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15+ Works 14,279 Members 207 Reviews 38 Favorited

About the Author

Simon Singh was born in Great Britain in 1964 and educated at Imperial College and the University of Cambridge (where he received a Ph. D. in particle physics). He worked at the European Centre for Particle Physics and the BBC's science department. At the BBC, he worked on Tomorrow's World. Singh show more and John Lynch produced and directed an award-winning documentary on Fermat's Last Theory. He later published a book on the same topic. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Credit: Steve Trigg, 2005, Brisbane

Works by Simon Singh

Associated Works

The Atheist's Guide to Christmas (2009) — Contributor — 357 copies, 16 reviews


alternative medicine (41) Andrew Wiles (30) astronomy (117) big bang (43) biography (67) ciphers (53) code (50) codebreaking (34) codes (163) computer science (35) computers (34) computing (29) cosmology (158) crypto (31) cryptography (741) ebook (31) encryption (44) espionage (71) Fermat (57) Fermat's Last Theorem (34) goodreads (39) history (802) history of mathematics (53) history of science (117) Kindle (34) language (33) math (1,462) medicine (41) non-fiction (1,072) number theory (44) own (35) physics (168) popular science (246) read (126) science (1,089) security (35) technology (41) to-read (784) unread (51) WWII (31)

Common Knowledge



shanep | 61 other reviews | Aug 23, 2024 |
Not much of the material of this book was new to me when I read it for a college class. I'd recommend it to people interested in the history & background of codes & crypto.
antislice | 75 other reviews | Aug 19, 2024 |
A fascinating book. I've often felt I would like to be more drawn to the treatments of alternative and complementary therapists. I've had a few experiences over the years but few of them have been really positive.

This account, written by experts on both sides of the fence, is the well-researched and thoroughly readable story of the development of mainstream medical science and of some of the main alternative therapies. The book gives a clear and fascinating account of the history of medication in particular and of the rigorous testing now required for any new drug, and contrasts it with the lack of rigour to which many alternative theapies have been exposed. Its conclusions are shocking. I shan't choose homeopathy or acupuncture again any time in the future.… (more)
Margaret09 | 19 other reviews | Apr 15, 2024 |
Как препарат, в котором уже нет действующего вещества, выделенного из сердца и печени одной-единственной уточки, может приносить $20 млн прибыли? Задумайтесь об этом, когда в следующий раз будете покупать «Оциллококцинум» от простуды. Популяризатор науки Саймон Сингх и его соавтор, первый в мире профессор комплементарной медицины, 15 лет разбирались, какие альтернативные методы действительно работают, а какие нет, и для гомеопатических средств лестных слов они нашли мал��. Под пристальным вниманием также акупунктура, хиропрактика и траволечение, а бонусом идет научная оценка многих других методов. Что помогает, а что нет? Как отличить тайну от лжи? Что заслуживает доверия, а где на вас цинично зарабатывают? Ответы находятся на пятистах страницах самого «честного и тщательного исследования нетрадиционной медицины», результатов которого мы, признаться, заждались.… (more)
Den85 | 19 other reviews | Jan 3, 2024 |



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