Author picture

S. L. Grey

Author of The Apartment

8+ Works 507 Members 30 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the names: Grey S L, S. L. Grey

Disambiguation Notice:

S.L. Grey is the pseudonym of South African writers Louis Greenberg and Sarah Lotz.


Works by S. L. Grey

The Apartment (2016) 269 copies, 16 reviews
The Mall (2011) 101 copies, 10 reviews
Under Ground (2015) 57 copies, 1 review
The Ward (2012) 44 copies, 1 review
The New Girl (Downside) (2013) 29 copies, 2 reviews

Associated Works

The Lowest Heaven (2013) — Contributor — 46 copies, 1 review
The Outcast Hours (2019) — Contributor — 44 copies, 1 review
The End of the Road: An Anthology of Original Fiction (2013) — Contributor — 17 copies, 1 review
Pwning Tomorrow (2015) — Contributor — 12 copies
Pandemonium: Stories of the Apocalypse (2011) — Contributor — 11 copies


Common Knowledge

Legal name
Greenberg, Louis
Lotz, Sarah
South Africa
Disambiguation notice
S.L. Grey is the pseudonym of South African writers Louis Greenberg and Sarah Lotz.



I didn't like this one as much as the previous two books. The majority of the book takes place in the upside and my favorite parts of the first two books were when the main characters were stuck in/exploring the downside. Also, the creepiness and grossness was nonexistent. It was just lacking something that the previous books had, but I can't quite put my finger on what it was exactly.
LynnMPK | 1 other review | Jun 28, 2023 |
This book takes place, for the most part, in the Modification Ward of the Downside that is only mentioned briefly in the first book. I liked that we got to see a little more of how the Downside works, and I loved the references to The Mall. It wasn't as creepy and gross as the first book, but it was just as enjoyable.
LynnMPK | Jun 28, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this book! It was creepy, gross, and disturbing. I've worked in malls so I understand how they can feel "off" after hours or in the service corridors. The way the characters developed and grew was realistic. I kinda want to go to the mall now.
LynnMPK | 9 other reviews | Jun 28, 2023 |
This story was a little slow to get going, and at first I thought I was going to be disappointed in it. I don't know when I've been so wrong.
When the book begins. the home invasion has already occurred and Mark and Steph are living in the aftermath. They have somewhat grown apart in the marriage, partially due to the break in, and partially because Mark had already faced some traumatic events before the break in ever occurred. The story is told in alternating points of view, switching back and forth between Mark and Steph. They no longer feel comfortable in their own home and do not seem all that comfortable with each other, at least not enough to confide in.
A friend suggests a getaway, but money is tight since Mark is the sole provider and Steph is a stay at home mom to their small daughter.
When an opportunity presents itself to stay in Paris free via a house swap website it sounds like a dream come true. They head off with high hopes that this will be just what they need to reconnect with each other and to put the trauma of the past behind them.
Those hopes are short lived. At this point the story picks up speed from a slow build to an avalanche of terror and suspense. From the minute they arrive there is a feeling that something is just plain wrong. The apartment is not at all what they expected and the building itself appears abandoned, except for a strange woman upstairs who has never heard of the people who supposedly live there, and who tells them this building is "not for living."
Circumstances go from bad to worse and the creepiness factor rises exponentially.
I have been reading adult horror since I was 11 years old and it takes a lot to scare me. S.L. Grey has succeeded in doing just that with The Apartment.

I received an advance copy for review
… (more)
IreneCole | 15 other reviews | Jul 27, 2022 |


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