Picture of author.

Olga Lengyel (1908–2001)

Author of Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz

1 Work 500 Members 16 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: OLGA LENGYEL

Works by Olga Lengyel

Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz (1946) 500 copies, 16 reviews


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Lengyel, Olga
Date of death
Places of residence
New York, New York, USA
Paris, France
Cluj, Romania
surgical assistant
Memorial Library (Founder)
Short biography
Olga Lengyel, née Gross, was born in the Transylvania region of Romania that later became part of Hungary. In 1944, she was working as a surgical assistant in the hospital in Cluj (Kolozsvár) where her husband, Dr. Miklós Lengyel, a Jewish surgeon, was director. The couple had two sons. She and her husband, children, and her parents were deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. Olga was put to work in the Auschwitz infirmary, where she also secretly worked for a French underground resistance cell, trying to demolish a crematory oven. She was the only member of her family to survive. After World War II, she managed to emigrate to the USA via France and Russia. She wrote about her experiences in one of the first Holocaust memoirs, Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz, first published in France in 1946 as Souvenirs de l'au-delà. A later American edition was entitled I Survived Hitler's Ovens. Olga eventually remarried and founded the Memorial Library and Art Collection of the Second World War, chartered by the University of the State of New York.



Probably the best narrative of the Holocaust I've read yet. It was equally horrifying and heartbreaking. It has lots of gruesome details that other books tend to leave out, many made me cringe or tear up, but it's important to know the horrors that went on in these camps.
Lairien | 15 other reviews | Jul 26, 2023 |
What can one ever say about such a book? That anyone had the tenacity and spirit to survive the holocaust is amazing. That you would not go completely insane under such circumstances unimaginable. Reading this book was not easy. Even though we know all the atrocities, having someone set them down in a first person narrative and knowing that these are not just tales but experiences for her was heartbreaking.

I cry over images of mistreated dogs on Pit Bulls and Parolees. Trying to imagine watching people undergo such cruelty and being unable to do anything more than struggle to survive, is more than I find bearable. I did not want to read this, but I think all of us need to. We need to for the memory of those who endured it, like Olga Lengyel, and we need to because cruelty and horror still occurs, on a lesser scale, but just as devastating to those who witness it or are subjected to it.

In the words of Olga Lengyel:

In setting down this personal record I have tried to carry out the mandate given to me by the many fellow internees at Auschwitz who perished so horribly. This is my memorial to them. God rest their poor souls! No hell anyone could conceive could equal what they endured. Frankly, I want my work to mean more than that. I want the world to read and to resolve that this must never be permitted to happen again. That after perusing this account any will still doubt, I cannot believe.

Lest we forget.
… (more)
mattorsara | 15 other reviews | Aug 11, 2022 |
I've read Shoah memoirs before. They're always hard to read, and I don't go back to reread them. This one was no exception. It was, however, short, which is unusual. That led to a choppy writing style. I'm glad things were addressed in here that were.
iszevthere | 15 other reviews | Jun 20, 2022 |
Harrowing and interesting. This is a first-hand account of being a prisoner in Birkenau-Auschwitz and surviving. Helpful thoughts on this and a well structured book.
CarolKub | 15 other reviews | Jun 3, 2022 |



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