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8+ Works 468 Members 1 Review


Mysteries of Faith has been instrumental in cementing my own awareness of my thoughts on the meaning of life, on purpose, on God, and why we are all here, not so much because of what the author says, and I do sometimes think he becomes overwhelmingly circular in his arguments, but because of the way the author has started a conversation that has led me to think and question and formulate my own questions and answers. And I suppose that this is what the study of theology, at least from a lay position, is all about.

Added spring 2018. A second reading is offering new depths. I think this is a book to be plumbed. I also admit that the first time I read this book I read it in a group that did not like the book, and in this reading I am able to delve more deeply into the spiritual depths the author is trying to point us toward (but not explain, as who could?)½
dooney | Feb 4, 2017 |