Picture of author.

Rutherford George Montgomery (1894–1985)

Author of Kildee House

94+ Works 2,000 Members 21 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Rutherford G. Montgomery


Works by Rutherford George Montgomery

Kildee House (1949) 799 copies, 7 reviews
Midnight (1940) 99 copies, 2 reviews
Yellow Eyes (1937) 65 copies, 3 reviews
The Golden Stallion (1971) 45 copies
Gray Wolf (1938) 44 copies, 2 reviews
Ghost Town Adventure (1942) 36 copies, 1 review
Carcajou (1936) 29 copies, 1 review
A Yankee Flier in Normandy (2011) 25 copies
A Yankee Flier in Italy (2016) 24 copies
The Living Wilderness (1964) 22 copies
A Yankee Flier over Berlin (2016) 19 copies
Broken Fang (1939) 17 copies
The Blue Streak and Doctor Medusa (1946) 17 copies, 1 review
Husky (1949) 17 copies
Weecha The Racoon (1960) 14 copies
In Happy Hollow (1958) 12 copies
Amikuk (1955) 10 copies
The Capture of West Wind (1962) 8 copies
Big Brownie (1944) 8 copies
High Country (1993) 7 copies, 1 review
Pekan the Shadow (1970) 7 copies
Thornbush Jungle (1966) 7 copies
Ghost Town Gold (1969) 6 copies, 1 review
Iceblink (1969) 6 copies
McGonnigle's Lake (1953) 6 copies
Beaver Water (1956) 6 copies
Snowman (1963) 6 copies
Crazy Kill Range (1963) 6 copies
Anything for a Quiet Life (1946) 5 copies
A kinkajou on the town (1976) 5 copies
Big Red: A Wild Stallion (1971) 5 copies
White mountaineer (1953) 5 copies
Jets away! 3 copies
Klepty (1961) 3 copies
Rufus (1973) 3 copies
Corey's Sea Monster (1969) 3 copies
Out of the Sun (1943) 3 copies, 1 review
Troopers Three 2 copies
Mission Intruder (1960) 2 copies
Hill Ranch 2 copies
McNulty's Holiday 2 copies, 1 review
War Wings (1948) 2 copies
Wapiti the elk; (1952) 2 copies
Tim's Mountain 2 copies
Dolphins as they are (1966) 1 copy
wacky yap 1 copy
Into the Groove (1966) 1 copy
Call of the West (1933) 1 copy
Rumenooki 1 copy

Associated Works

Writing Books for Boys and Girls (1952) — Contributor, some editions — 5 copies


Common Knowledge



When Jerome Kildee, a solitary man, builds a home in a redwood forest in California, he takes in some skunks and raccoons, but as they begin to multiply, Kildee looks to two human neighbors for help.
PlumfieldCH | 6 other reviews | Dec 16, 2023 |
danacharron | Jan 18, 2023 |
ME_Dictionary | Mar 19, 2020 |
Jerome Kildee retires from his monument sculpting business, builds a small house up against a redwood tree in the middle of the California acres he's purchased, and plans on living the life of of hermit/philosopher. He didn't count on becoming host to several families of racoons and skunks, nor did he foresee befriending young Emma Lou, his neighbor from down the hill, but when he does so, his quiet retirement turns into a bustling life full of new friends, and he decides that he doesn't mind the change in plans at all.
A sweet, cozy little story that makes living in a tiny cabin and cuddling up with a skunk seem not all that crazy, really.
… (more)
electrascaife | 6 other reviews | Nov 17, 2019 |



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