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Flynn Meaney

Author of Bloodthirsty

4 Works 318 Members 31 Reviews

Works by Flynn Meaney

Bloodthirsty (2010) 208 copies, 24 reviews
The Boy Recession (2012) 83 copies, 5 reviews
Boys Wanted (2013) 13 copies


Common Knowledge




CW: sexual content/references, drug and alcohol use, unsafe sex

Well despite this being a really in your face feminist story I ended up enjoying the flawed and funny main character.

I think Alex will rub some Readers up the wrong way with her inflexible and narrow minded view of what a feminist looks like, but the sass and humour certainly made up for any annoyance I felt towards her. The author was a bit heavy handed with the messages in parts which bordered on a little bit preachy but I guess that means no one will come away from this book unclear about its themes. This book is for Readers looking for a quick, fun YA story with a main character who doesn't realise they haven't actually got it all figured out yet.… (more)
Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone | 1 other review | Feb 14, 2023 |
Such a cute book. I absolutely loved the ending and Finn was so funny.
Nicole_girl | 23 other reviews | Mar 8, 2021 |
Book source ~ Tour

Alex Heck from San Francisco was sent to a Catholic boarding school in Minnesota by her dad when she was deemed out of control and needing discipline. Ever since, Alex has been trying her damnedest to get expelled. To no avail. But this time she has the perfect plan. She is going to stage a production of The Vagina Monologues. She’s positive that will finally get her kicked out and maybe give a few of her nemeses (nuns and priests) a heart attack or stroke while she’s at it. Now, if she can just get her bestie, Mary Kate, on board with her idea she’ll be good to go. Yeah, about that…

Ok, I’m just going to come out and say it: I fucking love this book. Alex is bold as brass and not afraid to say or do anything. Pretty impressive for a 16-yr-old. I wish I was that sassy when I was a teen. Mary Kate is quite the contrast to Alex, opposite in so many ways, and yet their friendship is heartwarmingly real. This story has practically everything I love included in it: snappy dialogue, great characters, humor, action, a fast-flowing plot, and judicious swearing. There’s a bit of romance, a lot of sass, and plenty of character growth. If the Iceman ghost had been real then my paranormal quotient would have been filled. Ah, well. And holy fuck, is Father Hughes a saint or what? Alex just can’t seem to rattle the man. Ok, so he does run a co-ed Catholic school with a large student body of horny teenagers, so I bet he’s seen it all. Still, color me awestruck. This book entertained the shit out of me and that’s the highest praise I can give. Read it. Now.
… (more)
AVoraciousReader | 1 other review | Feb 16, 2021 |
Quick, witty and funny. with believable characters and an cute premise. LOVE THIS BOOK.
I had my Mom buy this book for me somewhere around the tenth grade. I read it, I liked it… and then I donated to my school library because I didn’t think I’d ever read it again.
After Christmas, I had plenty of amazon giftcards, and when I saw that this book was on bargain price, I thought about it and thought to myself “You know what? I wanna read that again.” So I bought it. And I read it again. And I loved it.
This book is so humorous and real and it feels like the inside of an awkward teenage boy’s head. It does. (I have three brothers, so I consider myself somewhat of an expert on awkward teenage boys)
This book pokes fun at Twilight and the whole vampire craze, but not in a mean way, and that’s beautiful.
It’s short, it’s funny, it’s believable, and I highly recommend this book.
… (more)
Monica_P | 23 other reviews | Nov 22, 2018 |

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