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L. A. Fiore

Author of Beautifully Damaged

24 Works 436 Members 20 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: L.A. Fiore


Works by L. A. Fiore

Beautifully Damaged (2014) 165 copies, 10 reviews
Beautifully Forgotten (2014) 40 copies
A Glimpse of the Dream (2015) 26 copies, 1 review
Devil You Know (2017) 24 copies
Waiting for the One (2015) 24 copies, 1 review
Collecting the Pieces (2016) 21 copies, 1 review
Elusive (Shipwreck) (Volume 1) (2017) 20 copies, 1 review
His Light in the Dark (2015) 19 copies, 3 reviews
Our Unscripted Story (2018) 16 copies, 1 review
Just Me (2015) 12 copies
Beautifully Decadent (2016) 11 copies
Always and Forever (2012) 8 copies
Letting Go (2020) 6 copies


Common Knowledge

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I loved this....what a special, sweet love story with lots of supporting characters. I loved them all! It had tragedy, love, excitement, bad guys, good guys, etc.... I kept thinking about all of them when I couldn't read and worked hard to get back to it. This was very well written/edited! I will be looking for more by L. A. Fiore. Well done....
DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
I really like an LA Fiore

Notes for me. Liked the ending and liked the beginning just fell like the middle sent on and on and on
TheAubergineQueen | 2 other reviews | Feb 11, 2022 |
I'd like to start out by saying the plot and basic story outline attracted me too this book. Bad boy meets shy girl, boy loves girl, girl loves boy exc. Who doesn't love a bad boy? But half way through the book I found myself feeling a bit disappointed and surprisingly unable to finish the book. I hate how in the synopsis It led me to believe that the guy would do the chasing when really, it was the female. Now don't get me wrong, girls chasing guys isn't the issue, it's that i feel a bit mislead. I tried, I really did try to finish it believe me...but tell me.

How are you supposed to read a book when you absolutely and utterly HATE the main character??

I don't dislike the main character. I don't tolerate her. The only thing I like about her is...well now that I really think about it...


Now as for the list of things I hate, that's easy.

The main character has NO PRIDE. Hey, i get it, you love him, but i can't even count on my hand the number of times i threw down this book because the main character made me mad. Boiling mad i tell you. Her decisions during the end of the first part left me wanting for more for this character.

During the whole half of the book i read, everyone was saying that the character is shy and lacking and boy they really did have her pegged, then. But towards the end of the first part the side characters were saying how much shes changing when i honestly don't see it. Nothing changed and she kept chasing him even after everything. I wish the character had taken more action instead of sitting around for weeks. If you want change you have to make it happen, and she just wasn't.

All in all everything felt rushed, not descriptive, and lacking. I felt like things were happening to fast and didn't have enough time to build, therefore effecting my connection with the characters. Which as I've ranted about, was none.

Didn't finish this book and at this point i don't plan too. It's just too disappointing.
… (more)
krisa_lynn | 9 other reviews | Dec 14, 2021 |
I loved the beginning and I had high hopes for the book. But the ending was ridiculous and made me heavily skim it just so I could get to the resolution. I really liked Saffron and Logan but by the end I just wanted to be done with the book. Side note, if her parents really didn't want a child why did they go to the effort of naming her "Saffron" wouldn't they have chosen something less noteworthy that took little effort to pick.
KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |

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