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For other authors named Caroline Clark, see the disambiguation page.

12 Works 44 Members 7 Reviews

Works by Caroline Clark


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This was not a leave the light on kind of book for me as it never creeped me out that bad, but it was still an okay ghost story with quite a bit of intrigue and mystery.

An opportunity presents itself for Gail Parker to spend one night in the Seafield House along with her boyfriend Jesse who is a paranormal investigator. As Jesse tries to debunk the goings on in the house, the house seems to come more alive with activity to the point of whispers, cold drafts, thumps, footsteps, and apparitions.

Gail has her own demons to battle as she has a health secret that she has not divulged to Jesse yet and she is waiting to let him know what is going on. She is hoping the time spent with him at the Seafield House will give her the opportunity to discuss with him about her health.

The book was okay, but not fantastic as the character Gail seemed a little too wimpy throughout the book as Jesse seemed to be the more dominate character. Most of the book was just the two of them going through the house trying to debunk all the situations of the haunting.

Nothing truly spooky till near the end of the book when the last couple or so chapters the book starts heating up with a little more ghost action. This book is only getting three stars.
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BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
This was a great read! The story kept up the pace from the first page to the last page. Lots of spooky phenomena with slamming doors, footsteps, screaming ghosts, and violent entities. Kept me glued to my kindle as I wanted to see what would happen next!

The story is about a woman that inherits a home from her aunt and she moves into the house as she wants to make a fresh start somewhere else. As soon as she moves in, the house comes alive with all its antics, to the point where she thinks she might be crazy. She involves a local police inspector to help her with the house as at first she thinks it might be intruders roaming around, which they soon find out that is not the case.

The story picked up speed the more I delved into the storyline and kept me hooked till the end! Giving four stars for this one.
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BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
Since the separation of her parents, Lola has withdrawn herself, and starts talking to herself or her imaginary friend maybe, especially after the incident of falling into a deep well..
Dean, Lola’s dad, is sure worry about her, and to ease the tension and to show his love for her, Dean has encouraged Lola to attend the school prom… However, things just got worse, even sinister, after that.. One by one, three boys, who also attended the prom, are found dead, in a harrowing way…
The brilliant Caroline Clark has expertly twisted the components of mystery, hideousness, hatred and vengeance into a heart-pounding fast-paced horror story.… (more)
Emily_Wai_Catan | Jun 24, 2020 |
A very creepy, very compelling story that will keep you awake all night... and maybe some extra nights too.

Very well written, and with appealing characters, this story about a birthday gif that is more than it looks is perfect for all of us who rejoice in horror stories, and I recommend it whole-heartedly.

Claudia_M | 1 other review | Oct 27, 2018 |

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