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7 Works 627 Members 21 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: wordonthestreet.ca

Works by Kim Izzo

The Fabulous Girl's Guide to Decorum (2001) 244 copies, 6 reviews
The Jane Austen Marriage Manual (2012) 165 copies, 6 reviews
Seven Days in May (2017) 70 copies, 6 reviews
The Fabulous Girl's Guide to Life (2004) 27 copies, 1 review
My Life in Black and White (2013) 23 copies


Common Knowledge



Erin Davis review pretty much sums up my feelings for this book. But I guess that I have put down some thoughts I have on the book and not just refer to her splendid review. This is not a book that I liked so it's a pretty negative review...

Seven Days in May by Kim Izzo appealed to me as I'm interested in reading about WW1 and the suffragette movement. I was looking forward to seeing how the author would combine the storyline on the ship and that of the codebreaker Isabel in London. I'm sad to say that the book didn't really manage to satisfy me. I wanted intensity, but what I got was a bombast story with shallow characters and extremely predictable storyline.

The storyline with Isabel was marginally better than the one with the sisters on the ship. Still, the fallen women storyline has been done so many times before and better. Although I did enjoy the part when Mildred, Isabel's nemesis got what she deserved. I always like it when a despicable person gets what she/he deserves. What really troubled me was that Isabel getting an important job and the first thing she does is reading a letter from Churchill, because the envelope wasn't sealed ... seriously? And, when I think about it, shouldn't they have done a better background check on her, now that she has such an important job?

Then we have Sydney and Brooke Sinclair. Sydney is a suffragette fighting for women's rights, at least she is supposed to be it, but it never rings true and mostly she is portrayed as a poor rich girl that pretends to be a suffragette, but I lost all respect for her when she in spite decided to change from first class to third on the ship because she was arguing with her sister. Like a child with a tantrum. Brooke isn't much better, she is rich, but she wants a title and the best way is to find a poor aristocrat and marry him.

Then we have the romance story, oh this one was so easy to see that it's almost laughable. I won't give it away, but you can see right from the start how it all will end.

So, this was not a story to my liking, I persevered until the end, but It's not a book I can recommend.

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review!
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MaraBlaise | 5 other reviews | Jul 23, 2022 |
Cliched characters and a plot that is suspiciously similar to the movie Titanic... after several chapters the characters and plot finally began to take on a life of their own. If you are interested in the story of the Lusitania, I recommend "Dead Wake" which tells the tale of passengers based on letters and journal entries of actual passengers.
Chrissylou62 | 5 other reviews | Aug 1, 2020 |
Using Jane Austen's books as a guide to making a good marriage, Kate freelances an article on whether it would work in the present day. Playing the role of Lady Katherine Billingham Shaw, Kate is swept up into the glamorous lifestyle of the rich. As she researches her article and decides to look for a billionaire to marry, Kate has to choose which path she will walk--money or love.

I enjoyed this book but I had some trouble liking the characters. My favorite character was Fawn, Kate's "mentor. Kate made me crazy--sometimes I liked her, sometimes I didn't. Marianne and Brandon angered me as they criticized her but were the ones who put her into the Lady Kate role and encouraged her to do the research. As I looked at the other characters and situations in the book, I have to wonder that such cynicism exists. I feel bad for those who choose this as a way of life. There was the occasional one-liner that made me laugh but mostly I was shaking my head at the sadness of the lives of those who feel they need to make a marriage because of money. I am glad Kate finally got it right. I liked that we found out what happened to Scott, her former fiancé. What a sad ending for him.… (more)
Sheila1957 | 5 other reviews | Feb 13, 2019 |
This novel follows the lives of three individuals during WWI. Isabel works in London, decoding hidden German messages. Edward, a poor English lord travels to the U.S. to escort his bride, Brooke, home for their wedding. Sydney, Brooke's sister, is tired of the proper life expected of women of her station and wealth. When Isabel starts seeing messages tracking the progress of the Lusitania, she immediately begins to worry about its safety. Edward, Sydney and Brooke are traveling on the Lusitania.

I have mixed feelings about this book. The writing style wasn't bad and the character development was solid. However, the love triangle between Edward, Sydney, and Brooke was trite and predictable. It made Edward and Sydney very unlikeable. Isabel's back story seemed unnecessary, it took away from the strength of her character. The build-up and aftermath of the sinking seemed to take forever. With some editing, the book could have been really good. As is, it's a bust.… (more)
JanaRose1 | 5 other reviews | Apr 9, 2018 |

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