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Works by J. A. Marx


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Destiny Defied grabbed my interest on page one. The believable character situations and interactions were very fun to read and I am glad to have been able to review this book. Destiny Defied is a different kind of YA novel, not having an over dramatic cover yet still eye-catching, not having tons of unknown characters yet enough to keep you guessing. I loved how this was a slower paced adventure novel, concentrating mostly on the characters and how they handle Spiritual Warfare yet it was still full of adventurous tactics.

The way Marx presented The Gospel in this book was also very inspiring, I loved her boldness in how and what she talked about God, giving each character a different personality so that she could cover many different responses. For example; Akiko, the college boy who only believes in science; Isaac, the EMT who is over confident in his own abilities; Jasen, a new Christian battling with his lust for women; Sabio, the man with the logical point of view who tends to over analyze; Ricki, the young girl who battles anger and pain because of her past; and finally Lord Vetis, complete and utter rebellion against God's will, relying on black magic and the like. As you can see, just about everyone can relate in some way to at least one of the characters, which makes this story so effective.

As for the questionable content and some of the stuff I didn't care for in this book, these are very mild. Because Jasen has always been a "lady's man" he tends to make a few disrespectful comments about women, but because Ricki is the only woman on the island, they are all in past-tense as he looks at Ricki as his sister, not anything else. Lord Vetis is the only other (and main) problematic character as he curses (not cusses) at the other characters, prays to demons, etc. Aside from these things, the only thing that I did not care for was the sophisticated language that Marx used to write the story. It was charming to start off with, but I grew tired of it quickly the more I had to re-read something to understand its meaning. I did however love the way Ricki talked, I just wish that the author had not included such big words in telling the story.

Other than that, I loved Destiny Defied and rate it 4 out of 5 stars for a refreshing read and I look forward to finishing the series!

"Thanks to Litfuse for the provision of this book in exchange for an honest review, which I have given. All comments and opinions are entirely my own."

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RayleighAnn | 1 other review | Dec 20, 2014 |
Title: Destiny Defied (The Destiny Series Book #1)
Author: J. A. Marx
Pages: 358
Year: 2014
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
When I got the novel, the first page I read was to whom the author thanked or dedicated the book to. I then turned to the back and read about the author, finishing with the Book Club Questions. After viewing these, I found it gave me an insight into the writer’s intention for how she hoped the tale would impact the audience. From the first word on the intensity and action don’t let up. The four main male characters have one year of college under their belts. They travel to this island to take a break from the pressure they face at school, along with each one’s unique internal struggle and their faith. What they place their faith in or on is really clear from chapter one. What readers get to discover is the path that particular belief system takes during the weeklong break.
The action, mystery and adventure leap off the first page and continue till the very end. The sequels, Destiny Delivered and Destiny Defended: Rakshasa’s Curse, are already available to purchase. J. A. Marx is a new author to me and this novel brings to the forefront many themes and was highly enriching. Spiritual warfare, friendship with accountability and mentors are but a few of the themes richly woven throughout the tale. I came away from the novel reminded of the importance of spiritual warfare and that it is real. The way to win is not through fleshly efforts. The cost Jesus paid for all of us is incalculable, and his is the only name that can set us free from the depth of sin, bondage from the past and give new life.
When I accepted the opportunity to review this novel, a friend of mine told me the other two novels were already available. I plan on reading them soon and sharing my thoughts on the sequels with you readers as well. I loved how Marx brought out the idea of God having made us who we are for a special purpose and always for His glory. It was good to see how the four men stood with each other and even when disagreeing they worked it out as their commitment to the Lord and each other was solid.
The suspense in the book kept me reading all night long. I wanted to see what happened with the woman who became a new woman in Christ. The characters weren’t superhuman or unreadable by this reviewer at all. They admitted their faults, allowed themselves to be honest and open with each other, and worked together to share the gospel with a woman who knew nothing but people with evil and mean actions or words toward her. One overriding thought runs in my mind as I sit here and that is God had a different purpose for these men other than their plans for a relaxing vacation. In the end, there was more satisfaction within their souls by obeying His leading rather than their own.
My rating is 5+ stars.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Other reviews can be read at . Also follow me on Twitter @lcjohnson1988, FaceBook at
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lamb521 | 1 other review | Nov 22, 2014 |

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