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Marcel Danesi

Author of Learn Italian the Fast and Fun Way

130+ Works 1,625 Members 16 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Marcel Danesi is a professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto.

Works by Marcel Danesi

Learn Italian the Fast and Fun Way (1985) 176 copies, 1 review
Barron's Italian Grammar (1990) 112 copies
Barron's Italian Vocabulary (1990) 74 copies, 1 review
Complete Italian Grammar (2008) 70 copies, 1 review
Italian Demystified (2007) 53 copies
Italian the Easy Way (1987) 52 copies
Master the Basics Italian (1987) 45 copies
Italian Verb Workbook (2005) 35 copies
The Total Brain Workout (2009) 27 copies
Painless Italian (2007) 21 copies
Advanced Italian Grammar (2011) 18 copies
Using Italian Vocabulary (2003) 12 copies
Kultuuride analüüs (2005) 7 copies
Adesso - Workbook (1992) 3 copies
Tapescript Adesso (1992) 2 copies

Associated Works

501 Italian Verbs: Barron's 501 Verbs (1990) — some editions — 498 copies, 1 review
Latin and the Romance Languages in the Early Middle Ages (1991) — Contributor — 24 copies
Keith Haring - The Alphabet (2018) — Contributor — 4 copies


Common Knowledge

Canada (passport)



It is an Orwellian wet dream of epic proportions, but The Art of the Lie is also one of those books which chillingly forewarns against the state's appropriation of language and effectively communication to disenfranchise human individuality-the fount of all civic powers. Well worth a read though the intermingling of simple language and academic jargon makes it a foray into headache territory at times.
Amarj33t_5ingh | 5 other reviews | Jul 8, 2022 |
I was provided an advanced copy of this book by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book had a great premise, and the author's education laid out plans for an excellent argument. However, while I should have caught the reference to Trump's book by the title, this book is basically a treatise about Trump's lying and manipulation by comparing him to other notorious liars, specifically Machiavelli - and as one other reviewer also stated, Trump is nowhere near the intellect of Machiavelli.

This book was repetitive, and I'm honestly exhausted with reading about Trump's lying and manipulating; this book had the potential to be a good examination on the subject as a whole, and instead was determined to use one specific subject and run it into the already tired ground.
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rubberkeyhole | 5 other reviews | Jan 16, 2022 |
I wouldn't call it unreadable but its not worth reading.
fionaanne | 5 other reviews | Nov 11, 2021 |
My review of the cool skeleton book should make it clear that non-narrative nonfiction isn't really my cup of tea. But I keep trying, because that's what readers do.

This was actually one of the first manuscripts I worked on at Palgrave. I arrived right in time for the end-of-year crunch, so I was helping editors and EAs on a bunch of lists--though in this case I was only doing formatting and looking out for lyrics, poetry, and block quotes. I hadn't leveled up to permissions checking quite yet. Anyway, I read a few sentences here and there and thought it looked interesting, and then I found this copy on the take shelf and thought I'd check it out. This book published simultaneously in hardback and paperback, which means that it was/is targeted toward a more general audience than strictly researchers, academics, and upper-level grad students. In other words, I could understand it.

It will seem contradictory, but I won't actually say too much about the content--I'm a bit nervous about leaving a substantial review of a book from my own company, even if it's not a book from my list and was published several years ago. So I'll just say three things:

1. I found the first chapter, in which Danesi lays out his thesis, the most interesting part of the book. It had never occurred to me that the mouth to mouth kiss might be a relatively recent phenomenon--and I've been wondering what romance pre-1200s was like ever since.

2. A lot of the books and movies Danesi cited that I'd read and seen were just...very wrong. Plot points, timelines, and emotions were incorrect in ways that hampered Danesi's argument, and two Disney movies were actually mixed up with each other. Disclaimer: I can sometimes remember plots unusually well and I have won Disney Scene-It the only two times I've played. But still. This is an academic book. Research. (2.5 things: One of the author's surveys involved less than 50 people. Seriously. (To be fair, the economics and finance books I acquire are more likely to be more scientific than humanities and social sciences. But I have published books complaining that they're still not scientific enough, either.))

3. This book would have seriously benefited from some beta readers, if not coauthors or contributors, in other departments. Particularly women's studies. There were a few sentences that smelled strongly of MRA.
… (more)
books-n-pickles | Oct 29, 2021 |



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