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Alex Hughes (5)

Author of Clean

For other authors named Alex Hughes, see the disambiguation page.

Alex Hughes (5) has been aliased into Alex C. Hughes.

9 Works 807 Members 45 Reviews 2 Favorited


Works by Alex Hughes

Works have been aliased into Alex C. Hughes.

Clean (2012) 330 copies, 23 reviews
Sharp (2013) 173 copies, 8 reviews
Marked (2014) 107 copies, 4 reviews
Vacant (2014) 86 copies, 4 reviews
Payoff (2013) 52 copies, 2 reviews
Rabbit Trick (2014) 44 copies, 2 reviews
Temper (2015) 13 copies, 2 reviews


Common Knowledge



This was the 4th book in the series and it was my least favorite - by quite a margin, actually. It almost feels like it was a different author. I guess sometimes characters should just be left alone after a couple revisits...

The plot was weak and the character motivations are not really very strong. I think if you hadn't read any of the other books and picked this one up, you'd be like... how did he even get into this situation - the choices he makes are not believable. I kept wondering if a rational person would make the same decisions, and decided they probably wouldn't.

And the rehashing/repeating of his past as an addict was tiresome. I assume it was continually mentioned because it was supposed to be the source of the motivation for the choices he made? Anyway, it didn't work... his "addiction" doesn't ring true, so any decisions he makes because of it also don't ring true.
… (more)
crazybatcow | 3 other reviews | Jan 4, 2024 |
A fun book. It was a nice blending of genre. I will say it was just barely a 4 star. There were a few spots that the story was a little predictable but it didn't stop me from enjoying it.
cdaley | 22 other reviews | Nov 2, 2023 |
Okay, so, I read these as audiobooks.

I..... think I love this narrator. He is who should have subbed in for James Marsters in the Dresden series when he wasn't available. And he brings the same level of resigned determination to his narration that Marsters does, which gives this book a flavor that reminded me very strongly of Dresden.

You might argue this isn't urban fantasy. It is, but with a sci-fi, techy feel to it. Telepath in an anti-telepath's world.

Either way, I devoured this series -- what's available of it. I loved them. And I can't wait for more. I can't believe these are as poorly known as they are.… (more)
lyrrael | 22 other reviews | Aug 3, 2023 |
Book source ~ Purchased at Audible

A recovering drug addict who is also a powerful telepath works for the police department helping to solve crimes. Most times it’s just grinding away at normal harder than usual to break criminals. But sometimes he helps Homicide Detective Isabella Cherabino solve murders. And this time, there’s a serial killer on the loose.

The entire book is first person and our battered and broken hero is never really addressed by name until the end. Anyway, the telepathic crime fighter has a drug problem that he tries really hard to overcome. He’s fallen off the wagon before and had stricter sanctions put upon him, not to mention losing the trust of his co-workers and place of employment, so he knows what’s at stake each time a craving hits. Now there’s a serial killer on the loose and it looks like it’s someone like him. At least, with abilities similar to his which makes things even harder.

Set in a near future where the Tech Wars have already happened and tech is now severely regulated, it’s pretty bleak. Add paranormal abilities to some people who are regulated by an entirely different governing body and there’s strain in an already strained atmosphere. It all makes for a tense and compelling read. Or listen in my case since I have the audiobook. A fascinating look at one possible future.
… (more)
AVoraciousReader | 22 other reviews | Dec 4, 2022 |


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