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Philippe-Paul de Ségur (1780–1873)

Author of Napoleon's Russian Campaign

21 Works 518 Members 8 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the names: SEGUR PHILLIP, Paul de Ségur, General de Segur, De Segur Philippe, Philippe de Segur, Philippe de Ségur, Philippe-Paul Ségur, Philippe-Paul Ségur, Philipe-Paul de Segur, Count Philip De Segur, Philippe-Paul de Segur, Paul Philippe de Segur, Segur De Paul Philippe, Philippe-Paul de Segur, Philippe-Paul De Segur, General Count de Segur, Philippe-Paul de Segur, De Segur Comte Philippe, Philippe-Paul de Ségur, Comte Philippe De Segur, Paul Philippe de Ségur, De Ségur Paul Philippe, Comte de Philippe Segur, Philippe-Paul de Ségur, Count Philippe de Segue, comte de Philippe Ségur, Comte Philippe de Ségur, Comte Philippe de Ségur, Comte Philippe de Ségur, Phillippe-Paul. De Segur, Count Philipe-Paul de Segur, Comte Philippe-Paul de Segur, Count Philippe-Paul De Segur, Count Philippe Paul de Segur, Count Philippe-Paul de Sugur, Count Phillipe-Paul de Segur, Count Philippe-Paul de Segur, Count Philippe-Paul de Sugur, Count Philippe-Paul De Segue, Count Phillipe-Paul de Segur, comte Philippe-Paul de Ségur, comte de Philippe Paul Ségur, Paul de Segur, Count Phillipe, Coumt Phillippe-Paul De Segur, Count Philip De Segur General, Count Phillippe-Paul De Segur, comte de Philippe-Paul Ségur, General Count Philip de Segur, Count Philippe-Paul de Ségur, Count Phillippe-Paul de Segur, Paul Philippe de Ségur, Comte Philippe Paul de Ségur, comte de Philippe-Paul Ségur, comte de Philippe-Paul Ségur, comte de.) Philippe-Paul (Segur, Count. Philippe Paul de, Ségur, Général Comte Philippe de Ségur, Gen. Philippe-Paul comte de Ségur, comte de Philippe Paul Ségur, général COMTE DE SEGUR, Count Philippe- Paul de Segur -- translated by J.

Works by Philippe-Paul de Ségur


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Ségur, Philippe-Paul de
Other names
Comte de Ségur
Date of death
Paris, France
Place of death
Paris, France
Places of residence
Paris, France
army officer
Bonaparte, Napoléon (commander)
Ségur, Louis Philippe de (father)
Comtesse d'Armaille (daughter)
Awards and honors
Legion d'Honneur (Grand-Croix)
Académie française (1830)
Short biography
General Philippe-Paul, comte de Ségur, was the son of another famous historian, Louis Philippe de Ségur. He spent most of his life serving as an officer in the French Army, including as aide-de-camp to the Emperor Napoleon, and did his history writing during his retirement. He was elected a member of the Academie française. His daughter Marie Célestine Amélie de Ségur, Comtesse d'Armaillé, also wrote history.



A first hand account by Napoleon's aide-de-camp of the disaster of the French led by Napoleon in Russia - beaten mostly by winter, and hubris.
Read Samoa Aug 2003
mbmackay | 7 other reviews | Nov 28, 2015 |
Philippe-Paul de Ségur puts humanity back into an event where we get distracted by the sheer number of the dead. I've read histories now where historians estimate the size of The Grande Armée to have been anywhere from 300,000 and 600,000 men on the way to Moscow; survivors of the campaign are estimated between 30,000 to 50,000. That's a lot of zeroes, and a lot of rounding, and a lot of missing stories of human happenings.

Maybe the best possible representation of the quantitative loss was conceived by Charles Joseph Minard in his famous graphic, here:


Ségur, though, made me understand what it was like to be there:

“The road was constantly running through swampy hollows. The wagons would slide down their ice-covered slopes and stick in the deep mud at the bottom. To get out they had to climb the opposite incline, thickly coated with ice on which the horses’ hoofs, with their smooth, worn-out shoes, could find no hold. One after another they slipped back exhausted — horse and drivers on top of each other. Then the famished soldiers fell upon the fallen horses, killed them and cut them in pieces. They roasted the meat over fires made from the wrecked wagons, and devoured it half cooked and bloody.”

An amazing book.
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poingu | 7 other reviews | Jan 29, 2015 |
An unexpectedly moving piece of history. As Napoleon's aide-de-camp during the Russian campaign, Segur was present during the battles and the disastrous retreat, as well as the discussions and decision-making that brought on the destruction of the Grande Armee without ever losing a battle to the Russians. We feel Napoleon's uncertainty about whether to advance on Moscow and his consternation at the ruthless and to him (and me) barbarous lengths to which the Russian elite were prepared to go to avoid defeat, sacrificing large sections of their own population and setting fire to their capital, all the while blaming the French and inspiring fear and hatred in their subjects. This misrepresentation of his character and intentions seemed particularly to get under Napoleon's skin. The relative chivalry of the French stands in stark contrast, and one cannot help but admire the skill and daring of their generals in the face of such appalling and constantly worsening odds.
Segur is frequently generous with his praise of the Russians, especially Barclay, for sticking to his tactics. However, it is the heroism of so many of the doomed French which sticks in the mind, as well as the humanity of Napoleon, whom we are accustomed to regard more as an icon of good or evil. He was a much greater, and in many ways better, man than his eventual conquerors.
An interesting side note. The number of Scots involved is surprising. - Barclay was the overall Russian commander, until removed due to xenophobic back biting. It was only after the war that it was recognized that he had in fact saved Russia. On the French side, we find Lauriston and MacDonald. We Scots get everywhere!
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1 vote
augustusgump | 7 other reviews | Jul 26, 2012 |
A great telling of the Napoleonic campaign of Russia by one of his generals. Incredibly good detail on the workings of Napoleon's army, the formations, obstacles and the incredible amount of resources it takes to move an army across the hellish landscape that is Russia.
phaga | 7 other reviews | Mar 5, 2010 |

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