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Jon Hassler (1933–2008)

Author of Staggerford

23+ Works 2,690 Members 55 Reviews 19 Favorited

About the Author

Author Jon Hassler was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on March 30, 1933. He received his bachelor's degree from St. John's University in 1955 before going on to the University of North Dakota for his master's degree. After graduating from college, he taught high school English for the next 10 show more years. In 1970, while teaching at Brainerd Community College, he became interested in writing fictional stories. Hassler's first novel, Staggerford, a story of a small-town school teacher, was chosen Novel of the Year in 1978 by the Friends of American Writers. In 1987, Hassler's fifth novel, Grand Opening, a tale told from the point of view of a twelve-year-old boy living in the corrupt town of Plainview, Minnesota, won the Best Fiction Award, given by the Society of Midland Authors. Granted honorary Doctor of Letters degrees by Assumption College, the University of North Dakota, and the University of Notre Dame, he has also received fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation and the Minnesota State Arts Board. He died, after years of suffering from progressive supranuclear palsy, on March 20, 2008. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Includes the names: Jon Hessler, Jon Hassler, John Hassler

Image credit: Photo by Greg Becker


Works by Jon Hassler

Staggerford (1977) 459 copies, 12 reviews
North of Hope (1990) 260 copies, 4 reviews
A Green Journey (1985) 254 copies, 6 reviews
Grand Opening (1987) 232 copies, 6 reviews
Dear James (1993) 230 copies, 4 reviews
Rookery Blues (1995) 201 copies, 5 reviews
Simon's Night (1979) 161 copies, 3 reviews
The Staggerford Flood (2002) 142 copies, 3 reviews
The Love Hunter (1996) 141 copies, 3 reviews
Dean's List (1997) 139 copies, 4 reviews
The New Woman (2005) 98 copies, 1 review
Four Miles to Pinecone (1977) 78 copies, 2 reviews
Jemmy (1980) 51 copies, 1 review

Associated Works

Inheriting the Land: Contemporary Voices from the Midwest (1993) — Contributor — 16 copies
Imagining Home: Writing from the Midwest (1995) — Contributor — 14 copies
Modern Fiction About Schoolteaching: An Anthology (1995) — Contributor — 4 copies


Common Knowledge



Maryjane75 | 11 other reviews | Sep 30, 2023 |
Not a lot happens in this book about a small town in the Midwest in the 1970’s. At least, not until the last quarter of the book. Then things start to rush along, each event becoming more serious as we go.

This is a character-driven story, and I found the characters to be fully developed and interesting. There’s a lot of humor here as well, most of it subtly subverting the mores of the 70’s. It’s certainly something different from most novels. Highly recommended to those who enjoy something out of the ordinary, and don’t mind a quiet read.… (more)
Matke | 11 other reviews | Jun 2, 2023 |
Brilliant characterization, as always with Hassler, but the story itself lacks the appeal of most of his other books.
RGilbraith | 5 other reviews | Dec 30, 2022 |
My description of this novel: A week in the life of small-town high school teacher Miles Pruitt. There wasn't a fast moving plot. In fact, I'd have trouble explaining what the plot actually was. The only thing that seemed to push this novel forward was time itself.

I enjoyed it immensely, right up until the ending. I thought about it for a couple of days but am unable to convince myself that this ending isn't out of place or that it has a larger worthwhile point.

Yet, like I said, I really liked this book. I enjoyed my time with Miles Pruitt, the high school where he taught, the inept superintendent, the nervous principal. My favorite character was Miss McGee, Miles' Catholic boarder, who once set off a fire alarm at school to prevent students from hearing any more nonsense from a modern poet.

She prays for Miles (Hail Marys for the return of his faith), and she dislikes rain. She wonders about sin after observing that ferns thrive only with sun AND rain. "Does God permit sin because it's an ingredient in something he's concocting and we human beings aren't aware of what it is? Is there sprouting up somewhere a beautiful fern, as it were, composed of goodness and sin?"

She later rejects her own thinking. When I think about this novel, I expect that I'll remember Miss McGee and Miles Pruitt with equal fondness.
… (more)
SDanielson | 11 other reviews | Sep 5, 2022 |



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