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Christopher Motz

Author of Pine Lakes

9+ Works 36 Members 3 Reviews

Works by Christopher Motz

Pine Lakes (2017) 7 copies
The Darkening (2016) 5 copies
Tenants 5 copies, 1 review
The Farm 4 copies, 1 review
The Pigeon 3 copies, 1 review

Associated Works

In Darkness, Delight: Creatures of the Night (2019) — Contributor — 8 copies, 1 review


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This novella is written like a kid's nightmare from an adult's POV. The monsters are as scary as a kid can make them, the adults as unhelpful, and time moves in a predictable slow-motion circle, exiting one horrifying circumstance to throw you into another.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. The adult character is far more interesting than the child, but he seems to be there only to pad out a short story.
rabbit-stew | Dec 31, 2023 |
Wow! This story turned out to be a horror gore fest!

A small backstory:

Linda Gianni wants to be on her own and out from under her parents. Linda also has a controlling ex-boyfriend which is Christian who is ticked off that Linda is no longer with him. So Linda decides to find an apartment that is close to her parents in case they need her but far enough away from Christian so he cannot find her.

Linda finds an apartment complex called the Blackridge which at first seems to be just what she needs and it seems to be a very nice place. The more she becomes settled into the apartment there are little things that are off to her including a small panel door in her pantry that she cannot figure out why it is there. Her landlord, Al Sterling just gushes with likeability every time he sees her and to Linda it feels that he is trying too hard. Also the apartments are just too quiet and she wonders where the other neighbors are located as she hasn't seen any except for one woman, Audrey.

As time goes on, Linda starts having bad dreams along with blackouts where she doesn't remember much of nothing and when her friends come over to hang out with her things get weird real fast which sends Linda's world topsy-turvy as things in the Blackridge are really an optical illusion and everything she sees is really not what it seems to be including Al and Audrey. When the horror of her situation becomes clear it might be too late to run as the Blackridge has decided to not only claim her body but her soul as well!

What is happening at the Blackridge? Who are Al and Audrey? What plans does the Blackridge have in store for Linda? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This book kind of started out slow but then gradually as things started happening to the character, Linda then it became more of a mystery and suspense story. Once I made it past the 50% mark the story just took off as more things started happening in the story which made this book fast paced and this book ended up turning into a gore fest near the last half of the book which I was not expecting!

I never thought I was going to become entrenched in blood and gore until I made it to about the 65% mark then the book exploded with a blood geyser that almost turned into a volcano of gore! It is a good thing I had my gore suit handy as it was definitely needed for this book!

Then this author was not done with me yet as I ended up getting another "twisted" surprise which really sent this book into "high horror" gear and I was careening through the book at break neck speed to see what was going to happen next! I can say that I literally finished the last 40% of the book within a few hours as there was no way I was putting it down till I saw what happened to the very last page! Giving this one five "apartment gory horror" stars!
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BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
Don't let this rather vague-looking cover trick you into thinking this is not a full-fledged horror story. THE PIGEON is not some little psychological tale with a talking bird or poetry like an Edgar Allan Poe story. And it's not some fancy literary fiction either. It's an in-your-face, fast paced, gory, twisty-turny little novella that might even make you laugh at times. How much fun is that? A lot! It's a LOT of fun.

When Andrew Lennon asked me if I could review this book last fall I think it was, I said sure without really knowing what I was getting myself into. If I had known it was this short, I probably would have tried to squeeze it in even sooner.

A young lady hates her job and is being stalked by her ex-boyfriend. He shows up at her house and things just go downhill from there. Fast! There's no way I can get across to you how surprised I was at nearly every turn this story took. And it's because of the fact that I want you to be surprised too, that I'm not going to go further into the plot.

If you like your horror unpredictable, bloody and gory, with a sense of humor on the side? THE PIGEON is for you!

Highly recommended! Get your copy here:

*I was provided an e-copy of this novella in exchange for my honest feedback. This is it.*
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Charrlygirl | Mar 22, 2020 |

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