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Regina McBride

Author of The Nature of Water and Air

8 Works 466 Members 14 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Regina McBride's poetry book, "Yarrow Field", won an American Book Series Award. She is the recipient of fellowships from the NEA & the New York Foundation for the Arts. Her poems have appeared in publications including "Boulevard" & "The Antioch Review". Regina McBride teaches creative writing at show more Hunter College in New York City, where she lives. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Works by Regina McBride

The Nature of Water and Air (2001) 209 copies, 6 reviews
The Fire Opal (2010) 90 copies, 5 reviews
The Land of Women (2003) 72 copies, 2 reviews
The Marriage Bed (2004) 61 copies
Ghost Songs: A Memoir (2016) 26 copies, 1 review
Yarrow Field (1990) 3 copies


Common Knowledge




The start of the book was pretty tedious for me, partly because I can never believe that anyone remembers as much detail about their early childhood as McBride puts in, so it doesn't feel real. Also because it isn't pleasant to read about the guilt tripping, social rules, and such that pervade Irish Catholic society (or is it all Catholic societies?) Such an impoverished childhood--in friendship, in love, if not in money. The switch in her abilities, after her sister's death, is supposed to be significant of how tied she was to her, but just doesn't seem real that she could gain so much prowess as to win a prized position at school. Perhaps I'm not familiar enough in my own life with the results of such focused determination.
McBride belabors the importance of the symbolism water & air of her title. I don't interpret my life in terms of the nature of air & water, & I don't agree with her interpretation. It could be interesting, but it is so wrought with meaning. Here's an example: "Air blew things in and away and water exiled its creatures onto dry land and rushed away from them. It seemed the nature of water and air, to be random, heartless." (p.113)
There was 1 quote that I connect with: "'How little hold we have on things, Clodagh,' he said. 'How easily the world leaves us with nothing.'" Rather than see this as depressing or forlorn, as the character seems to, I see this as basic & a guide to travel thru life lightly, holding on to nothing for long.
2011 review
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juniperSun | 5 other reviews | Aug 3, 2024 |
3.5 We first meet the author when she is in a psychiatric ward, grief stricken, unable to stop crying, after the death of both her parents within five months of each other. It is the manner of their death that also preys on mind, her religious beliefs that intrude and the ghosts of those now gone that cause her fright. are they real and if so what do they want?

Beautifully written, short pages or paragraphs, almost prose style, haunting and effective. her present life as she tries to move forward, her two younger sisters and the responsibility she feels towards them but is not able to live up to. Alternating between present and past, in the past we share in her memories good and bad. Her disintegrating home life, her very unlikable nanna and we get glimpses of how things ended up the way they did.

poignant, moving but although I was unable to look away , admired the gorgeous writing, I never really felt this in my heart. Glimpses were just not enough. Still a very interesting read, I loved her descriptions of the places she visited in Ireland, and loved that she never stopped trying, just wish I had felt more of a connection.

ARC from Netgalley.
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Beamis12 | Oct 2, 2016 |
When Maeve's mother and sister fall into an enchanted sleep, the only way to save them is for her to go on a long and dangerous journey to find the fabled Fire Opal and return it to its rightful owner. If she doesn’t succeed, hundreds of lives will be lost – including those of her mother and sister. Excellent read with great outlook on Celtic myths.
ShouldIReadIt | 4 other reviews | Sep 26, 2014 |
Brilliantly written, but I felt like I needed a shower after reading this book!
Eliz12 | 5 other reviews | Dec 1, 2012 |



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