Picture of author.
7+ Works 412 Members 14 Reviews

About the Author

Jack Hitt is a contributing editor to the New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, and public radio's This American Life. He also writes for Rolling Stone, GQ, Wired, and, of course, Garden Gun. He has won the Peabody Award, as well as the Livingston and Pope Foundation Awards.

Works by Jack Hitt

Associated Works

The New Kings of Nonfiction (2007) — Contributor — 750 copies, 23 reviews
State by State: A Panoramic Portrait of America (2008) — Contributor — 520 copies, 11 reviews
The Best American Science Writing 2006 (2006) — Contributor — 267 copies, 3 reviews
The Best American Travel Writing 2005 (2005) — Contributor — 213 copies, 1 review
Quick Studies: The Best of Lingua Franca (2002) — Contributor — 112 copies, 3 reviews
Best Food Writing 2014 (2014) — Contributor — 57 copies, 2 reviews


Common Knowledge

Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Places of residence
Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Porter-Gaud School
Sanders, Lisa (wife)



The book investigates a variety of amateurs involved with pursuits from astronomy, to biology and more, acknowledging their unschooled unpaid nature allowed them to pursue things that the professional could not justify and often with greater creativity. Through a number of unique characters the author revealed some interesting efforts going on.
snash | 6 other reviews | Feb 24, 2022 |
Off the Road: a Modsern–Day Walk down the Pilgrim’s Route into
Spain. Jack Hitt. 1994. My friend Pat told me she was reading Paulo Coelho’s Pilgrimage, and she thought I might like it. This led me to re-watch the movie, The Way, and this led me to this title. Emilio Estevez based his script on this book. I loved it! This is not a religious book. Hitt was in a rut with his job and life, and decided to abandon his job and the security that it provided to become a pilgrim and walk the 500 miles from Saint-Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Campostela, Spain, one of Christianity’s oldest pilgrimages. He describes the route and his fellow pilgrims in vivid, clear prose. He also provides a lot of fascinating history of the route. He makes no secret of his disbelief but says his arrogance has changed into “Courteous indifference” so the trip did change him. In the end he quotes T. S. Eliot’s “Little Gidding:” We shall not cease from exploration/And the end of all our exploring/Will be to arrive where we started/And know the place for the first time.” If you don’t read the book, at least watch the movie, The Way!!!… (more)
judithrs | 3 other reviews | May 31, 2021 |
This is that staple of modern publishing: the non-fiction book built around narrative articles written forward popular magazines. But Jack Hitt proves to be a deeper observer and shrewder critic than the average journalist. He knows how language can manipulate and sees as clearly through the jargon of academes as he does through the hyperbolic his amateurs.
le.vert.galant | 6 other reviews | Nov 19, 2019 |
Well, it wasn't quite what I was expecting...apart from the synth bio / robotics chapter (which I quite enjoyed).

The chapter on Franklin was a bit blah, not having much to do with invention (when you would suppose there was much fodder there, Franklin being an inventor of several things) but rather, his supposed craziness of character during his time in France. Eh? Whatever.

Then there were great swaths of boring, like the chapter on the Ivory Billed Woodpecker. Really? You're writing a book on amateurs in America and the most interesting thing you can come up with is amateur bird watchers? The chapter was boring, long and repetitive. If he'd have said ONE MORE TIME about the educated northerner being partnered with the colorful backwoods yokel I was going to toss the stupid book out the window!

The only thing that kept this book from one star was the synth bio / robotics chapter and the fact that there were fewer errors in this uncorrected proof copy than there have been in most of the published books I've been reading lately!

The amateur astronomers chapter wasn't too bad. It started out strong, then petered out. But, it was better than most of the rest of the book.
… (more)
Amelia1989 | 6 other reviews | Jun 10, 2019 |


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