
Sweet Sinclair (2014) 6 copies, 1 review
Owning O (2015) — Editor — 5 copies
When the Gavel Falls (2015) — Author — 4 copies
Sadie's Little Christmas (2020) 4 copies
Maddy Mine (2016) 3 copies
Daddy's Little (2019) 3 copies
Her Long Tall Texas Daddy (2022) 3 copies
Life After Rachel (2011) 3 copies, 1 review
Ray (2020) 2 copies
Bippity-Boppity-Boo (2009) 2 copies
Morogh the Demon (2009) 2 copies, 1 review
Daddy's Little Librarian (2019) 2 copies
Varden's Lady (2009) 2 copies
The Next Ex (2009) 2 copies, 1 review
Kindred Spirits (2012) 2 copies
Treasure (2013) 2 copies
The Locket (2012) 2 copies, 1 review
Katy Run Away (2013) 2 copies
The Naughty List (2013) 2 copies
Build-A-Daddy (2019) 2 copies
Jade's Dragon (The Red Petticoat Saloon) (2016) 2 copies, 1 review
A DADDY FOR CHRISTMAS (2017) 2 copies
Daddy Shark 1 copy
His Next Ex 1 copy
Black Light: Wanted (2021) 1 copy
Angel of Hawkhaven (2009) 1 copy
My Lady Robin Hood (2009) 1 copy
Daughter of the Strong (2009) 1 copy
The Diva 1 copy
Jinxie's Orchids 1 copy, 1 review
Something Has to Give (2013) 1 copy
Seducing Sandy (2018) 1 copy
B-Flick 1 copy
Black Sheep 1 copy

Associated Works

Dirty Daddies: Pride 2022 (2022) — Contributor — 14 copies, 2 reviews
Nelly's Little New Year (2020) — Editor — 3 copies
Super Daddies — Contributor — 1 copy, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Smith, Maren



Two words to describe this collection of novellas== HOLY. TITFIRE. I am pretty sure my iPad almost melted. For the review I am going to write it in the order of the anthology rather than the order of my favorites.

Introduction and conclusion written by Livia Grant and Jennifer Bene

4.5 stars
One of my favorite things about this anthology and its predecessor is the details it takes in setting up the stage so to speak. It offers a fluidity in the story. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the characters from before that are all essential players in making this night happen. I especially love that they show what the hard limits were/are and what they get instead I loved that they tie up loose ends that have all been interwoven in the standalone stories. My only complaint in this case was I still need to know more about what is going on with Chase, Jaxson, and Emily. I would love another story of them!

Unrestrained by Jennifer Bene

4.6 stars.
This was one of my favorite stories. I need a Silas in my life. It is the story of Silas and Bianca. I loved that Silas, known for being sadistic, shows a side to him that is caring and protective (the OJ and aftercare scene and the checking to make sure that everything was okay when there was a major disturbance). Their second scene was hotter than Hades. Who am I kidding? They were all hot as hell. These two had amazing chemistry.

Brat by Livia Grant

4.5 stars
I loved the introduction to these characters before they became partners at the club. It helped give dimension to the story and let the reader know what was behind their animosity. I loved when Gabriella was trying to figure out the acronym meaning when she was walking to the costume room. This is something I myself didn't know so it was a new thing to read about. The author did a great job explaining things. I loved watching both Gabriella and Connor as they came to turns with how they really felt about each other, especially Connor. I would love to know more about the issues behind Gabriella and her father in a future story. There was so much more room for a full-length story.

Forced by Renee Rose

4.9 stars
My favorite of the anthology and considering that every story was amazing that says something. Victor and Mariana (Brooklyn) were so hot together. To the point that if they got anymore hotter they would have combusted. That second scene was EVERYTHING. I loved the after effects and emotions that created a war in Mariana’s mind as she vacillated with how she could like something that goes against every idea of what a woman wants, needs, and deserves. How do you balance between what your body likes and what society says is acceptable? I definitely know that I struggle with this, so it was refreshing to see the author expand on this idea. Victor does a good job on articulating his feelings on this and helps her understand that she is not wrong for liking what she likes.

Doctored by Sue Lindon

4.6 stars
This was a story that intrigued me because it was another area that fascinates me, but I do not know as much about. The author did a great job with showcasing why trust is such an essential part of BDSM especially in that first scene. For so many women that first scene is such an uncomfortable position to be in (even though necessary). Natalie and Knox had a lot of past feelings that needed to be addressed and it was nice to see them discover each other after a long five years. These two had an intimacy to their story and I immediately connected with them.

Shameless by Maren Smith

4.7 stars
This story, while it did not my favorite of all the roulette scenes, was my second favorite of the collection. Although, the shower scene after the time was up WAS one of my favorites (can I just swoon now at how nurturing and protective that Garreth was?). Hadlee. Sweet lord the things that this girl was trying to overcome with her previous master. I loved how the author worked in the dynamic of how Noah and Garreth worked in tandem in their scenes (the first scene was powerful as hell and if I closed my eyes I could see every connected hit and mark. I, also enjoyed the “pep” talk between Noah and Garreth in the end. I am beyond ecstatic that this book will be a full story this year because there was so much to be expanded on with the menagerie.

Edge by Alta Hensley

4.5 stars
The characters, Dean and Melinda, knew each other before. They had a past that needed to be addressed. I loved that author addressed those feelings. I floved that Dean took control rather than, “testing the fates and seeing where [it] land[ed]” by allowing them to do things at their pace and to establish that trust again. This was important considering what their first spin was. Without doing this I am not sure the story would have worked as well as it did. Dean did a great job of building up Melinda’s self esteem after losing her identity in her previous relationship.

Confessions by Measha Stone

4.5 stars
I loved the backstory to this story. It gave it a different dimension to hidden desires and loving someone that you thought was unattainable for a plethora of reasons. I loved the moments when Grayson and Dani struggled with their feelings for each other, feelings that had been there for years but never addressed for fear of the domino effect that it could possibly have in their lives. The first scene had me fanning myself. It was pretty intense. I wish there would have been more of an explanation of Scott and why he had to drop out to care for his sub. I would love to see more of these characters. All of them.

Surrender by Maggie Ryan

4.6 stars
This novella takes the student teacher role play to a whole new level. HOT. AND that combines second/third scene, sweet lawd above. If that scene didn’t make you hot and bothered than I am convinced you must be a robot. I loved that Owen finally got to show his true feelings for Marty. Especially as these feelings had been building for along time. I like that Marty finally got to see herself as beautiful after so long of being an anomaly as a woman who was the height of a man. Society is so cruel when it comes to what it thinks beauty is.

Taken by Jane Henry

4.5 stars
These two. Talk about unresolved feelings. They take Hate F@&%Ng to a whole new level. I loved that the author took the time to build on this and slowly progress to the reasons why it was the way it was before they found their HEA again. This was important and led to a story with fluidity. I really wanted to know more about these two because they intrigued me. I love it when exes get together and especially loved Brayden and Della.

I would HIGHLY recommend this anthology. I would also read this entire series or at the very least the Black Light Valentine Roulette Anthology. Huge congrats to all the authors on this exceptional collection of stories.
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MagicalRi | 3 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
4.5 stars

This series is hands down my favorite BDSM series. All of the authors down exceptional job at professing the stories and characters with such a fluidity that it is astounding. They show scenes that are real and on point. Even when they bring in past characters that weren't written by then they still do it with exceptional care and leave the reader not being able to tell that they weren't their babies.

I was hoping that this story would continue after reading about the menagerie. I was not disappointed. I really liked Noah and my interest was piqued by Kitty. The scenes were hotter than hell. I look forward to hopefully seeing more of them in the roulette books in the future.… (more)
MagicalRi | 2 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
4.7 stars

Allah's Blood was one of my favorites from that series, so finding out that this was a spin-off from that world had me excited. I had no idea that it would be this fantastic. I loved it from the beginning to the end.

Full of suspense, a mystery that needed to be solved, danger, fantastic characters, and so much sexual tension it was riveting. I didn't want it to end and wished it was longer. It ended with a HFN and left me wanting more. I hope these characters show up again at some point.

I highly recommend this author and book. For anyone that is a fan of The Black Light series then this will be a no brainer to read.
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MagicalRi | 1 other review | Jul 31, 2024 |
4.4 stars

Ever since the menagerie was first introduced I have been intrigued by their stories. The abuse that these characters went through was deplorable. As each of these characters gets their own story it is interesting to note how different their healing process is in wiping away the deep-rooted scars that came from this "relationship". Even though Kitty, Piggy, Puppy, and Pony all lived in the same house the way they were treated was far different. This came even more clear in this story with Puppy.

I enjoyed, not sure that is really a good word considering it means I derived pleasure from the circumstances that were Cynthia's former life, how she explained her feelings of not only what happened but how it truly affected her in in the grand scheme of things. The author did a great job showing where she was mentally and physically. This can be attributed to Grayson. That man had the patience of a saint. Puppy's story is heartbreaking. It hurt my heart to think of someone taking a relationship to this extreme especially as it goes against everything that this lifestyle stands for.

I, also, liked seeing Pony. This wasn't because there was anything positive about her in this book but did showcase how broken she was. It adds another dimension to the scars that these women endured. It also paved the way to what I hope was a hint that eventually there will be a book for Pony. I would love to see that journey, although to be honest, that will take a miracle because that girl is so broken.

Perhaps the biggest surprise in this wasn't the actual main characters but rather it was the surprise interactions with Spencer. I have a love-hate relationship with that guy but in this one, I definitely scored a few brownie points and showed he is more than just his cocky surly self. There were some areas that I wanted to be improved on especially towards the end and the conclusion of a HFN made it feel rushed and incomplete. I am guessing this is because oftentimes it is "incomplete" because these characters generally make a reappearance in other BL books or the Roulette anthologies.

I look forward to more from not only this author but this entire series.
… (more)
MagicalRi | 1 other review | Jul 31, 2024 |


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