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Gene Doucette

Author of The Spaceship Next Door

27+ Works 690 Members 37 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Doucette Gene


Works by Gene Doucette

The Spaceship Next Door (2015) 199 copies, 15 reviews
Immortal (2010) 115 copies, 5 reviews
The Apocalypse Seven (2021) 101 copies, 8 reviews
Hellenic Immortal (2012) 50 copies, 1 review
Fixer (2013) 33 copies, 4 reviews
The Frequency of Aliens (2017) 30 copies
Immortal at the Edge of the World (2014) 21 copies, 1 review
Immortal Stories: Eve (2017) 13 copies
Immortal At Sea (2015) 13 copies, 1 review
Unfiction (2017) 11 copies, 1 review
Yuletide Immortal (2015) 8 copies

Associated Works

The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2021 (2021) — Contributor — 102 copies
Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 100 • September 2018 (2018) — Contributor — 9 copies
Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 132 (May 2021) (2021) — Contributor — 3 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge




So I loved the plot line, but the wording was a little over my head, which is why the Spaceship next door did not get a 5 star rating. I appreciated how the story took so many beautiful twists and turns, and although it felt like I was trudging through waist high sand in the middle of summer... I still wanted to keep going because I could make out most of what was being told, and it kept me immersed.
rannaluv | 14 other reviews | Sep 25, 2024 |
Would I recommend this book? Probably not.
It was a good enough read, I definitely wanted to find out what happened, but along the way, some of it was just kinda stupid.
I did really like some of the characters, maybe they should have been in a different book.
Karenbenedetto | 14 other reviews | Jun 14, 2023 |
I like a good end-of-the-world tale from time to time, and The Apocalypse Seven satisfied my craving for the most part. I liked learning all the individual personalities and watching this disparate group of characters come together. The compelling problem of survival in a world with no electricity where wolves actively hunt humans was dealt with realistically, too.

The biggest question in the book is what in the world happened, and even while I was enjoying the characters and watching their fight for survival, my mind was clicking away, trying to figure out what caused it all. And... therein lies a problem. I didn't buy the author's explanation for the cause of the whateverpocalypse; however, it wasn't enough to ruin the book for me. Gene Doucette's mind works in interesting ways, and I think I'll take a look to see what else he's written.… (more)
cathyskye | 7 other reviews | Feb 25, 2023 |
4,25 stars

There are two possibilities: either I'm rating the books I'm reading way too high at the moment, or my book year just happened to get off to a really good start. Either way, I found this a very enjoyable read. And unexpectedly funny. I think it may have been a really good idea to listen to this in audiobook format, because I don't think my inner narrator would have done anywhere near as good a job as Steve Carlson in capturing the voices of all the characters.

As a story, this was a pretty light one, as YA books often tend to be. Often, I found myself thinking about what the current scene would have looked like in movie format, and the humor of the sixteen-year-old Annie Collins was right up my alley (so I'm juvenile, sue me). There might have been a slight Juno-effect in that Annie wasn't entirely believable as a sixteen-year-old, especially in relation to adults in the book. The again, this was a book about a spaceship landing in a small town in the United States, so I guess realism wasn't really the main goal of the story to begin with.… (more)
tuusannuuska | 14 other reviews | Dec 1, 2022 |



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