Author picture

Ophelia London

Author of Definitely, Maybe in Love

19 Works 208 Members 36 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Ophelia London


Works by Ophelia London

Definitely, Maybe in Love (2013) 39 copies, 7 reviews
Abby Road (2013) 17 copies, 1 review
Never an Amish Bride (Honey Brook (1)) (2020) 16 copies, 5 reviews
Falling for Her Soldier (2014) 14 copies, 2 reviews
Playing at Love (2012) 12 copies, 1 review
Wife for the Weekend (2016) 11 copies, 2 reviews
Speaking of Love (2013) 11 copies, 1 review
Making Waves (2014) 10 copies, 2 reviews
Kissing Her Crush (2015) 9 copies, 2 reviews
Someday Maybe (2014) 7 copies, 1 review
The Last Plus One (2016) 3 copies
Crossing Abby Road (Abby Road, #2) (2015) 3 copies, 3 reviews
Love Bites 2 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



I really liked both Aimee and Miles, they were described so well that I got a clear image of both of them in my head. Being in a boy band must be cool but as Miles is still a teenager I can see it becoming tough too. There were strict rules by his manager that had to be obeyed like staying single as it will make the fans go wild. He also had to be very careful what he got up to in public as paparazzi were everywhere just waiting for a story.

Aimee is like me although she is a lot younger, I could relate to her as she is a blogger and reviews books. She isn’t a naive teenager though, her heart has been broken and she will not let that happen again.

Miles and Aimee getting together is forbidden, heck Miles’ best friend is Aimees brother and it would kill their friendship. But temptation is too much to resist. Can they make it? Will Nick be okay with them and what will the manager do?

Aimee and the Heartthrob was very well written, the story was fast paced and flowed very well. I really enjoyed reading this and look forward to reading more books from Ophelia London
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StressedRach | 2 other reviews | Jun 2, 2023 |
My first time reading Ophelia London's work and it won't be my last. This was a quick read but it was loads of fun. Endearing characters who you totally fall in love with and wish only the best for. Had a bit of drama and steamy romance to add interest. Perfect summer beach read.
KateKat11 | 1 other review | Sep 24, 2021 |
This book left me wanting more and not in a good way. The summary had my hopes up but the actual execution fell flat and left me feeling cheated. A good starting point that really needed to be fleshed out more.
KateKat11 | 2 other reviews | Sep 24, 2021 |
I loved the synopsis for this book but I did not enjoy it once I started reading. The hero and the heroine had a very young feel about them which just did not work with the story line at all.
KateKat11 | 2 other reviews | Sep 24, 2021 |

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